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The Bible

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. Let's look at what the Bible has to say about the female, here is just a small selection: -_-


"Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman." (Eccles. 25:13)


"Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die." (Eccles. 25:22)


"If she go not as thou wouldest have her, cut her off from thy flesh, and give her a bill of divorce, and let her go." (Eccles. 25: 26)


"The whoredom of a woman may be known in her haughty looks and eyelids. If thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, lest she abuse herself through overmuch liberty." (Eccles. 26:9-10)


"A silent and loving woman is a gift of the Lord: and there is nothing so much worth as a mind well instructed. A shamefaced and faithful woman is a double grace, and her continent mind cannot be valued." (Eccles. 26:14-15)


"A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord." (Eccles.26:25)


"For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness. Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach." (Eccles. 42:13-14)

f**k me. Eccles in the Bible! You should have heard what Bluebottle had to say.


I think this whole discussion goes back to an earlier discussion about the original meaning of the expression 'begging the question'. Using the bible as a source of truth begs the question. The Bible is right because its the word of God. How do you know God is right? Cos the Bible says so.



Now go and get f**ked.

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The bible is a book of words that teaches the law of humankind, the laws in which if followed should lead to a better life. With god it is a sheild to help others cope, and it wards off the pain of suffering which in our lives every single one of us will or allready have experienced. Some writings seem very unclear and ignoring some of the strories which preach lessons, pain and suffering in any form is restricted from gods laws. The bible doesn't lie. The best lesson I can recall is


'Do on to others as you would have them do unto you'

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The bible is a book of words that teaches the law of humankind, the laws in which if followed should lead to a better life. With god it is a sheild to help others cope, and it wards off the pain of suffering which in our lives every single one of us will or allready have experienced. Some writings seem very unclear and ignoring some of the strories which preach lessons, pain and suffering in any form is restricted from gods laws. The bible doesn't lie. The best lesson I can recall is


'Do on to others as you would have them do unto you'

Oh my.


Let it be noted that I disagree with a certain amount of the above, and I'll leave it there.


Do on to others and all that.

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Let it be noted that I disagree with a certain amount of the above, and I'll leave it there.


Do on to others and all that.


Not counting theives or killers.

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Let it be noted that I disagree with a certain amount of the above, and I'll leave it there.


Do on to others and all that.


Not counting theives or killers.


And probably not if you're a masochist -_-

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The bible is a book of words that teaches the law of humankind, the laws in which if followed should lead to a better life. With god it is a sheild to help others cope, and it wards off the pain of suffering which in our lives every single one of us will or allready have experienced. Some writings seem very unclear and ignoring some of the strories which preach lessons, pain and suffering in any form is restricted from gods laws. The bible doesn't lie. The best lesson I can recall is


'Do on to others as you would have them do unto you'

Oh my.


Let it be noted that I disagree with a certain amount of the above, and I'll leave it there.


Do on to others and all that.

BS, I like your postings and I won't disrespect your views. After all, you may be right and, if there is a heaven, I really want to go there. But you make the Bible sound like something copyrighted by Hallmark cards.

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The bible is merely a tool which the Christian Church of all denominations use to enslave the people.

Before enlightenment (I'm still waiting) it was used to keep the people in their place - a means to keep up the order of the day. Kings would use it to secure their power going on about their divine right. The people would have to stick by it's example or face exclusion from society. Even in the 20th Century the church was used to condemn the 'unmarried mothers' and their children. The book which is meant to preach love, was spewing out hate.


The churches have since redeemed themselves. Now instead of imposing power over the people by force, they use the morality card. The bastards!

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The bible is merely a tool which the Christian Church of all denominations use to enslave the people.

Before enlightenment (I'm still waiting) it was used to keep the people in their place - a means to keep up the order of the day. Kings would use it to secure their power going on about their divine right. The people would have to stick by it's example or face exclusion from society. Even in the 20th Century the church was used to condemn the 'unmarried mothers' and their children. The book which is meant to preach love, was spewing out hate.


The churches have since redeemed themselves. Now instead of imposing power over the people by force, they use the morality card. The bastards!

You mean the promise of an afterlife's just a ruse to keep us downtrodden in the anticipation of something better? Dammit I'm off to rape some mammals.

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The bible is merely a tool which the Christian Church of all denominations use to enslave the people.

Before enlightenment (I'm still waiting) it was used to keep the people in their place - a means to keep up the order of the day. Kings would use it to secure their power going on about their divine right. The people would have to stick by it's example or face exclusion from society. Even in the 20th Century the church was used to condemn the 'unmarried mothers' and their children. The book which is meant to preach love, was spewing out hate.


The churches have since redeemed themselves. Now instead of imposing power over the people by force, they use the morality card. The bastards!

You mean the promise of an afterlife's just a ruse to keep us downtrodden in the anticipation of something better? Dammit I'm off to rape some mammals.


Well if you do not obey the laws of the King who is, surely, God's representative on earth, you will go to hell? That was the route I was taking on that one. As well as the churches saying, 'Give us your money, or go to hell'.


People don't rape (women or animals) just because the bible says not to. They don't do it because of human rights laws and civility (if that is a word).

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BS, I like your postings and I won't disrespect your views. After all, you may be right and, if there is a heaven, I really want to go there. But you make the Bible sound like something copyrighted by Hallmark cards.


To be perfectly honest, I don't think that I have ever revealed my personally beliefs. Sometimes I create theories in my mind and consider them as a possibility but don't actually believe them myself. Almost as if the world was your dog and you lead them there, but can say no more.


My point is even if you believe in no after life and you don't have any spirituality in any way, atleast the bible teaches the way to be and treat others as you would like to be treated. It is a symbol of peace and I do really respect that. But it's to bad there isn't a chapter where alcohol and sex and all the other meaningless sins are tollerated up to some degree. ;)

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But it's to bad there isn't a chapter where alcohol and sex and all the other meaningless sins are tollerated up to some degree.

I believe wine drinking is quite prevalent within the bible and there was an awful lot of begatting going on, suggesting that sex and alcohol weren't/aren't considered sins.

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Isn't there a recipe for making home brewed beer in the bible?

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There's a recipe for home made wine.




First take your water....






Isn't there a recipe for making home brewed beer in the bible?

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I believe wine drinking is quite prevalent within the bible and there was an awful lot of begatting going on, suggesting that sex and alcohol weren't/aren't considered sins.


Well Jesus drank wine in 'The Last Supper' how many glasses we don't know.

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Didn't Jesus make water into wine at a wedding.


I don't know about a wedding, I heard in the middle of a forest or something.

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Bou, wouldn't it be nice if Jesus lived on earth in a heavenly kingdom, and people could visit him on there on free will. So if you were to poor at Christmas time to buy wine and you only had water bottles, in a split second, you would have wine bottles.

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Bou, wouldn't it be nice if Jesus lived on earth in a heavenly kingdom, and people could visit him on there on free will. So if you were to poor at Christmas time to buy wine and you only had water bottles, in a split second, you would have wine bottles.

In Scotland if you are too poor to buy wine or any other alcohol, we generally opt for buckfast.
It is the fuel that keeps the Scottish neds moving*.

*I believe the English Chavs opt for cider?

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Bou, wouldn't it be nice if Jesus lived on earth in a heavenly kingdom, and people could visit him on there on free will. So if you were to poor at Christmas time to buy wine and you only had water bottles, in a split second, you would have wine bottles.
Yeah, I was also thinking that if Jesus really was the son of God, now about 2,000 years old and still living on earth that I'd really hope he'd be doing party tricks.


I suppose he wouldn't have to work so hard at converting people what with the still being alive thing, so perhaps he could do it part time. :banghead:

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Guest ronn352

The good news is that about 2000 years ago Jesus Christ(God the Son) paid for our past, present and future sins by dying on the cross so that we can go to Heaven when we die.


Jesus Christ is sinless therefore He is the only person who can get us into Heaven because He is the only One who can pay for our sins(wrong doing). Jesus had to be both God and man so He could pay our sin debt by dying on the cross.


The Holy Bible says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God(The Father) raised Jesus Christ from the dead, you will be saved." {Romans 10:9}


You should not wait until later to get saved because you may die before you get another chance and you will miss Heaven.


The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful place where people live forever with no death, sorrow, sickness and pain. {Revelation 21:4}


Hell is described as a place of suffering forever for all those who are not saved. {Matthew 13:50}


If you want to be sure you will go to Heaven after this life is over just pray a meaningful prayer right now from your heart to God like the one below and you will be saved.


Dear God I want to be saved. Dear Jesus Christ Son of God I want to make you my personal Lord and Savior. Please forgive me of my sins or things I have done wrong in my life. Thanks Jesus Christ for taking my punishment for my sins by shedding your sinless blood on the cross and dying for my sins. Jesus Christ I now confess you as my Lord and believe in my heart that God(The Father) raised you from the dead. Amen.


If you just allowed God to save you then welcome to the family of God because you are now a Christian on your way to Heaven.


You can learn more about Jesus Christ if you read the Holy Bible and a good place to start reading is the book of John.



Have a great day!

Ronald L. Grossi

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25 December 2006


[Topics merged - ff]

Edited by football_fan

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You can learn more about Jesus Christ if you read the Holy Bible

You can also learn a myriad of ways to kill people too.


Isn't religion cool! :(

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Interesting Channel Four documentary this week, suggesting - amongst other things - Mary Magdalene founded the church, the true birthplace of Jesus is in Gallilee, about 7km from Nazareth, Jesus' siblings included at least four brothers and two sisters and one of his brothers - James - was a leader in the church for thirty years only to see his teachings over-turned by Peter and Paul. Oh yeah, and that Jesus' own family preached a totally different message in many ways suggesting their man wasn't the son of God, simply a prophet and teacher.


Discuss, or summat.

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The good news is that about 2000 years ago Jesus Christ(God the Son) paid for our past, present and future sins by dying on the cross so that we can go to Heaven when we die.

Would somebody mind explaining this to me in words of one syllable or less?

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