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Oldest People You Know

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My old History teacher still bumps into my sister occasionally, he's an ex-spitfire pilot, still appears to have his marbles and my sister isn't sure if he's 94 or 95.

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My Grandmother died at 96, only her last two months were spent in bad health, and her mind was good to the end.


The oldest person I used to meet regularly was a member of my chess club:Catharina Roodzant. At 99 she played in our club competition every week. She lived to 102.



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I don’t know him, but last night we went to a new area restaurant and the table next to us was a man celebrating his 98th!  He looked in good health for 98, getting out on the town and all.  Was cool to see someone that old having a birthday.


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Be a fucking big cake then....


Both my mothers sisters closing in on 100 in good health I believe, but not saw them in over a decade.


Couldn't say beyond that as its impolite to ask 'whit age are you cunto?' to pensioners.

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I knew the old boy mentioned in this article.  He died when he was 103.

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