Alright, chillax! I was only kidding ffs.
But really I can't remember a single time when they actually explained that difference. They just said "They weren't GCSEs in my day they were O-levels!". So if they were trying to express that point it never came across.
I guess maybe I'm talking to a "victim" of the "if you can't perform on exam day, you're screwed" system? Or not?
Funny little anedcote-type thing about the whole "improving your grade" thing is that I did a short story for my English Literature GCSE that my teacher said would receive an A grade if I actually corrected the spelling errors. I could never be bothered to do this, despite the fact that it was typed out on Word and all I had to do was click the autocorrect button and then print out a fresh copy. But I couldn't even be arsed to do that. And eventually that was the difference between me getting an A in Eng Lit and a B which is what I would have got. And it would have been my only A too.
Damn you wrestling or videogames or whatever dumb crap I was doing at the time.....
The point about O-levels was that they were a two tiered system either you would be entered for the O-level or the CSE if you were "less able"
The GCSE system was intended to create a continuum that all students took the same exam but there has always been the suspiscion from employers that the new system was 'dumbed down'.
I did O-levels but we were guinea pigs for the first proto GCSEs.
If I remember rightly an A in CSE was the equivalent of a C in O-Level.
Close but CSEs were graded 1-5 so a Grade 1 was equivalent of an O-level.
I got 5 O-levels and three CSEs because I made really bad option choices for my subjects. I was told to pick German if I wanted to study Chemistry at degree level but I was really bad at languages.
Oh yes, they were numerical grades. I did the same number as you. I screwed up on my languages by choosing to do French, Spanish and German in my 3rd year which totally screwed me up for that year. I ended up doing Home Ec., French and Drama for CSE. My real surprise was getting a B for O-Level in Art even though I was crap at it.