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Octopus of Odstock

Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

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Right, here below are all the names suggested in the Ideas & Possibilities Thread 2007 (up to 21 Jul), as mentioned by Phantom in the Near Misses thread.

Although there is no chance of Near Misses being kept "clean" as it were, due to Iain's complete lack of reading comprehension & search knowledge, what this thread might help with is seeing if a name has been suggested without going back 20 pages.

Every decent suggested name is here, even some of the sh*t Life Begins At 5 O'Clock posted.

Don't know whether people want to add to the list as a suggestion pops up, but that's not my decision.

It's in Alphabetical order to make things easy for you. :rolleyes:

Because of server issues and time constraints, and to make it easier to find people, I've done a number of posts, rather than one big one - maybe post whoring, but there is usefulness here.


The Edited Lists are all people famous enough, but also with a reason for being on a list - ie Bruce Forsyth, Rolf Harris and others perfectly healthy and not old enough are NOT included



Mahmoud Abbas - stress, assassination, smokes??

Mehmet Ali Agca - assassination?/Jail Mistreatment

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - assassination or insanity, one or the other...

Terence Alexander - born 1923. Retired & well, but that could change.....

Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Assassination?

Muhammad Ali - Parkinsons

Maurice Allais - old, born 1911 - borderline fame

Iyad Allawi - assassination is still possible, I suppose.

Shelia Allen - Actress b. 1929. Health fine, little plump, but she did appear in the Poseidon Adventure

Woody Allen - Stress, mental issues

Peter Alliss - b. 1931, v. overweight, but seems healthy

Malcolm Allison - TB, heavy drinker, v. frail

Robert Altman - Heart transplant, b. 1925

Philip Anderson - born 1923, but seems healthy enough. Might make a obit for his science work

Patty Andrews - b. 1918 - not heard of much lately.

Adam Ant - now fat & loopy. Drugs/Drink - manic depression

Giancarlo Antognioni - suffered 2 H/A's - drugs. Probably famous enough for mention in sports pages

Michelangelo Antonioni - Italian film director, b. 1912

Sir Malcolm Arnold - now in full time care. Born 1921. Health failing for years.

Kenneth Arrow - famous economist, Nobel Winner. Born 1921. No health news, though

William Asher - TV director in US, little heard of lately. B. 1921

John Ashcroft - outside bet, has aged greatly since his controverisal tenure as Att-Gen

Michael Aspel - now well, but has had a cancer battle in the past. Not a spring chicken any more, either. B. 1933

Faustino Asprilla - nominal representative of all the Colombian footballers.

Lys Assia b. 1926, won the first Eurovision - but still active

Brooke Astor - ancient old biddy. Now 104 yrs old

Dame Te Atairangikaahu - currently critically ill but famous enough?

Ron Atkinson overweight, drink problem, stupidity, had severe reaction to insect bite

Lord Richard Attenborough - age, I suppose - seems healthy. Little chubby, but active.

Red Auerbach - born 1917, tries to be active, but hospitalised many times in last year. Obit might be a problem

Robert Aumann born 1930 - has very long beard which could cause problems if it got stuck :skill2:

HRH Jean Benoit Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano - increasingly frail & now in mid 80's.

Francisco Ayala ancient Spanish Novellist - b. 1906. Obit might be a problem though

Sir Alan Ayckbourn - suffered stroke recently

Tariq Aziz - unspecified health problems - heart problems likely. But how ill is he really? Certainly frailer than before

Charles Aznavour - b. 1924 - smokes


That is a phenomenal piece of work OoO. Thank you. Haven't visited much recently, or would have thanked you sooner.

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Hadn't seen the edits until just now OoO. Fantastic piece of work, must be THE definitive reference guide. I will use this, overlayed with Rotten Ali's excellent form guide for maybe 70 per cent of my pics. The other 30 per cent will need to include, if not there already, at least one candidate from Yorkshire plus, I think, a famousish Belgian plus a "just for laughs" candidate. Sadly this would lessen my odds of winning considerably. I think I will stick, however, to a "pure cancer" list for the HDP which seems to be working quite well.


Ever thought of a publishing deal? You could call it: The Nearly Guide, a deathlist compendium of those in the twilight of life.

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Ooohh, OoO saying "whatever" had me going a bit but like whats been said, lets work together.


here's my list of "A" named candidates from a raw list cut and paste:-


65.23 1 Mahmoud Abbas 15 plo

43.08 1 MH Abrams

58.73 1 Kate Adie 10 war journo

191.28 1 1 Steven Adler 83 rec stroke weed coke coma HA heroin ABH vioProb

64.00 1 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 10 target

74.43 1 Emperor Akihito of Japan 20 prostate cancer

83.70 1 Todd Akin 20 prostate cancer

80.87 1 Madeleine Albright 25 ill fat

97.42 1 Izzat Ibrabhim Al Douri 30 target - king of clubs (was dead)

85.82 1 Buzz Aldrin 25 manic depressive + alcoholism

36.23 1 Jean Alexander

47.23 1 Mohammed Al Fayed 2 court cases

128.91 1 Muhammad Ali 30 very frail - Parkinsons'

71.43 1 Alu Alkhanov 10 target

106.74 1 Iyad Aliawi 36 target corruption

80.13 1 Henry Allingham

61.15 1 Peter Alliss 10 overweight

56.01 1 Marc Almond 6 biker

96.70 1 Herb Alpert 33 Cancer - passive smoker

72.78 1 Moqtada Al Sadr 10 target

65.94 1 Robert Altman 18 smoking weed

80.85 1 Ghazi Al Yawar 15 target

59.11 1 Mahmoud Al Zahar 10 hamas

99.96 1 Ayman Al Zawahri 30 al qaeda

115.15 1 Anastacia 35 crohns + breast cancer

120.25 1 1 Jane Andrews 40 life support

45.77 1 Patty Andrews

55.13 1 Mother Angelica 10 ewtn

49.29 1 Princess Anne

114.27 1 Adam Ant 40 fat depression mental

79.83 1 Michelangelo Antonioni 20 stroke 1983

43.62 1 Corazon Aquino

61.36 1 Neil Armstrong 10 overweight

42.33 1 R G Armstrong

39.63 1 Eve Arnold

41.21 1 Bea Arthur

109.50 1 Gavin Arviso 25 cancer

131.20 1 Shoko Asahara 50 fat drugs murder blind

45.93 1 Lord Ashley of Stoke 5 deaf

74.33 1 Michael Aspel 20 cancer

41.22 1 John Astin

99.25 1 Brooke Astor

65.22 1 Richard Attenborough 15 fat

48.36 1 Red Auerbach

96.52 1 Tariq Aziz 35 stroke assin ampt

40.71 1 Charles Aznevour



now the first figure is this overall factor I've been working on. Specially for the gazette deadpool but the RDP, DDP and deathlist shadow list use slightly different figures in their makeup and it's a relative amount and the higher it is, the more I think the person will be a good candidate for finding the "big exit door". The other major figure is an additive of all the known lifestyle and illness make-ups. Make of it what you will.

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I was tryng to research Gavin Arviso for next years DDP but very little is said about him, or his cancer these days.

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Well thanks to OoO I've crunched a few more numbers on the last post and have a few changes to my last post. Think I can go to bed now!



83.51 1 Mahmoud Abbas 25 plo, smoker

43.08 1 MH Abrams

58.73 1 Kate Adie 10 war journo

191.28 1 1 Steven Adler 83 rec stroke weed coke coma HA heroin ABH vioProb

64.85 1 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 10 target

106.40 1 Mehmet Ali Agca 30 murder, Att Murder

74.43 1 Emperor Akihito of Japan 20 prostate cancer

83.70 1 Todd Akin 20 prostate cancer

80.87 1 Madeleine Albright 25 ill fat

97.42 1 Izzat Ibrabhim Al Douri 30 target - king of clubs (was dead)

85.82 1 Buzz Aldrin 25 manic depressive + alcoholism

36.23 1 Jean Alexander

38.40 1 Terence Alexander

47.23 1 Mohammed Al Fayed 2 court cases

62.60 1 Ayaan Hirsi Ali 10 target death treats

128.91 1 Muhammad Ali 30 very frail - Parkinsons'

71.43 1 Alu Alkhanov 10 target

44.90 1 Maurice Allais

115.24 1 Iyad Allawi 40 target corruption ass atmp

60.90 1 Shelia Allen 10 overweight

52.40 1 Woody Allen 5 depression

80.13 1 Henry Allingham

95.50 1 Malcolm Allison 30 AA frail TB

62.85 1 Peter Alliss 10 overweight

56.01 1 Marc Almond 6 biker

96.70 1 Herb Alpert 33 Cancer - passive smoker

72.78 1 Moqtada Al Sadr 10 target

101.64 1 Robert Altman 38 H transplant smoking weed

80.85 1 Ghazi Al Yawar 15 target

59.11 1 Mahmoud Al Zahar 10 hamas

99.96 1 Ayman Al Zawahri 30 al qaeda

115.15 1 Anastacia 35 crohns + breast cancer

38.40 1 Philip Anderson

120.25 1 1 Jane Andrews 40 life support

45.77 1 Patty Andrews

55.13 1 Mother Angelica 10 ewtn

49.29 1 Princess Anne

141.47 1 Adam Ant 56 AA drugs fat depression mental

128.00 1 Gianbcarlo Antognioni 50 2 x HA drugs

79.83 1 Michelangelo Antonioni 20 stroke 1983

43.62 1 Corazon Aquino

61.36 1 Neil Armstrong 10 overweight

42.33 1 R G Armstrong

39.63 1 Eve Arnold

107.00 1 Sir Malcolm Arnold 40 full time care very frail

39.00 1 Kenneth Arrow

41.21 1 Bea Arthur

109.50 1 Gavin Arviso 25 cancer

131.20 1 Shoko Asahara 50 fat drugs murder blind

45.93 1 Lord Ashley of Stoke 5 deaf

39.00 1 William Asher

88.10 1 John Ashcroft 25 pancreatitis gallblader removal

74.33 1 Michael Aspel 20 cancer

61.10 1 Faustino Asprilla 1 colombian

35.80 1 Lys Assia

41.22 1 John Astin

99.25 1 Brooke Astor

169.10 1 Dame Te Atairangikaahu 75 HA critically ill

83.90 1 Ron Atkinson 22 fat, AA bitten

66.92 1 Richard Attenborough 15 fat

65.36 1 Red Auerbach 9 in and out of hospital

43.60 1 Robert Aumann 1 long beard

64.50 1 HRH JBGRALMAM d'Aviano 15 increasingly frail

54.90 1 Francisco Ayala

63.50 1 Alan Ayckbourn 10 mild stroke

106.72 1 Tariq Aziz 40 stroke assin ampt diabetes

59.41 1 Charles Aznevour 10 smoker

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Well thanks to OoO I've crunched a few more numbers on the last post and have a few changes to my last post. Think I can go to bed now!



83.51 1 Mahmoud Abbas 25 plo, smoker

43.08 1 MH Abrams

58.73 1 Kate Adie 10 war journo

191.28 1 1 Steven Adler 83 rec stroke weed coke coma HA heroin ABH vioProb

64.85 1 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 10 target

106.40 1 Mehmet Ali Agca 30 murder, Att Murder

74.43 1 Emperor Akihito of Japan 20 prostate cancer

83.70 1 Todd Akin 20 prostate cancer

80.87 1 Madeleine Albright 25 ill fat

97.42 1 Izzat Ibrabhim Al Douri 30 target - king of clubs (was dead)

85.82 1 Buzz Aldrin 25 manic depressive + alcoholism

36.23 1 Jean Alexander

38.40 1 Terence Alexander

47.23 1 Mohammed Al Fayed 2 court cases

62.60 1 Ayaan Hirsi Ali 10 target death treats

128.91 1 Muhammad Ali 30 very frail - Parkinsons'

71.43 1 Alu Alkhanov 10 target

44.90 1 Maurice Allais

115.24 1 Iyad Allawi 40 target corruption ass atmp

60.90 1 Shelia Allen 10 overweight

52.40 1 Woody Allen 5 depression

80.13 1 Henry Allingham

95.50 1 Malcolm Allison 30 AA frail TB

62.85 1 Peter Alliss 10 overweight

56.01 1 Marc Almond 6 biker

96.70 1 Herb Alpert 33 Cancer - passive smoker

72.78 1 Moqtada Al Sadr 10 target

101.64 1 Robert Altman 38 H transplant smoking weed

80.85 1 Ghazi Al Yawar 15 target

59.11 1 Mahmoud Al Zahar 10 hamas

99.96 1 Ayman Al Zawahri 30 al qaeda

115.15 1 Anastacia 35 crohns + breast cancer

38.40 1 Philip Anderson

120.25 1 1 Jane Andrews 40 life support

45.77 1 Patty Andrews

55.13 1 Mother Angelica 10 ewtn

49.29 1 Princess Anne

141.47 1 Adam Ant 56 AA drugs fat depression mental

128.00 1 Gianbcarlo Antognioni 50 2 x HA drugs

79.83 1 Michelangelo Antonioni 20 stroke 1983

43.62 1 Corazon Aquino

61.36 1 Neil Armstrong 10 overweight

42.33 1 R G Armstrong

39.63 1 Eve Arnold

107.00 1 Sir Malcolm Arnold 40 full time care very frail

39.00 1 Kenneth Arrow

41.21 1 Bea Arthur

109.50 1 Gavin Arviso 25 cancer

131.20 1 Shoko Asahara 50 fat drugs murder blind

45.93 1 Lord Ashley of Stoke 5 deaf

39.00 1 William Asher

88.10 1 John Ashcroft 25 pancreatitis gallblader removal

74.33 1 Michael Aspel 20 cancer

61.10 1 Faustino Asprilla 1 colombian

35.80 1 Lys Assia

41.22 1 John Astin

99.25 1 Brooke Astor

169.10 1 Dame Te Atairangikaahu 75 HA critically ill

83.90 1 Ron Atkinson 22 fat, AA bitten

66.92 1 Richard Attenborough 15 fat

65.36 1 Red Auerbach 9 in and out of hospital

43.60 1 Robert Aumann 1 long beard

64.50 1 HRH JBGRALMAM d'Aviano 15 increasingly frail

54.90 1 Francisco Ayala

63.50 1 Alan Ayckbourn 10 mild stroke

106.72 1 Tariq Aziz 40 stroke assin ampt diabetes

59.41 1 Charles Aznevour 10 smoker


Methinks you retired too early RA. The least you can do is rank them. And these are only the As. Where are the rest?


PS. Kate Adie? She rarely, if ever, gets near the action anymore (if she ever did).

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Ooohh, OoO saying "whatever" had me going a bit but like whats been said, lets work together.

here's my list of "A" named candidates from a raw list cut and paste:- Make of it what you will.


I'm confused.

Are you going to do the list now? Do I need to bother doing L-Z & any more updates? Do I have to update ALL your names into the I & P list? Is your list parallel to the list already, or an extra list or in place of the list?


One thing right now - I'm not going to bother continuing if this I & P thread is to list every single name under the sun. For that, all of you can buy a who's who, or check the DDP for a list of candidates or Rotten Ali can post his own A-Z list and I'll point out anything worth noting.


I'll carry on if it's just the good DL I & P suggestions - its manageable. If it's all these names, F**k it.


RA, Princess Anne? You're having a laugh...



and this is NOT me being sniffy - it's a) genuinally confused as to what RA has planned and b ) wanting to have some time away from DL - a list of a gazillion names will bugger that up.


I'll wait for clarification from RA before I do any more edits..

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I'm confused.


I say keep on doing your list the way you see fit OoO. This is your thread, and many a Deathlister appreciates all the hard work you're doing. I'm not sure how EVERYONE feels on it, but if they don't like it, they don't have to read it.


I for one would love to hear what you have to say on candidates L-Z. I trust your judgement on who is a reasonable candidate and who is not. People who you leave out will certainly die, but when they do, it will come as a surprise, and no one would have reasonably picked those people anyhow if they had been on your list in the first place.

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I'm confused.


I say keep on doing your list the way you see fit OoO. This is your thread.


Actually, it's Phantom's idea. It's his thread as well.


I think having two lists - mine & RA's will work, but only if there's different names for people to peruse. That's why I'm confused, as RA has incorporated the A list here into his A list, and also included the DDP list of A's, with numbers which further confuse me.

I don't see any point including names just because there on the DDP, as people can check there.

That's why I would like clarification if before I do L-Z so I'm not wasting my time preparing something that is already prepared.

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I'm confused.


I say keep on doing your list the way you see fit OoO. This is your thread.


Actually, it's Phantom's idea. It's his thread as well.


I think having two lists - mine & RA's will work, but only if there's different names for people to peruse. That's why I'm confused, as RA has incorporated the A list here into his A list, and also included the DDP list of A's, with numbers which further confuse me.

I don't see any point including names just because there on the DDP, as people can check there.

That's why I would like clarification if before I do L-Z so I'm not wasting my time preparing something that is already prepared.


I'm totally confused by RA's list. I don't understand all the figures he's listed.


58.73 1 Kate Adie 10 war journo


is that a 58.73% chance of her dying? and the 1 meaning that there's only one of her?

AFAIK she's retired from frontline journolism, think she retired from that at the end of the first Gulf War.

OoO. I seriously think you're doing a fantastic job. A lot more in depth than I anticipated. But the references you've put in are bloody helpful.


Also if I could throw in a few more to add to the V's. Year of birth is in brackets


Werner von Trapp (1915) - A retired dairy farmer living in Waitsfield, Vermont


Agathe von Trapp (1913) - A retired teacher living in Baltimore, Maryland


Maria F. von Trapp (1914) -Former lay missionary in Papua, New Guinea, now living in Stowe, Vermont


Rosmarie von Trapp (1929) - A retired teacher who travels extensively as a missionary


Elenore ("Lorli") von Trapp Campbell (1931) - Lives in Waitsfield, Vermont


Johannes von Trapp (1939) - President of Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, Vermont

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I'm confused.


I say keep on doing your list the way you see fit OoO. This is your thread.


Actually, it's Phantom's idea. It's his thread as well.


I think having two lists - mine & RA's will work, but only if there's different names for people to peruse. That's why I'm confused, as RA has incorporated the A list here into his A list, and also included the DDP list of A's, with numbers which further confuse me.

I don't see any point including names just because there on the DDP, as people can check there.

That's why I would like clarification if before I do L-Z so I'm not wasting my time preparing something that is already prepared.


I'm totally confused by RA's list. I don't understand all the figures he's listed.


58.73 1 Kate Adie 10 war journo


is that a 58.73% chance of her dying? and the 1 meaning that there's only one of her?

AFAIK she's retired from frontline journolism, think she retired from that at the end of the first Gulf War.

OoO. I seriously think you're doing a fantastic job. A lot more in depth than I anticipated. But the references you've put in are bloody helpful.


Also if I could throw in a few more to add to the V's. Year of birth is in brackets


Werner von Trapp (1915) - A retired dairy farmer living in Waitsfield, Vermont


Agathe von Trapp (1913) - A retired teacher living in Baltimore, Maryland


Maria F. von Trapp (1914) -Former lay missionary in Papua, New Guinea, now living in Stowe, Vermont


Rosmarie von Trapp (1929) - A retired teacher who travels extensively as a missionary


Elenore ("Lorli") von Trapp Campbell (1931) - Lives in Waitsfield, Vermont


Johannes von Trapp (1939) - President of Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, Vermont


This just seems like too much effort.

I think I will stick to my own process of putting down (no pun intended) 50 celebrities who I know are elderly or ill and pick the best 20 of those 50 for my DDP.

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85.82 1 Buzz Aldrin 25 manic depressive + alcoholism

115.15 1 Anastacia 35 crohns + breast cancer

120.25 1 1 Jane Andrews 40 life support

49.29 1 Princess Anne

128.00 1 Gianbcarlo Antognioni 50 2 x HA drugs

61.36 1 Neil Armstrong 10 overweight

131.20 1 Shoko Asahara 50 fat drugs murder blind

41.22 1 John Astin


All I know about the numbers on the left, is the higher they are, the more likely they will die according to RA. But I don't know how he arrives at that - for example Princess Anne has 49 and John Astin 41 - does that really mean Anne is likely to die first, even though Astin's older & a smoker? :D

Also I am confused about how recent the information is. RA has listed cancer etc, but does that mean they have it now, or have had it before & beaten it? Jane Andrews? Still on life support? I'm not sure that's true. I'm not sure Neil Armstrong's that overweight, either..

It's the numbers on the right I don't understand either. What does Buzz Aldrin 25 mean, or Shoko Asahara/Giancarlo Antognioni, 50?

Don't get me wrong, it's well researched, but I think we need a general explanation from RA.

That's what I need to try & work out if I do any incorporate any of this into any list.

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I'm confused.


I say keep on doing your list the way you see fit OoO. This is your thread.


Actually, it's Phantom's idea. It's his thread as well.


I think having two lists - mine & RA's will work, but only if there's different names for people to peruse. That's why I'm confused, as RA has incorporated the A list here into his A list, and also included the DDP list of A's, with numbers which further confuse me.

I don't see any point including names just because there on the DDP, as people can check there.

That's why I would like clarification if before I do L-Z so I'm not wasting my time preparing something that is already prepared.


I'm totally confused by RA's list. I don't understand all the figures he's listed.


58.73 1 Kate Adie 10 war journo


is that a 58.73% chance of her dying? and the 1 meaning that there's only one of her?

AFAIK she's retired from frontline journolism, think she retired from that at the end of the first Gulf War.

OoO. I seriously think you're doing a fantastic job. A lot more in depth than I anticipated. But the references you've put in are bloody helpful.


Also if I could throw in a few more to add to the V's. Year of birth is in brackets


Werner von Trapp (1915) - A retired dairy farmer living in Waitsfield, Vermont


Agathe von Trapp (1913) - A retired teacher living in Baltimore, Maryland


Maria F. von Trapp (1914) -Former lay missionary in Papua, New Guinea, now living in Stowe, Vermont


Rosmarie von Trapp (1929) - A retired teacher who travels extensively as a missionary


Elenore ("Lorli") von Trapp Campbell (1931) - Lives in Waitsfield, Vermont


Johannes von Trapp (1939) - President of Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, Vermont


This just seems like too much effort.

I think I will stick to my own process of putting down (no pun intended) 50 celebrities who I know are elderly or ill and pick the best 20 of those 50 for my DDP.




I did that this year, and have barely got a single bite on any of my lists except one although that has slowed down a bit. Last year I had a 50% success rate on one of them. 8 of my "pencilled in for 2007" have died

Looking at the list we have here, I've a feeling I might change a couple of my selections

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But with such a vast list, how can you dwindle it down to 50 (for your alternative deathlist) or 20 fro your DDP?

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But with such a vast list, how can you dwindle it down to 50 (for your alternative deathlist) or 20 fro your DDP?


One - they will dwindle anyway.


Two - you read through it, and think, hmmm won't, maybe & likely to die and then choose from there, I guess.

You'll end up with say 70-80 really good choices, maybe less, and you go from there.


I have a longlist of 220 odd names for DDP. I add, delete, promote & demote names as news comes in - I'm sure others do too, and it is possible for you to do the same.


Anyway, F**k waiting around, I'll do L-Z & then we'll work out what to do - it'll only bother me otherwise.

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But with such a vast list, how can you dwindle it down to 50 (for your alternative deathlist) or 20 fro your DDP?


with great difficulty...

I've had a couple of good years where my picks died in order and other years where I've scraped a couple of hits right at the end of the year to save total embarrasment and one just a couple of years ago where Artie Shaw's death right at the end of the year was a winner for me. I only picked him on a hunch.


When you start digging around news and celebrity gossip sites it's amazing how many you'd have forgotten about or not even considered. I tend to keep my list the same each year, then bump one or two off from the bottom in favour of someone that I think may be a better choice.

I'm reluctant in many cases to drop my entire list as a few in past years have died where I've forgotten to include them or dropped them in favour of someone else. Denis Thatcher, Thora Hird and Gretched Franklin to name just a few..

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C'mon OoO you can't take your bat home mid-project and you're not allowed to have a holiday. Too many of us are depending on your thoroughness in all things deathly. I await the next instalment more eagerly than I do the next episode of the Archers.

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C'mon OoO you can't take your bat home mid-project and you're not allowed to have a holiday. Too many of us are depending on your thoroughness in all things deathly. I await the next instalment more eagerly than I do the next episode of the Archers.


I'm going to do it, just so I get it over & done with. <_< Although not on holiday, computer access between 31 Jul-4 Aug is v. limited, so I might as well get it done this week. Currently doing M, N & O, then going to bed.

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Octopus of Odstock Posted Yesterday, 04:05 PM

QUOTE(Rotten Ali @ Jul 25 2006, 02:48 AM)



85.82 1 Buzz Aldrin 25 manic depressive + alcoholism

115.15 1 Anastacia 35 crohns + breast cancer

120.25 1 1 Jane Andrews 40 life support

49.29 1 Princess Anne

128.00 1 Gianbcarlo Antognioni 50 2 x HA drugs

61.36 1 Neil Armstrong 10 overweight

131.20 1 Shoko Asahara 50 fat drugs murder blind

41.22 1 John Astin




All I know about the numbers on the left, is the higher they are, the more likely they will die according to RA. But I don't know how he arrives at that - for example Princess Anne has 49 and John Astin 41 - does that really mean Anne is likely to die first, even though Astin's older & a smoker?

Also I am confused about how recent the information is. RA has listed cancer etc, but does that mean they have it now, or have had it before & beaten it? Jane Andrews? Still on life support? I'm not sure that's true. I'm not sure Neil Armstrong's that overweight, either..

It's the numbers on the right I don't understand either. What does Buzz Aldrin 25 mean, or Shoko Asahara/Giancarlo Antognioni, 50?

Don't get me wrong, it's well researched, but I think we need a general explanation from RA.

That's what I need to try & work out if I do any incorporate any of this into any list.


That's it OoO, the higher the figure the more likely the chance of dieing in the short term (everyone dies but we need quick ones).

By the looks of it I did not have Astin as a smoker - if this is the case then add 10 more points to his score.

As for Princess Anne, there has been one attempt at kidnapp allready, so that added to her risk numbers. All very prominent people need body guards and there is allways a slight extra chance that they will get bumped of by someone. Also she travels a lot and there is a slight chance that could do for her too.

Hay, OoO, you are doing a good job never the less. Keep it up if you can. Its the names with the high numbers (typically those over 120 for starters) we need such as Antognioni and TeAtairangikaahu.

Some of my numbers have been reduced it the person has recovered, but then again if you get cancer once then there is a chance of getting a recurrence.

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That's it OoO, the higher the figure the more likely the chance of dieing in the short term (everyone dies but we need quick ones).

By the looks of it I did not have Astin as a smoker - if this is the case then add 10 more points to his score.

As for Princess Anne, there has been one attempt at kidnapp allready, so that added to her risk numbers. All very prominent people need body guards and there is allways a slight extra chance that they will get bumped of by someone. Also she travels a lot and there is a slight chance that could do for her too.

Hay, OoO, you are doing a good job never the less. Keep it up if you can. Its the names with the high numbers (typically those over 120 for starters) we need such as Antognioni and TeAtairangikaahu.

Some of my numbers have been reduced it the person has recovered, but then again if you get cancer once then there is a chance of getting a recurrence.


Ah, I see (I think). Thanks for the explanation. I would personally think that at Anne's age travelling a lot is not as big a factor as it is, for, say the Pope, but that's your list and I've got mine and others have this one.

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The one's you could add at the end of the year are recently ill and

they're probably on the list anyway!

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Mike Peters - Welshman, lead singer of The Alarm. Will get an obit, even if a local BBC one. Was rumoured to have terminal illness but has overcome his leukamia fight, is back to work & will be a dad in 2007.


Good to hear that he's beaten Leukemia (again) he was diagnosed about 10 years ago and managed to shrug that one off. Although looking at the photo, he's taken a severe bashing from the ugly-stick

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Right, it's all done, re-edited, with all the nonenties and all those unlikely to die right now, removed.

Now I can have a life again. :)

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Arthur Lee - singer of Love. Aside from anything else in his past, he is now very ill with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. b. 1945


So now that he's gone, will OoO be taking up the task of crossing his name off the list, as well as any future deceased? Or are we just going to have to be eagle-eyed whenever we go over the list?


P.S. I know he said he's gone on Holidays, but I'll post this just to make him feel better:


Where is OoO? Has he died? :lol:

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