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Earl Gloomy

Grand Duchess Josephine-charlotte(luxembourg's Qm)

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Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte, Princess of Belgium, born in Brussels 27 October 1927, died at Fischbach, Luxembourg on 10 January 2005. The funeral took place in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg city on Saturday 15 January 2005.

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I thought this forum was for (reasonably)famous people, not relatives of famous people.

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Are you picking on our Royal Correspondant? And surely this was a prime death for the Prime Minister of Luxembourg to comment on??

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I'm not picking on anyone. I mean, what next, the crowned prince of of some far off land that no-one has heard off's 2nd cousin 3 times removed. A princess of Belgium? No offence to our Belgian friends, but I dont think that warranted a mention. :pop:

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....unless they get an obit in any English newspaper, in which case their demise is of earth-shattering importance. Why just today I was shocked, and saddened, to read in the Torygraph of the passing of Gerry Glaister and Canon Austin Masters.

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Guest Chris Martin

If you've seen the news today. You may want to add Arlen Specter to your list. The 75 yr. old Pennsylvania senator has been diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. He has also undegrone open-heart surgery and battled a brain tumor. I must say he is a possibility for '05!

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What's that got to do with Luxembourg's Queen Mother?







Anyrate I wouldn't call Luxembourg a far away land that no-one has heard of, Grand Duchess Joesphine-Charlotte was queen of Luxembourg except that Luxembourg call their Heads of Sate Grand Duke and Grand Duchess also it just happen that Grand Duchess Joesphine-Charlotte's brother is King Albert of the Belgians. I think some of us need to brush up on our geography and histroy.

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I've often wondered about that - why is he called "King of the Belgians", and not just "King of Belgium"?


If the Earl can't enlighten us, perhaps there's a Belgian or two (famous or otherwise) who can.

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If the Earl can't enlighten us, perhaps there's a Belgian or two (famous or otherwise) who can.

At the risk of offending a nation, I think that will have to be "otherwise".

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At the risk of offending a nation, I think that will have to be "otherwise".


Some famous (living) Belgians:

- Eddie Merckx - b. 17 june 1945 - cyclist

- Jackie Ickx - b. 1 Jan 1945 - racing driver

- Marc Dutroux - b. 6 nov 1956 - psychopath/serial killer

- Dr Evil (aka Dougie Powers)


...ok, that's only three.

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Wasn't Plastic Bertrand ( 1970's pop singer ) Belgian?

Indeed; and will no doubt be fondly remembered for gaining 4 points for Luxembourg, finishing in 21st place in the 1987 Eurovision Song Contest.


But who would have guessed that Johnny Hallyday is Belgian?? <_<

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At the risk of offending a nation, I think that will have to be "otherwise".


Some famous (living) Belgians:

- Eddie Merckx - b. 17 june 1945 - cyclist

- Jackie Ickx - b. 1 Jan 1945 - racing driver

- Marc Dutroux - b. 6 nov 1956 - psychopath/serial killer

- Dr Evil (aka Dougie Powers)


...ok, that's only three.

Surely that's Dr. Evilx.

Just to be consistant.

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Wasn't Plastic Bertrand ( 1970's pop singer ) Belgian?

Indeed; and will no doubt be fondly remembered for gaining 4 points for Luxembourg, finishing in 21st place in the 1987 Eurovision Song Contest.


But who would have guessed that Johnny Hallyday is Belgian?? :huh:

I knew. Ca plane pour moi.


But then, for me the Belgians are not some far, foreign people, but neighbours, a majority of whom speak the same language as I do.


Some more famous Belgians:

- Jo Lemaire (singer)

- Sven Nys (cyclo-crosser)

- Urbanus van Anus (funniest Belgian in the world)


Oh, and they brew proper beer.




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Oh, and they brew proper beer.


Very true (except for Tetleys, if drunk within 20 miles of Leeds)

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I've often wondered about that - why is he called "King of the Belgians", and not just "King of Belgium"?

The phrase "King of the Belgians" indicates that the kingdom is linked to the people of Belgium rather than to a particular territory.


There have been Kings of the Scots, the French, the Hellenes, and (according to some authorities) the Jews.

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Guest bob setaguchi
;) you a all giant F A G G E T S look at what tpye of site you on your all flaming H O M O S the only reason i found thi site is because of school now go live ur nerdy lives and die so you can be on this G A Y site! :pop:;)

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Guest One Man Jury
;) you a all giant F A G G E T S look at what tpye of site you on your all flaming H O M O S the only reason i found thi site is because of school now go live ur nerdy lives and die so you can be on this G A Y site! :pop:;)

I suggest you go to another school pal. The only thing they seem to have taught you is how to express yourself as a complete moron.


My left toe nail has more brain cells than you'll ever achieve in your whole worthless existence.


May life vomit on you on high for the rest of your natural you loathsome half-witted twat!

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