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The Weatherman Death Pool

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I thought BHB would go for Doug Ellis OBE!


Is that what you think will happen, or just wishful thinking? :unsure:


I would consider it...but there would have to be a vote of some sort, so it would not greatly upset any players. I am also considering prizes for most unique picks and other categories. Post any thoughts here....

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I would consider it...but there would have to be a vote of some sort, so it would not greatly upset any players. I am also considering prizes for most unique picks and other categories. Post any thoughts here....


I'm happy for you to do what you (or the consenus) like. I would suggest, one possible prize, which is 100 points to anyone who names an Ethopian on their list. :rip::unsure:

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I would consider it...but there would have to be a vote of some sort, so it would not greatly upset any players. I am also considering prizes for most unique picks and other categories. Post any thoughts here....


I'm happy for you to do what you (or the consenus) like. I would suggest, one possible prize, which is 100 points to anyone who names an Ethopian on their list. :lol::D


Well, I can't give you 100 points - but as a comprimise - maybe THIS will do. :lol:

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I thought BHB would go for Doug Ellis OBE!


Is that what you think will happen, or just wishful thinking? :lol:


Wishful thinking at the mo would be O'Leary choking on his blarney, lol.

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I share my birthday wit Art Buchwald. Don't suppose I get any extra points for that?

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This DDP has been going a month now and - frankly - us so called expert pickers have mustered one death - Galbraith - between us. I've still got high hopes of a decent score mind, Tammy Faye, Art Buchwald and Charles Haughey should see me running up a few points in the next few weeks. My team, average age, just under 80, could be good for a decent score if some of the unique picks - like Robert Pirsig - deliver.

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The second hit of the game arrives today upon the death of Stanley Kunitz, age 100. The lucky player is Captain Ohtz, who was the only person to select him. Ohtz previously was already tied with first place after scoring a hit with JK Galbraith. His total is now 12 points, and he is in first place.


Well, Lucky Ohtz is truly lucky, having selected the 2/2 picks that have died this year. If anyone sees him, be sure to inquire about his psychic powers.

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Forgot something..in addition, Tammy Faye has published her latest letter, and it reveals that she is still fiercely battling her cancer. http://www.tammyfaye.com/note20060417.htm

I could have sworn she was dead. Did I mishear it?

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The second hit of the game arrives today upon the death of Stanley Kunitz, age 100. The lucky player is Captain Ohtz, who was the only person to select him. Ohtz previously was already tied with first place after scoring a hit with JK Galbraith. His total is now 12 points, and he is in first place.


Well, Lucky Ohtz is truly lucky, having selected the 2/2 picks that have died this year. If anyone sees him, be sure to inquire about his psychic powers.


Indeed, he is very lucky.


I have yet to have any success in your pool.

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I suggest a thread in which he and Iain debate the art of a good prediction.

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Singer Billy Preston brings the 3rd hit for the Weatherman90 deadpool (now to be known as the WDP). Congratulations to our very own Slave to the Grave for picking up 8 points on his demise, and jumping on to the scoreboard to 2nd place, while knocking our own Banshees Scream down to 3rd.


Current Competitors: You can see the current scoreboard and latest news at the WDP headquarters page located here.

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It seems as if someone accidentally has pressed the "rapidfire" button on the deaths here at the WDP. Just a day after the death of singer Billy Preston, wrestler John Tenta has turned in his sweaty wrestling uniform after a bout with bladder cancer. This gives 9 points to our own Gretnagod and Canadian Paul (first success for both players) who selected Tenta. This is the WDP's 4th strike of the year. You can see the current scoreboard and latest news at the WDP headquarters page located here.

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After my initial doubting that it was all some sort of April Fools joke, I've been meaning to say for some time...


Nice death pool, mate and I see that my name is written in a gold font because I share an award....ha, ha!


I'm too pissed to know what it exactly means, but my name's in gold.


'Tis enough for me.


Thanks, Weatherman, I shall raise a glass to your powers of prediction....

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Charles Haughey hits the deck. That's the most points in a single death yet for this deadpool, a few of us had him fingered, sort of thing.

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On a totally separate note - like - Weatherman 90 went to the trouble of throwing this party and, five deaths in, he's still to register a point. Eight of us had Haughey down.


Thanks for the trouble you took Weatherman, hope yer luck turns soon. Maybe with Ariel Sharon, because I've got him too.

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That's the most points in a single death yet for this deadpool, a few of us had him fingered, sort of thing.


If you don't count the nine points that John Tenta gave Gretnagod and I. :)

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Actually, 9 players had selected Haughey. It took quite a bit of time to update the WDP Headquarters, but it is done for all who want to see. The formerly lucky Cap'n Ohtz was unlucky in that he had not selected Haughey - causing him to forfeit his lead to our very own Canadian Paul who now has 16 points. You can see the current scoreboard and latest news at the WDP headquarters page located here.


You know, MPFC brought up a good point. My luck hasnt been that great this time around - Im thinking that I should have been the last to enter my picks instead of the first - that way I could have seen some of the near-dead picks that many of the players brought to the table.


A quick peek at the scoreboard for those too lazy to follow the link:


Canadian Paul - 1st place, 16 pts

Slave to the Grave - 2nd place, 15 pts

Banshees Scream "JD" - 3rd place, 13 pts

Cap'n Ohts - 4th place - 12 pts

Gretnagod - 5th place - 9 pts


Then we have 6 Haughey-picking-players who all took 7 points from him as their first strike of the year, making them tied for 6th place. - Some notables of that group: FF, OoO, Winsor, and MPFC.


Sorry for the abbreviations - I was just feeling lazy.

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If you don't count the nine points that John Tenta gave Gretnagod and I.


Sorry CP, didn't make my point that well. What I was meanin' was this one death has generated more points in total since 9 of us had him on our teams. Respect for a good call on a 42 year old and respect for your current lead in the polls. My unique picks including Mepp Gies aren't tumbling yet.

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The formerly lucky Cap'n Ohtz was unlucky in that he had not selected Haughey - causing him to forfeit his lead...


I bet he's kicking himself over that. :)

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The formerly lucky Cap'n Ohtz was unlucky in that he had not selected Haughey - causing him to forfeit his lead...


I bet he's kicking himself over that. :)


I would say so - he would have a healthy 3 point lead in 1st place with 19 points had he selected him. :)


But on the bright side, maybe a few of his centarians will decide that their time is up before the pool is over.

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In addition, as if I havent typed enough already, would someone be so kind as to change the title of this thread to something along the lines of "WDP Discussion Thread"? I have been meaning to ask for quite some time.

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It wouldn't surprise me if he were to chop his penis off because of the distress caused.

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Weatherman, if yer still around and checking posts. Good little deadpool you've got goin'. Yer attention to detail, including taking the time to turn round the tonnage of points for the dear departed gun runner today, is appreciated. I'm looking forward to my next points.

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