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Guest Goldeneye-69

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Tencha Allende, widow of the former Chilean president Salvador Allende has died aged 94

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Things are starting to get tasty over in Honduras, where authorities are refusing to let deposed president Manuel Zelaya land his plane...

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Wasn't sure if this is the right spot but here goes...Robert S. McNamara, the secretary of defense vilified for carrying out the Vietnam War, died Monday.

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Wasn't sure if this is the right spot but here goes...Robert S. McNamara, the secretary of defense vilified for carrying out the Vietnam War, died Monday.


You've probably found the most relevant thread on the right subforum (proof if need be there are so many random threads in random places) if a little late, I wouldn't know, I ignore the DL gestapo, however on the subject of etiquette could you turn it down a little? Please. :)


Of course feel free to ignore me like I ignore the other 57 anal bastards around here. I like a rebel, except of course when they choose to use comic sans or support southampton :blink:

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Wasn't sure if this is the right spot but here goes...Robert S. McNamara, the secretary of defense vilified for carrying out the Vietnam War, died Monday.


You've probably found the most relevant thread on the right subforum (proof if need be there are so many random threads in random places) if a little late, I wouldn't know, I ignore the DL gestapo, however on the subject of etiquette could you turn it down a little? Please. :)


Of course feel free to ignore me like I ignore the other 57 anal bastards around here. I like a rebel, except of course when they choose to use comic sans or support southampton :blink:


What's wrong with Southampton?

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Wasn't sure if this is the right spot but here goes...Robert S. McNamara, the secretary of defense vilified for carrying out the Vietnam War, died Monday.


You've probably found the most relevant thread on the right subforum (proof if need be there are so many random threads in random places) if a little late, I wouldn't know, I ignore the DL gestapo, however on the subject of etiquette could you turn it down a little? Please. :)


Of course feel free to ignore me like I ignore the other 57 anal bastards around here. I like a rebel, except of course when they choose to use comic sans or support southampton :blink:


What's wrong with Southampton?


Bugger, nothing (well apart from the heartbreakingly obvious). That should have read P'ortsmouth.

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Wasn't sure if this is the right spot but here goes...Robert S. McNamara, the secretary of defense vilified for carrying out the Vietnam War, died Monday.


You've probably found the most relevant thread on the right subforum (proof if need be there are so many random threads in random places) if a little late, I wouldn't know, I ignore the DL gestapo, however on the subject of etiquette could you turn it down a little? Please. :)


Of course feel free to ignore me like I ignore the other 57 anal bastards around here. I like a rebel, except of course when they choose to use comic sans or support southampton :blink:


What's wrong with Southampton?


Bugger, nothing (well apart from the heartbreakingly obvious). That should have read P'ortsmouth.


Also ignoring the 57 anal bastards, would it be too out of the way to ask for the use of "on" between died and Monday? He died on Monday.

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Turkmenistan's President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov has had a tumour removed.


[ Edit - cancel that. He's actually removed a tumour from someone else, although he isn't a qualified surgeon. That'll teach me to read articles properly before rushing to post. :banghead: ]

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Fiji's President Josefa Iloilo, 88, who has often been mentioned hereabouts, is to retire next month.

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Wasn't sure if this is the right spot but here goes...Robert S. McNamara, the secretary of defense vilified for carrying out the Vietnam War, died Monday.


You've probably found the most relevant thread on the right subforum (proof if need be there are so many random threads in random places) if a little late, I wouldn't know, I ignore the DL gestapo, however on the subject of etiquette could you turn it down a little? Please. :ph34r:


Of course feel free to ignore me like I ignore the other 57 anal bastards around here. I like a rebel, except of course when they choose to use comic sans or support southampton :unsure:


What's wrong with Southampton?


Bugger, nothing (well apart from the heartbreakingly obvious). That should have read P'ortsmouth.


Also ignoring the 57 anal bastards, would it be too out of the way to ask for the use of "on" between died and Monday? He died on Monday.

I think you'll find it's fifty eight.

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Greek dictatorship (1967-1974) deputy Prime Minister Nikolaos Makarezos dies aged 90


He was released from prison in 1990 on the grounds of ill health. See, ya release Ronnie now, and you could have him running around a free man for the next 19 years.

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Guest Guest



Shimon Peres, president of Israel and Nobel Peace Prize laureate hospitalized after loosing consciousness. He feels 'weel' again now.


maybe the next Nobel peace Prize laureate to go? Following Kim and Borlaug? Maybe on the same day, Mr. Arafat died five years before? November 11th, 2009?

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Wow, what strange things you do in Holland. Searching obscure yet living ex-heads of state. Are there no other recreational activities in Holland? :rolleyes:


I thought I might give it a go too, see if it really is a fantastic buzz. Here's a sniffter of what I came up with:


Joan Martí Alanis another soon to be octagenarian and former Bishop of Urgell, thereby former co-Prince of Andorra. (Although does he come under DDT's(?) jurisdiction, being a man of the cloth?)


Well, I can update you on his health. He's dead.

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I'm surprised no-one's mentioned this but the former Labour MP Francis Noel-Baker has died aged 89...

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I'm surprised no-one's mentioned this but the former Labour MP Francis Noel-Baker has died aged 89...

It doesn't surprise me a bit that his death, after 40 years of retirement from politics and no remarkable carreer, goes unnoticed. I don't follow British politics closely, but I can name a few UK politicians, present and past. Noel-Baker wasn't among those.




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I'm surprised no-one's mentioned this but the former Labour MP Francis Noel-Baker has died aged 89...

It doesn't surprise me a bit that his death, after 40 years of retirement from politics and no remarkable carreer, goes unnoticed. I don't follow British politics closely, but I can name a few UK politicians, present and past. Noel-Baker wasn't among those.





True, he wasn't one of the big names but he (was) one of the last survivors of the epochal 1945 General Election.


Two left now: Michael Foot and John Freeman...

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Belgian politician Pierre Harmel who briefly served as Prime Minister in 1965-1966 has died today, aged 98.

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Guest WEP

The former Mayor of Saarbrücken (1974-1985), former prime minister of Saarland (1985-1998), candidate for federal chancellor in 1990, former chairman of the Social Democratic Party (1995-1998) and former Minister of Finance (1999), Oskar Lafontaine, has cancer.


He is now co chairman of the left wing party Die Linke (since 2007), together with Gregor Gysi.


Mr. Lafontaine was attacked by a mentally deranged woman in Cologne during his federal election campaign, later he was one of the promoters für the first social democratic-green government with chancellor Gerhard Schröder. He left the party in 1999.


Since 2005, he is member of the left wing partyDie Linke and opponent of both, the government of Angela Merkel and the opposition of Frank-Walter Steinmeier.


So Mr. Lafontaine is a former government official, a current government opponent and a pal and collaegue of Doris Lessings nephew, Gregor Gysi.



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Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi has died in London aged 78.


He was briefly interim Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1990 following the dismissal of Benazir Bhutto's government.

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QUOTE (Banshees Scream @ Dec 1 2008, 08:05 PM)

QUOTE (DevonDeathTrip @ Nov 22 2008, 02:26 PM)

Tassos Papadopoulos, former President of Cyprus, has been flown to an American clinic after experiencing "back pains". It does seem rather a long way to travel to get an aching back treated...


Tassos Papadopoulos is now said to be suffering from lung cancer.


It's breaking news. You called it Devon.




More breaking news - Papadopoulos has died..


Even more breaking news. His corpse has been stolen. :)

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Rafael Caldera


The president of Venezuela from 1969 to 1974 and again from 1994 to 1999 (predecessor of the incumbent Hugo Chavez) has died aged 93. He had suffered from Parkinson's disease for several years.


Sorry it's not a great link, but it's the only one I can find in English at the moment.

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