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Guest jeffonthego

Canadian schoolgirl killer Karla Homolka

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ing along:


[repeat & fade]

Ah, my favourite bit. <_<




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Guest goodforthegoose

Thanks for posting tat recent picture. I have just emailed it to everyone I know in Canada, and especially in Montreal.


I sincerely hope a Hell's Angel or someone sees it.

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Thanks for posting tat recent picture. I have just emailed it to everyone I know in Canada, and especially in Montreal.


I sincerely hope a Hell's Angel or someone sees it.

What, the Kylie lyrics?

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I am curious to know what has become of the images posted on June 21st and 30th.


Have they been deliberately removed and if so, by whom?


Or is my lousy computer playing up again......?

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I am curious to know what has become of the images posted on June 21st and 30th.


Have they been deliberately removed, and if so by whom?


Or is my lousy computer playing up again......?

The images are still there. Try refreshing the web page.




ff :devil:

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And right clicking on the space brings

Not Found


The requested URL /stuff/serialkillers/homolkazzprison6.jpg was not found on this server.

Apache/2.0.43 Server at www.francesfarmersrevenge.com Port 80




Edit: Thanks for the advice, but still no result here!


It must be this ridiculous computer/OS (thanks a bunch, young Billy G!) The pics are clearly visible on my ancient steam driven PC. So much for fancy modern technology!

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I would kill to visit there.  


But would Karla though? Or is she Reformed?

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Edit: Thanks for the advice, but still no result here!


It must be this ridiculous computer/OS (thanks a bunch, young Billy G!)  The pics are clearly visible on my ancient steam driven PC.  So much for fancy modern technology!

May I suggest emptying the cache of your web browser?




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Thanks for posting tat recent picture. I have just emailed it to everyone I know in Canada, and especially in Montreal.


I sincerely hope a Hell's Angel or someone sees it.

Recent Picture????


Where did you get it. I want to distribute Karla's pic. EVERYONE in my area should know, and I know LOTS of people in Montreal that would be very interested to know if the new neighbor is her.



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I would kill to visit there.  


But would Karla though? Or is she Reformed?

She would. Kylie would not be safe...sorry, that's wrong, she's too old for Karla. She prefers them the same age Michael Jackson does.


She's out... by the way. Just in case no one was aware.

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I love the Aussies.  One nation I could never find a single fault with.

I can. They could have kept abominations like Kylie and Rupert M. for themselves.


That said, Aussies are good company to drink a stubby with.




Let's be nice to Kylie.. She has her own personal nighmare goin' on right now. I like Kylie enough. For pop music, that is.


Not hard to look at, either.


Trade Australia Kylie for Celine Dion. Celine can sing circles around her, but looks like someone beat her til her nose swelled. She also needs to eat. Too skinny.

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Let's be nice to Kylie.. She has her own personal nighmare goin' on right now.  I like Kylie enough.  For pop music, that is.

My remark was an innocent bit of Aussie baiting. It failed miserably, since none took it.


Oh, well.




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Let's be nice to Kylie.. She has her own personal nighmare goin' on right now.  I like Kylie enough.  For pop music, that is.

My remark was an innocent bit of Aussie baiting. It failed miserably, since none took it.


Oh, well.




I took no offence. Just that Ms. Minogue is suffering from breast cancer right now, and I think that is enough on her. Rupert.. who's that?


We have awful pop music here. I have no love for Alanis Morrisette and Avril Lavigne.


They both sound like someone threw a box of pots and pans down three flights of stairs when they sing.


You must be referring to that EuroDance stuff.


I don't like that stuff much.


Funny story.


I went to Amsterdam two years ago, (LOVE this city and the citizens) and had HOPED to get away from Celine, Shania and Avril, the evil Pop queens.


What do I hear when I step off the )(&*(^&^( ed airplane???


"I drove all night" by Celine Dion.


EVERYWHERE I went, there were her stinky perfume posters. Every store playing that song. Every radio station playing it. And this stupid "Ka Ching" thing by Shania, not to mention Avril and her vaccume cleaner ad of a song "Long Cold Night".





I would rather pull out my eyelashes with a chainsaw motor than listen to any of that, and that is what I was greeted with.


And when I went to the pub for a brew, I got treated to Patsy Gallant songs. Apparently the Dutch have an affection for Canadian music.


Too bad all of this stuff was recorded and produced State side. Not Canadian at all, actually.


But it was complimentary and horrible all at once.


Horrible being the fact that I actually had to listen to this junk, but wonderful that they liked the stuff so much they could play it until my Canuck ears bled.




Just wanted to share my story.


Kylie is ok to look at, but I am no fan of EuroDance music. But I love the fact that she was able to turn it all around. I also love the fact that she could care less if she is successful or not in the U.S. She really was cool to listen to in an interview.


We all bought "Fever" and loved it here. Least most of us did.


But that was the exception, not the rule.


Love that white thing she wore in that video. Or almost wore.

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My remark was an innocent bit of Aussie baiting. It failed miserably, since none took it.


Oh, well.




I laughed, scant consolation it may be. Where is Honez when you need him? :D

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My remark was an innocent bit of Aussie baiting. It failed miserably, since none took it.


Oh, well.

I took no offence. Just that Ms. Minogue is suffering from breast cancer right now, and I think that is enough on her. Rupert.. who's that?

Rupert Murdoch.




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My remark was an innocent bit of Aussie baiting. It failed miserably, since none took it.


Oh, well.

As inappropriate a thread on Canadian monsters is for Aussie baiting, a Prime Minister of New Zealand Rob Muldoon, who is sadly no longer with us, once said "New Zealanders who leave for Australia raise the IQ of both countries".

That said, it's a marvellous place Astraya, marvellous. :D

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we are all going

on a summer holiday

no more worries mate.

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Guest Lauren



karla homolka was released today and gave an interview in french to radio canada. i think she wants to die--she showed the public what she looks like, when she could have stayed hidden for at least a little longer. she will probably last about 30 days before she is dead--unlike most people, i wanted her to be released from prison because i don't think she is likely to reoffend, and here on the outside is exactly where she didn't want to be--she rejected opportunities for parole and is currently scared: "the thought of being relentlessly pursued, hunted down and followed when i won't have any protection makes me fear for my life." riiiiiiiiiiite, bcuz her victims didn't fear for THEIR lives, and they had bodyguards around when they were being kidnapped!!!

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Guest byebyeKarla


karla homolka was released today and gave an interview in french to radio canada. i think she wants to die--she showed the public what she looks like, when she could have stayed hidden for at least a little longer. she will probably last about 30 days before she is dead--unlike most people, i wanted her to be released from prison because i don't think she is likely to reoffend, and here on the outside is exactly where she didn't want to be--she rejected opportunities for parole and is currently scared: "the thought of being relentlessly pursued, hunted down and followed when i won't have any protection makes me fear for my life." riiiiiiiiiiite, bcuz her victims didn't fear for THEIR lives, and they had bodyguards around when they were being kidnapped!!!

She lies, again, and this time she lies in French..... :D Canadian is too nice..........

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Guest Guest
Edit: Thanks for the advice, but still no result here!


It must be this ridiculous computer/OS (thanks a bunch, young Billy G!)  The pics are clearly visible on my ancient steam driven PC.  So much for fancy modern technology!

May I suggest emptying the cache of your web browser?




Good thinking, Hein! Thank you.


The missing pics are back.



......but now some of the others have gone. :D

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Sorry folks, that is me in the previous post. I'm still half asleep this morning!

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My remark was an innocent bit of Aussie baiting. It failed miserably, since none took it.


Oh, well.




I laughed, scant consolation it may be. Where is Honez when you need him? :D

Damn, and here was me thinking this thread would be about Canadians I've never heard of.


Anyway, in reply to Hein, you leave our Kylie alone. What's the singing budgie done to deserve that high level of scorn? Sure, she can't act, can't sing and is probably a multi-millionaire on the back of it, but by Jove, she wears a mean pair of shorts. And that's good enough for me. :D

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Guest Handy Off

Anyone found out anything about the Karla Homolka death pool?

Man I bet she is scared!

I'm curious about what people think about her release.

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