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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 20 minutes ago, msc said:

    Yes, and he also produced pdf friendly versions for me. Very useful, and beyond the call of duty.


    You do realise you can sort the fucking forum by start date already, I've honestly no clue what the usefulness of this fucking spreadsheet is to anybody having PMed Cat to ask? If anyone could fill in the gaps I might think him less a lunatic and more an anorak.........


    But kudos to Cat for the effort, if someone finds it useful :scratchhead: :) 

  2. Looks like @Cat O'Falk has gone full fucking rain-man......


    Creating a spreadsheet for threads sort it can be sorted by start date (something you can do on site anyway) and so it can be searched for terms fewer than four characters (something you can do via google anyway)....


    Even more bizarrelly he's sharing it by Youtube......





    :lol::lol: I know this forum is full of nutters with too much time on their hands, but fucking hell......

  3. 31 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

    I was basing it on the 627 episodes that we quoted on line but 9 hours does give you some leeway but not all episodes are 25 mins.


    I'd assume anyone that dedicated would just find some recons for the missing episodes (currently working through my personal marathon and anyone who could watch 9 hours of recons a day is not human....)


    I get 8 hrs 25 minutes or so for the Britbox episode. 


    There's 68 not on Britbox in any form (honestly thought it would be more than this! ) 


    So you'd need roughly 9 hrs and 20 minutes a day to finish Classic Who in a month with recons and you'd have to be insane to manage that.....


    Who-ology did do accurate running time figures for each classic Doctor in one of their books, if any of the proper nerds has that lying around..... 

    • Like 1

  4. 2 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    Actually I called him Kinnock out of respect of the request to do so.  
    Interestingly, I have the opposite problem.  I don't recall asking to change my name to arsehole but everyone calling me that. :unsure:


    Well, you've always been a brownnosing cunt haven't you.

    • Haha 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Bibliogryphon said:

    I did a rough calculation. If you opt for the 30 day free trial you could get through all the classic DW episodes if you committed to watching 9 hours a day.


    How rough?


    Have you removed all the missing episodes thy don't have?

  6. Just now, msc said:

    tbh I thought Toast was joining the Cup for a second there the moment I'm no longer in charge! :D


    Nah as you said  yourself Toast actually foresaw what a fucking stupid, barrel-scraper inducing idea of a competition this piece of shit was and how it would encourage to pick their next door neighbour with fucking cancer and vegetables about to be fucking stabbed. Even it's 'fame' requiremets ae something of a fucking joke you cunt.

    • Like 1

  7. 1 minute ago, Toast said:


    Damn, I was just going to bed and here comes one of Deathers's meltdowns by the look of things.  I'm going to miss all the fun.


    I'm not having a meltdown you fucking tosspot, I'm saying what I fucking think of this shithole, since your in bed why don't you join @Banana in experimenting with autoerotic asphyxiation, hopefully you'll Stephen Milligan yourself.

    • Haha 1

  8. 2 minutes ago, Banana said:



    That it, k.  When @Lord Fellatio Nelson was talking about to many boring smart arses your exactly the kind of cunt he was on about.

    This forums full of them now, not like the old days were you could have a joke at someone's expense and rather than be a soft cunt they'd bite back equally harshly, not just 'k' fucking 'k'.


    Just fucking try 'em out and let us know how it goes..... oh wait all being well for the rest of us you won't be able too


    I give up on this fucking cesspit of self absorbed, narcissistics, geeks misusng their talents and cunts.

    Deadpooling fun destroyed by data anaroks lauding over cancer mums, the forums destroyed by boring cunts like you  Joey Russ, Death impends, Spade, DDT etc..


    The lunatics really have taken over the fucking asylum....


  9. Every time this thread is bumped it's not an irate visitor. cunts.


    @Banana members have their own ranting thread in Extra Curriculur...... go fucking use it rather than this - reserved for visitors, who are generally a lot more fucking entertaining than soft cunts like you who'd be better off shoving yourself inbetween the guillitone or going a bit too far with the autoerotic asyphxiation (if your obitable that is)


    Fucking miserable cunt. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, msc said:

    So basically, you mention shagging and Gooseberry will remember your post for years...



    Anyhow, I stand by my views expressed in 2016 when the whole Joey identity joke first turned up. If he were Zorders, then Zorders have chilled the fuck out considerably...


    Yeah I somehow thought I wouldn't be the first one to notice that...... :lol:


    But he would have knew he needed to chill the fuck out considerably  to not get banned again surely? 


    I always though MK might be a Zorder's alt but a year is a fucking long time to maintain a dupe account without forgetting the password and/or the email you set it up on (trust me.... ;)) that regularly posts before you get perma-banned. A month would be less effort, but still believably different.


    Also given the fact I'm still here I can't work out/remember how Zorder's got banned? Did he threaten to bomb all the muzzas or something or was it the whole 'kill yourself' stuff?

  11. 9 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    I have no idea what you’re talking about but I’m willing to let people think that?



    6 minutes ago, Gooseberry Crumble said:

    I'm sure it was in a thread about DL members who'd gone missing from the board and your name was mentioned in connection with "getting your end away " I believe the phrase was!



    It was one of the mooted options - that or setting up a Scottish unionist militia........


    Anyway Zorders got banned on June 26th 2016 - Joey's account was created on June 4th 2016.


    Just enough time before  Zorders ban (which he and everyone with half a brain cell knew was coming) to look suspiciously not blatantly suspicious.....


    @Joey Russ How's your Tor Browser holding up and are you going to drop the edgy teen persona now?

    • Haha 1

  12. 3 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    Who is he? I don’t know anyone these days as everyone keeps changing their names.


    He's always went by Joey Russ as far as I am aware.....


    Joined 2016 - which given it feels like I haven't really noticed you for years probably explains why you don't recognise him....


    Is this just part of your annual New Year drive-by or you actually looking to stick around this time?


    In his defense he does a fair bit of donkey work in the deadpooling section to make up for being an irritating twat/teenager - delete as appropriate - not sure there's really a difference.


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