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Guest Wesley

Tommy Cooper

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Guest Wesley

Can anyone tell me where i can find the video of the dead of Tommy Cooper in londen???

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Can anyone tell me where i can find the video of the dead of Tommy Cooper in londen???

Two things Wesley--Where is this Londen you speak of, and how about if a video can be located of him in deceased format somewhere else?

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The Dead of Tommy Cooper: what a name for a band. I bagging that!

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I would imagine a video of Tommy Cooper being dead would be hugely boring - unless you're into toilet humour and his corpse farted or something.

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Guest Andre Hopley

He died while performing on Her Majestys Variety Show live on ITV 1984 I think

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Maybe he's looking for Tommy Cooper's dad.

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There must a mpeg or video of the great man's final moments floating around the net somewhere. I missed it by minutes all those years ago, but the rest of my family saw it.


I had a habit of missing key TV moments. In 1986 I had to take a call during England's World Cup QF against Argentina. By the time I returned to the sitting room, I'd missed the Hand of God and the greatest goal ever. Bloody typical.

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the greatest goal ever.


So you never saw Paul Conway take on the entire Barnet defence, run two thirds of the pitch and blast home when Carlisle turned over their promotion rivals in October 1994.

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the greatest goal ever.


So you never saw Paul Conway take on the entire Barnet defence, run two thirds of the pitch and blast home when Carlisle turned over their promotion rivals in October 1994.

You know MPFC, I think that one has passed me by. The reason I have a massive void in my life has just been made clear.


(A question for our American friends: Was that sarcasm or irony?)

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So it goes like this:


Carlisle lead Barnet by one goal. Carlisle are top of the league, Barnet are fourth. The points difference is not great in the promotion zone this early in the season so the game matters. Midway through the first half Carlisle are under pressure, a ball is pumped out of defence where Conway takes it near the touchline. Having defended so deeply Carlisle don't have an an attacking formation on the pitch. Instead of holding and waiting Conway elects to run, eluding a half hearted Barnet challenge he ups the pace, cuts infield, rides a hard tackle and makes a diagonal sprint towards the Barnet area. With Barnet defenders and Carlisle front men now running into position Conway's run is causing confusion, one Barnet defender - torn between Carlisle centre forward David Reeves and challenging Conway - plumps for the tackle, Conway rides it. Reeves - in space - calls for the ball Conway is facing two Barnet defenders on the edge of the area. One of the defenders is clearly stuck between moving to cover Reeves or stop Conway. Conway takes advantage of the momentary confusion to unleash a skidding drive, it goes between the two defenders, passes another defender near the line and eludes the keeper who is unsighted by the mass of bodies in front of him.





The point, about these 'best goal ever' statements is that the likes of Maradonna only get the nod because hundreds of millions of people were watching or see the re-runs. Conway beat more players, stayed longer on the ball and didn't go on to be a drug-addled disgrace to his own legend. I'm willing to bet most lowly football teams could provide an example of a goal as good as Maradonna's second against England in 86.

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Shouldn't you be taking into account the quality of the opposition? Barnet FC in 1994 probably didn't have players as good as those playing for England in 1986. I would imagine the pressure in a World Cup match is rather greater than in an English lower league game too.


Sorry to rain on your parade old chap, but that's just the way it is.

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Shouldn't you be taking into account the quality of the opposition? Barnet FC in 1994 probably didn't have players as good as those playing for England in 1986. I would imagine the pressure in a World Cup match is rather greater than in an English lower league game too.


Sorry to rain on your parade old chap, but that's just the way it is.


Baldy, these things are relative. England/Argentina and Carlisle/Barnet were both evenly matched games with a lot at stake as far as the partisan members of the crowd were concered. Believe me, when I saw it hit the back of the net I was into an out of body job, it mattered. The main point still stands, there's no such thing as a 'greatest goal' because it's so subjective and most supporters have seen something to compare to Maradonna's big moment.

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Can anyone tell me where i can find the video of the dead of Tommy Cooper in londen???

Hadn't thought about it buit will now look for it. What a great screensaver that would make.

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He died while performing on Her Majestys Variety Show live on ITV 1984 I think



Yes. I remember that and like a lot of people I thought it was part of his act

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Yes. I remember that and like a lot of people I thought it was part of his act

I suppose sometimes actors are so talented it is difficult to tell what

is fantasy and what is reality. ;)

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I'd guess it joins a select band of clips kept from us by the good taste and trustability of people employed in the television industry. Jo Siffert's horrific death trapped in a blazing F1 car in 1971 is another such, I understood that the BBC footage was used in the investigation and wiped. Cyberspace doesn't seem to have either Siffert or Tommy taking a dive.

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did anyone find the mpg of Tommy Cooper's Final 1984 act?

Wasn't that your assignment?

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i remember seeing this at the time and thinking what a strange ending for an act. which i suppose it was, really. these sort of things never turn up again for years, until most of those involved are retired or dead, and there's a respectable distance (though what's the definition of that?). i'd love to see it again, if only to see if, with hindsight, you could determine the moment he actually died. morbid, i know, but... hang on, what am i saying?


anyway, important matters - carlisle-barnet? hah! a southend defender (unnamed to save his own embarrassment) heading over his keeper from the corner of the penalty box, panicked by a huffing and puffing kevin nugent (so slow he almost ran backwards) to put us 2-0 up (both OG's) three years ago... that's what lower league footie is about, and why it's great. laugh? i almost bought a pie...

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Indeed Pulphack many such moments come to mind. Our biggest 'lower league moment' ever was in the old Division Two, we needed to win to keep realistic survival hopes alive, Charlton needed to win to stay in the promotion race. First half, we were cruising with a 2-0 lead, one of our players - Jim Tolmie - passed back from about thirty yards out, inadvertantly lobbing the keeper and scoring a spectacular goal for Charlton. They were inspired in the second half, won 3-2 and effectively relagated us.

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Indeed Pulphack many such moments come to mind. Our biggest 'lower league moment' ever was in the old Division Two, we needed to win to keep realistic survival hopes alive, Charlton needed to win to stay in the promotion race. First half, we were cruising with a 2-0 lead, one of our players - Jim Tolmie - passed back from about thirty yards out, inadvertantly lobbing the keeper and scoring a spectacular goal for Charlton. They were inspired in the second half, won 3-2 and effectively relagated us.


As detailed here.


For a marvellous pic of Jim Tolmie in all his splendour see here. He must have one of the top-10 mullets of all time!

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Pulphack: I'll forgive the nerve shredding reminders induced by the links above since I appreciate your selfless devotion to lower league action. I'd forgotten how his eyes had that curious wide-apart bestial quality.


Incidentally, that comparison to Beckham's monumental lob is fair, it was verging on that distance. One of the most incredible own goals ever seen. We can laugh now but at the time.......

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