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About Cadie

  • Rank
    Hatchet man

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    Not Telling
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    None of your business.

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  1. Cadie

    Holiday Thread

    Or if you send a PM
  2. Cadie

    Holiday Thread

    Cat, that was beautiful
  3. Cadie

    Holiday Thread

    If StarCrossed was still here he'd be having an absolute fit that this chat was in the wrong thread
  4. Cadie

    Holiday Thread

    I was kind of referring to the sudden acceleration and power but that extremely graphic image has clarified it thank you although Cat may disagree.
  5. Cadie

    Holiday Thread

    Charon spreadsheet updated. USP ongoing.
  6. Cadie

    Holiday Thread

    I'm going to regret asking for an exegesis aren't I? I'm now assuming power without responsibility, too concerned with cosmetics (easyJet are the worst for this) and other things which will make me nervous
  7. Cadie

    Holiday Thread

    Are planes female? I take a lot of them as opposed to boats which I know are generally referred to as such. I'd never considered referring to them as "she". Takeoffs seem to suggest otherwise but I'm happy to be corrected
  8. Cadie

    Holiday Thread

    Stalking the actual plane itself (rather than flight times) is a superb example of going above and beyond the USP. Spreadsheet updated and well done Sir Have a great trip CA!
  9. Cadie

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    Yes, congratulations to you Achelous! I didn't lock that thread btw just wanted to see if I could post in it after someone else did.
  10. Cadie

    The Deathlist Howto

    I could probably take some action regarding your account but you seem quite fun and should stay here. We're quite nice really and about to go public!
  11. That was a very abrupt response Grim. Liked. Carry on.
  12. Cadie

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    And that, right there, is why I'm updating my spreadsheet on your key performance indicators. Good work. Carry on.
  13. Cadie

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    But you already do! It's your USP. And yes David you've nailed it. That's exactly what happened. That and the six figure retention fee.
  14. Cadie

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    You are here from P&B Sir and I claim my five pounds.

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