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About jimbean1121

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  • Birthday September 22

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    you don’t even want to get me started

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  1. jimbean1121

    Maggie Smith

    my brother who’s obsessed with her will be crushed.
  2. jimbean1121

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    madonna’s stepmother has died at 81 from cancer
  3. jimbean1121

    how long till' the next hit ?

    november 18th
  4. jimbean1121

    2. Dick Van Dyke

    also he doesn’t have to appear at every event. he’s Dick Van Dyke and i can imagine people would be okay if he wanted a day off or something. spend time with the wife, be with his friends, etc. this could be nothing but simple burnout. happens with young celebrities all the time, and i bet it’s a bit worse in a 98 year old man.
  5. jimbean1121

    2. Dick Van Dyke

    the way he says it comes off more as a minor quip rather than an admittance of ill health.
  6. jimbean1121

    Hollywood Possibilities

    his character from cyberchase was one of the pillars of my childhood.
  7. jimbean1121

    Donald J Trump

    the only thing i’ll spread is the news of your inevitable banning
  8. jimbean1121

    Donald J Trump

    why don’t you leave the basement you’re living in and touch some of that green stuff on the ground outside ?
  9. jimbean1121

    Donald J Trump

    as if there wasn’t any doubt
  10. jimbean1121

    Donald J Trump

    slight “um, actually” moment here, but most polls and people have hailed Kamala as the winner of the debate.
  11. jimbean1121

    Donald J Trump

    it’s obvious you don’t look at national polls or…any real metric used during election season.
  12. jimbean1121

    Donald J Trump

  13. jimbean1121

    Internet Celebrities

    her father faked her death, not Tay’s team.
  14. jimbean1121

    Internet Celebrities

    i’m not sure tbh. lying about a heart tumor is pretty insane stuff, but then again, the last guy to fake cancer didn’t really meet much repercussions so…we’ll see.
  15. jimbean1121

    Internet Celebrities

    well, there is a video of her in the hospital. also your link takes me to a completely different article

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