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Derby Dead Pool 2007

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U.K. obituary for Yahweh Ben Yahweh from the Guardian


(Last obit at the bottom of the "Obituaries in the News" page )

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as Windsor posted, Samoa's Malietoa Tanumafili II is dead. but he needs to get a BBC obit.




BBC Obit

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TV Evangelist Jerry Falwell is dead


BBC Obit


Congratulations to ILikeyKilly Part II and Yerttle.

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U.K. obituary for Yahweh Ben Yahweh from the Guardian


(Last obit at the bottom of the "Obituaries in the News" page )

Missing picture of Ben Yaweh:



Hay FF.

Back up top are we? Us 2 in the top 3 again! Who's our next person to kop it? Your's or mine?

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Admittedly, my form in deadpools isn't great, but I'm only two points behind you...


Oh, that's you! Welcome to the top of the pile!

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Admittedly, my form in deadpools isn't great, but I'm only two points behind you...


Oh, that's you! Welcome to the top of the pile!


Oh right - so your still saying that your entry into a celebrity deadpool is a success?

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Admittedly, my form in deadpools isn't great, but I'm only two points behind you...


Oh, that's you! Welcome to the top of the pile!


Oh right - so your still saying that your entry into a celebrity deadpool is a success?


Well, so far its not too bad. 3rd out of about 420 competitors is I think a fair position at this point.

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Admittedly, my form in deadpools isn't great, but I'm only two points behind you...


Oh, that's you! Welcome to the top of the pile!


Oh right - so your still saying that your entry into a celebrity deadpool is a success?


Well, so far its not too bad. 3rd out of about 420 competitors is I think a fair position at this point.


Quite. My emphasis was on the word celebrity. Of course, I'm no better with my Grove choice.


Then again, you chose her as well. Along with a historian whose obit probably marked her first appearance in a national newspaper, and two second class Iraqis who had an execution secured back in 2006.


Hardly worth applauding your record but then I'm probably just jealous...

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Author Rudolf Arnheim, selected by two teams on the DDP, has died. Haven't seen an English obit, much less an acceptable one, but give it time.

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Vilma Espin Guillos has died and received a UK obit already - a unique pick for MPFC I believe.


Meanwhile, neither Rudolf Arnheim nor Frank Scarrabelotti have received proper UK obits... or any UK obits for that matter.

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Meanwhile, neither Rudolf Arnheim nor Frank Scarrabelotti have received proper UK obits... or any UK obits for that matter.


Can't think why.

I looked at the link you posted and I still don't know who they are. Probably because I can't read German (or whatever that was).

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Meanwhile, neither Rudolf Arnheim nor Frank Scarrabelotti have received proper UK obits... or any UK obits for that matter.


Can't think why.

I looked at the link you posted and I still don't know who they are. Probably because I can't read German (or whatever that was).


Probably doesn't help that the link is dead either. Here's an English obituary if anyone's interested. Scarrabelotti was Australia's oldest man, his obit is somewhere in the world's oldest thread.

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Probably doesn't help that the link is dead either.


Did that get a UK obit? They give them out to anyone these days. Which says alot about those who chose Scarrabelotti.


I can't even say his name, let alone spell it. Perhaps if he had a quirky name like 'Harry Patch' he would have got a decent UK obit.


I think I've expressed my opinion on this issue...time to move on... :lol:

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Woohoo, with my Bernard Manning points I'm =140th. I've got this in the bag, suckers, you may all just as well quit now. :lol:

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Just re-reading Windsor's first post from this thread - maybe not a miracle per se but certainly a combination of luck & wisdom that got rid of Gerry Ford & put Bernard Manning in. Shame a lot of the rest of us didn't take the advice. :lol:

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George Melly's death has brought forth 6 points for the following teams...


Above Average For Norfolk

Boring Ole' Six

Canadian Paul

Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill, Kill!

Go Ahead Turkeys

Grim Rita

Madonna's Hand of Bod

Meet Your Maker

Octopus of Odstock

Pooil Vaaish

Queen of the Iceni

Rude Kid

Slave To The Grave


Gone For Good

The Douglas Bader Dance Troupe 2007

They Sure Look Like Plant Food To Me

Tick Tock Stopped Ticking

Mollie Sugden's Old Pussy

Whoopass United


And this means that there is a familiar name at the top - Meet Your Maker (AKA Football Fan). MYM is hoping to retain his title, the first to do it since Drunkasaskunk in 1999...

But in hot pursuit is STAB_in_the_DARK (AKA Rotten Ali), last years joint second.


The battle for supremacy continues...

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Guest 11001001

Six months and I still have no hit, had four last year and was quite pleased but this year, it seems my lists of geezers are only getting older, not deader.

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Guest 11001001
Six months and I still have no hit, had four last year and was quite pleased but this year, it seems my lists of geezers are only getting older, not deader.


And then two days later Charles Lane dies and gives me my first hit of the year. I should have posted months ago.

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Radio Broadcaster Stan Zemanek has died at the age of 60 from brain cancer.


No UK obit yet, but it will mean 18 points for a unique joker for Going Underground if one surfaces.


I looked at him for the WDP, but he was said to be getting better. Ah well, you win some, you lose some.

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Gerald Ford Lady Bird Johnson Must Die needs a new name, me thinks... :(


Just as I was dragging my way up the table too. My biggest miss of the year by far. ;)

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As the DDP Boys have already noticed, British actor Peter Tuddenham has died, but that link is the only obit that he has gotten so far.


If one does surface, it'll be a unique hit for The Harbringers of Condolence.

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