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Posts posted by MortalCaso

  1. 6 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    Just wondering why the Don Young fascination.  I can never figure out what’s compelling around here at times. Some complete nobody Alaskan (USA) representative that no one has talked about gets 6 emotional responses.


    I can't speak for everyone else, but I shall share my own reasoning. As a American.


    1. I gave a 'shocked' face, as it doesn't really trigger any other emotion from me. I am just surprised it happened.

    2. Don Young was the current Dean of the U.S House. The man has had the same job since the 70's.

    3. Young was planning to run for re-election. Previously stating something to effect of, 'He will run till he loses or dies'.

    4. This throws Alaskan politics into a whirlwind, and as someone who follows politics closely, it will be interesting.

    5. Despite being 88, he reportedly died randomly on an airplane. No health issues that I've been made aware of.

    6. As a sitting Congress member, his death would be notable in any given year. In the currently razor-thin divided House, this may have a major impact.


    Lastly, just because someone is not mentioned on this site....does not mean they don't have significance. Either from a world-wide perspective, national perspective, or even individual perspective. Stop being an ASS for no reason. You cunt.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, CastAway said:

    they may have found out something new when they were informed of Zakrzewski's death, but IDK. 


    there was twitter chatter that there have been 3 international journalists killed already earlier today. 2 we know, and if the twitter chatter was real, Hall may have passed of his injuries - remains to be seen though

    I don't know how to embed tweets. Check out this guy. Update on Hall + mentioned the photojournalist from FOX who died, 13 hour before anyone else.



  3. Adding some more info to a post above.


    (Wiki)  Brent Renaud was killed at age 50/51 on March 13th after being shot in the neck. Reported to be Russian forces. At the time, Renaud was an independent journalist doing work for TIME magazine. Previously, he had worked with NYT and had also produced films (documentaries) for places such as HBO and VOX. The man was well known to travel into danger all around the world and film it for those unknowing back-home. Highly recommend everyone here read more about him and/or watch some of his films. Truly an inspiring man with a shocking level of bravery.


    I doubt anything major comes out of his death policy wise (sadly). All we can do is respect his work and the man he was. RIP

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  4. This thread, like many others, surely needed to be created! Made in 2018 with barely any mention until his death!


    Add it to the list of notable people who have a thread. 


    That being said RIP. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Leon Brittan said:

    I remember veggie tales. And remember it being a load of religious subliminal shite

    Not subliminal at all. Every episode was based on a story from the Bible. It also quoted scripture constantly.


    If nothing else, It was very open about what it was. 

    • Like 1

  6. 1 minute ago, prussianblue said:

    An interesting map which aims to counter the idea of large territorial gains and show a more accurate summary of the Russian advance. In short, they control roads and the settlements along them, but not the land in between.


    The defence analyst I saw that shared it compared it to the Axis forces in Yugoslavia and the Soviets in Afghanistan, two situations where large insurgencies kept those occupation forces very busy before they were ultimately forced to withdraw.


    I saw this posted on Twitter earlier. Don't necessarily agree with it, seems like a Ukraine talking point more than anything realistic IMO. 


    Even the land Russians take though, they still fight for everyday. 

  7. There has been a few Ukranian deaths noted on Wiki over the last week or so. Seems as though people are reporting the deaths in a more timely manner due to all the attention Ukraine is getting. Or they are dying as a result of conflict.


    Seems notable either way

  8. 5 hours ago, Toast said:


    No, of course not.  I just looked to see how many more deaths had been added to yesterday's date.

    I stand by my original comment - that it's ridiculous to claim a day as "deathless" before the day is even over.  As we all know, deaths are often announced days or even weeks afterwards.

    This seems a bit like the "Most notable deaths each month" argument. It's subjective. Obviously people die everyday. At the time it was a bit odd how no one was added to the Wiki page. Been a few months since I'd seen that personally. At least so late in the day. 


    Deep breaths everyone. 

  9. There should be a list made somewhere.


    Somewhat like the notable COVID-19 list Wikipedia has. Is that something you could add to the new wiki site you guys made @Ulitzer95?


    So far we have a Chechyna General, Ukrainian military figure, and now an athlete. The list will increase sadly, only getting more notable as we go.

    • Sad 1

  10. 13 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

    Even air raids would trigger it. And the Baltic state capitals are easily in the range of Russian conventional missiles.

    President Lukashenko of Belarus appeared on state Tv with a map which seems to show Russian wants to invade the separatist part of Moldova. Romania would find it hard to not get involved if the whole of the Moldova then somehow became a war zone and Romania is in NATO. I can’t see that theatre causing WW3 but it’s not impossible. 

    It wouldn't be an invasion. They already control that area of Moldova and have for quite some time. It's a mere formality. 


    Everyone keeps saying WW3. It isn't happening. A World War takes allies. Russia has none. China isn't going to risk World War for a country they don't even like much. China wants to, and is becoming, the new U.S style world-power. Mainly through economics. They would waste a lot of time and effort to fight now. If Russia escalates this farther they (Putin) will be alone.

  11. 51 minutes ago, Tower1 said:


    I don't know in which world you live but laws have been broken a lot. Vaccines are unlawful because they haven't been properly tested, health measures in last two years too because they've done more harm and are unconstitutional from start.

    Everything that America did in foreign policy was unlawful but still nobody cried when they bombed 3rd world countries together with Israel with the weapon produced by NATO member countries. So I won't cry either if Russia is bombing Ukraine because Ukraine is basically America. 

    And there is no freedom of speech too because you can't say something like this (the truth) on social networks etc, only on forums like this.

    I wish you couldn't. The site loses nothing if you are lost. Similar to others.


    You'd think a site devoted to death would realize life is too short to deal with such people. 

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