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Guest iain

Damn, won't anyone die?

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Here's a suggestion DeathLustBoy--VOLUNTEER for the list next year and then be the first to have success. Although you won't be around to celebrate your success you'll be long remembered.

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Guest JezT


Is it just me or does anyone else think this year isnt going so well, it might speed up again towards the end of the year, but only 5 deaths in 6 months?

Is it always this slow?


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Guest Old Bones

Guess its always like this in the warmer months, just wait till AUTUMN/WINTER kicks in, the cold will have them dropping like lead balloons....... :banghead:

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Guess its always like this in the warmer months, just wait till AUTUMN/WINTER kicks in, the cold will have them dropping like lead balloons....... :banghead:

That's a load of old bollocks, it's the heat that gets them.

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Guest IYG

Actually, we're exactly on par with last year. By this time 2004 had 5 deaths as well.

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How many threads do we now have on this subject?


Does this sort of question arise every year, or is it just because membership has risen so much recently?


Just have some patience folks. It is a virtue you know. The people who chose the names for the List are experts with a lot of experience in their field and know exactly what they are doing. Probably.

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How many threads do we now have on this subject?


Does this sort of question arise every year, or is it just because membership has risen so much recently?


Just have some patience folks. It is a virtue you know. The people who chose the names for the List are experts with a lot of experience in their field and know exactly what they are doing. Probably.

I definitly have to agree with the potato on this one. Theres allready been proboby

3 threads on this subject this year.


Also as i have said before and i will say it again


Patience brings time


And time brings death.


So be patient :banghead:

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Is it just me or does anyone else think this year isnt going so well, it might speed up again towards the end of the year, but only 5 deaths in 6 months?

Is it always this slow?

We are only halfway into this year. There is still plenty of time for more hits.

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Guest Guest

So we're exactlyhalf way through the year and still only 5 people from the listh ave passed away,and none in over 2 months.This is a very poor performance im sure you willall agree.Unless things pick up very soon more and more people will consider this site to be little more than a joke!

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It is true there are only 5 deaths and we are about 6 months in. Also to

say there hasen't been a death in nearly 2 months.

This list was selected with the celebritys with the most fame and

the most likely chance to die and as you can see some of the

selections are cleary on the mark. This year the deaths that did

arrive were deathlist regulers and not much of a big shock.

I'm sure if not even in a couple days maybe a couple weeks

there will be another hit. It's been very quite. Hopefully there

will be one of those "3 in a week" <_<

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Guest cyberwormsy
<_< Why isnt Karla Homolka on the list?

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Guest IYG

I won't consider it disappointing till August. So far we are on par with last year when it comes to number of deaths, the beginning of August changed last year so until then, lets just wait.

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Guest windsor

Try and look on the bright side - less this year means more next year (hopefully).

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If you check over the last few years many just made double figures. This isn't an exact science. Bloody good fun posting on the message boards though.

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I reckon we could be in for a bit of a spurt - especially if we get another spell of hot weather.

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I reckon we could be in for a bit of a spurt - especially if we get another spell of hot weather.

I would think most list members can afford air-con...

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I would think most list members can afford air-con...

Not necessarily ... they may have blown their fortunes on wine, women & song

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[T]hey may have blown their fortunes on wine, women & song

That isn't a bad thing, is it?




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Regarding the slow rate of clog-popping this year, isn't it one of those statistics/probability things that it's just as likely for them all to drop dead on the 31st December as for them to die at an even distribution through the year? Presumably slightly more likely since they will be older...


Maybe someone with even less of a life than me could perform an analysis of past years' results to see if there is trend for more to go at particular times of year - eg is it the heat or cold that does 'em in?


Or is it more sinister and they really do always go in threes, as I've always averred....


(I don't think I've ever used the word "averred" before. Rather good.)

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At the rate of the deaths by the end of the year we would be happy with 9.

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Guest Guest

Who has ever heard of people like Ronnie Biggs, Claire Raymer, or PW Botha? Maybe the reason for the slow year has been the poor choices of Deathlist for '05. Maybe they should have started with celebs who had knownand reported health problems like Johnny Carson, Prince Rainier, and Luther Vandross. Put those guys with the 5 successes you'd have 8 deaths by July of 2005.

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First of all Ronnie Biggs is pretty well known for the 1963

train robbery but mainly much of his fame is in the UK.

"He also has numerous health problums.."


"Claire Raymer" I think it's Claire Rayner


To tell the truth besides the DL it is the first

i have ever heard of her. But according to this

photo i think she could earn an instant spot on

any deathlist. http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/4110...5_rayner203.jpg


PW Botha was a dictator of africa i belive. I don't know much about

him but a ruler of a country could fit the DL criteria.


And for the 3 misses you named..


Johnny Carson was a miss but i don't think anyone really relized how

bad his emphysema was. :D


Prince Rainier was probobly one of the last cut for the 2005 list

and sadly that was a mistake. :D


Luther Vandross\I don't think many people knew about how serious the

crooner's health problums were. ;)


I hate this qustion on "why this year is so bad" because it really isen't.

We are a little off pace but remember we were at 5 deaths in July last year

also and had 3 in a week in August!"Also ended up with 12 deaths" So it might not be nearly as bad if someone dies before then. All you need is to be patient. It can be any day now. Hopefully.

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The following - anonymous - quote is much loved by writers:


A critic is someone who comes onto the battlefield after the battle is over and shoots the wounded.


It's easy once they're dead to say they should have been on the list. This seems an average year so far. Some have seen 10 deaths, last year saw 12, I'd say the compilers are improving in a difficult area of operation.


Maybe it's the influence of the growing band of intelligent and articulate members who post here.

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Maybe it's the influence of the growing band of intelligent and articulate members who post here.


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