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Guest iain

Pramod Mahajan - Indian Politician

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Guest iain

A senior leader of India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) party has been shot in Mumbai (Bombay), according to police.


Pramod Mahajan, BJP general secretary and a former federal minister, was allegedly shot by his brother after an altercation in a family dispute.


Mr Mahajan has been admitted to a hospital and is undergoing surgery to remove the bullets.



more here

Edited by Magere Hein

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I saw your headline Iain and I so wanted it to be David Cameron with Tony firing the gun, you raised my hopes only to dash them again :huh:

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According to the news report, his condition is "stated as stable", not "critically injured".



Were you the kind of child who stubbed a toe and went to the hospital saying "I've broken my foot"?!


Whatever job you do, if indeed, you do one, I hope to God it isn't as a doctor. I'd hate to be on the end of one of your "prognosises"


Dr Iain: "Your death is immiment - from lung cancer"

Patient: "But doc, I only came in for a hip replacement!"

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"Stable" is one of those things doctors say like "as well as can be expected".


It could mean a number of things including "already dead and embalmed".

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I saw your headline Iain and I so wanted it to be David Cameron with Tony firing the gun, you raised my hopes only to dash them again :huh:

I also thought the the "Opposition leader shot and critically injured" topic title was a bit misleading, as people could interpret it to mean David Cameron. So I have changed it.

The article, however, does say that Pramod Mahajan was critically injured.






Mr Mahajan has undergone surgery to removed bullets and his condition is stated to be "quite critical".

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The article, however, does say that Pramod Mahajan was critically injured.






Mr Mahajan has undergone surgery to removed bullets and his condition is stated to be "quite critical".


It does now. It didn't when it was first posted, that was my point.

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The leader of the Indian BJP is Pramod Mahajan has been shot by his brother.

and is currently fighting for his life.





[Moved from the Near Misses Thread. He is not dead yet - ff]

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The leader of the Indian BJP is Pramod Mahajan has been shot by his brother.

and is currently fighting for his life.



Until he is most conclusively and concurrently dead..........the emphatic emphasis being on CURRENTLY dead; it is is silly, foolhardy and even premature to place him as a near miss of 2006 since he is not yet dead......unless the coronor has done something since a few short shotgun blast moments ago.


Now it can be argued that he is in critical and indeed DIEr shape and he has been placed on dialysis howver his kidneys are not yet gone and neither is he. But this begs the question which I have as to how about a almost made it list for 2006 or for that matter any year. You know, people who seem close, very very very extremely almost irritatingly irrationally close, to the edge of croaksville but then for whatever reason pull through and sadden many.



What say yee all......how about that as a new sub-sectional topic???


[Moved from the Near Misses Thread - ff]

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Okay so this morning I was here on Deathlist when I read about someone who was reefered to as a near miss for the current year, the year being 2006. Well the person is not dead although he may or may not eventually die due to being shot by his brother. I am refering to that Indian man Pramod Mahajan who is some big mucky-muck yonder over in India (and might I say the photos I have seen of him make me drool, he is one handsome and sexy man ;) ) Well the thing is sometimes a person seems vergeful on death and then they don't get there, shattering the hopes of some and the delerium tremors of otheres but then I diegress.


Should we maybe have a new category for those who "ALMOST MADE IT" on here our current calender year? Or maybe call it "PERHAPS, PERCHANCE, WHAT-IFS"


[Topics merged - ff]













My thanks to DevonDeathTrip who posted on Mahajan which caused me to place this quandryous queery forward here.

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I think this is a good idea.


May I nominate Big Brother bimbo, Jade Goody, after telling ambulance men she was dying during the London Marathon yesterday and then disappointing everyone by not doing so?

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Okay so this morning I was here on Deathlist when I read about someone who was reefered to as a near miss for the current year, the year being 2006. Well the person is not dead although he may or may not eventually die due to being shot by his brother. I am refering to that Indian man Pramod Mahajan who is some big mucky-muck yonder over in India (and might I say the photos I have seen of him make me drool, he is one handsome and sexy man ;) ) Well the thing is sometimes a person seems vergeful on death and then they don't get there, shattering the hopes of some and the delerium tremors of otheres but then I diegress.


Should we maybe have a new category for those who "ALMOST MADE IT" on here our current calender year? Or maybe call it "PERHAPS, PERCHANCE, WHAT-IFS"













My thanks to DevonDeathTrip who posted on Mahajan which caused me to place this quandryous queery forward here.

I have heard worse ideas Bruno. But would it degenerate into a wish list? And if so, would it be dominated by poor misguided souls calling for the the demise of Mrs Thatcher? More than likely.

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Okay so this morning I was here on Deathlist when I read about someone who was reefered to as a near miss for the current year, the year being 2006. Well the person is not dead although he may or may not eventually die due to being shot by his brother. I am refering to that Indian man Pramod Mahajan who is some big mucky-muck yonder over in India (and might I say the photos I have seen of him make me drool, he is one handsome and sexy man ;) ) Well the thing is sometimes a person seems vergeful on death and then they don't get there, shattering the hopes of some and the delerium tremors of otheres but then I diegress.


Should we maybe have a new category for those who "ALMOST MADE IT" on here our current calender year? Or maybe call it "PERHAPS, PERCHANCE, WHAT-IFS"













My thanks to DevonDeathTrip who posted on Mahajan which caused me to place this quandryous queery forward here.



Morning Bruno ;)


You vanished off the Death List radar for a while last week. I was worried you might have OD'd on gin. Good to have you back.



The problem is that this is a chap who may well die, in essence he isn't really an idea for 2007 and he isn't a near miss, as a result of the fact he isn't actually dead. The dilemma I was faced with was starting a new

thread or giving him a quick mention in an existing thread. Maybe we should start a Nearly Famous Not Quite Dead Thread!!

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The dilemma I was faced with was starting a new thread or giving him a quick mention in an existing thread.



Why didn't you just post it in the Pramod Mahajan thread, then? Hardly a dilemma..... ;)



Thread here.....

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The dilemma I was faced with was starting a new thread or giving him a quick mention in an existing thread.



Why didn't you just post it in the Pramod Mahajan thread, then? Hardly a dilemma..... ;)



Thread here.....


Good point, Sir. And well made. ;)


( I can't get anything right today, I blame Thatcher)

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( I can't get anything right today, I blame Thatcher)


Aah, don't worry - we all have these days. I made up a new religion yesterday which is why my post in the Oscar Niemayer thread makes no sense at all. ;)


To be honest, I was more worried you were turning into Iain. :P


I understand your feelings, I blame Bliar for everything - no matter how trivial. ;)

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I think this is a good idea.


May I nominate Big Brother bimbo, Jade Goody, after telling ambulance men she was dying during the London Marathon yesterday and then disappointing everyone by not doing so?

I don't think Miss Piggy is a bimbo - aren't they supposed to be attractive?

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poor misguided souls calling for the the demise of Mrs Thatcher



What's misguided to some is payback time to others.

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I think this is a good idea.


May I nominate Big Brother bimbo, Jade Goody, after telling ambulance men she was dying during the London Marathon yesterday and then disappointing everyone by not doing so?

I don't think Miss Piggy is a bimbo - aren't they supposed to be attractive?


I think you're right, Lady. I was getting my bimbos mixed up with my dumbos, which frequently happens whilst I'm playing my oboe.


I was probably distracted by her implants.

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I think you're right, Lady. I was getting my bimbos mixed up with my dumbos, which frequently happens whilst I'm playing my oboe.
That's the last moment you want to be mixing up your bimbos and dumbos; you need to have the correct image in your mind (or in front of you on suitable Oboe 'sheet music') to keep the performance fresh & exciting.


If you finish your performance whilst contemplating dumbos, the wangst* it can give you is even worse than usual..... so I've been told.


And it's true. :D




*a medical term, for that feeling of dirtiness or inadequacy you get just after the end of the performance.

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I was reading about someone only yesterday who would fit in to this category - Lucian Freud, the artist. He was serioulsy ill last year and painted a portrait of his surgeon in gratitude. I suppose it's one way to pay your medical bill.

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I think you're right, Lady. I was getting my bimbos mixed up with my dumbos, which frequently happens whilst I'm playing my oboe.
That's the last moment you want to be mixing up your bimbos and dumbos; you need to have the correct image in your mind (or in front of you on suitable Oboe 'sheet music') to keep the performance fresh & exciting.


If you finish your performance whilst contemplating dumbos, the wangst* it can give you is even worse than usual..... so I've been told.


And it's true. :(




*a medical term, for that feeling of dirtiness or inadequacy you get just after the end of the performance.




To quote the great dimbo bimbo herself, 'OH MY GOD!'


This is the only reaction I can muster, upon discovering that I have lived the majority of my life in a state of wangst.


I just knew my mother and all those nuns were wrong & that there was a legit medical definition for my malaise.


Thank you, TLC, for cleverly considering my symptoms and diagnosing me as a wangster, which on reflection also sounds like a term that might be deployed to describe a flashing mobster.

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Thank you, TLC, for cleverly considering my symptoms and diagnosing me as a wangster, which on reflection also sounds like a term that might be deployed to describe a flashing mobster.
No probs BHB, I must confess to borrowing the term 'wangst' from Viz's Roger's Profanisaurus, but I figured it was an accurate diagnosis.


I think the term was at the front of my mind due to my original self-diagnosis when I first encountered the term; that made comparitive diagnosis far more straightforward. :D


You wangster, you. ;)

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Thank you, TLC, for cleverly considering my symptoms and diagnosing me as a wangster, which on reflection also sounds like a term that might be deployed to describe a flashing mobster.
No probs BHB, I must confess to borrowing the term 'wangst' from Viz's Roger's Profanisaurus, but I figured it was an accurate diagnosis.


I think the term was at the front of my mind due to my original self-diagnosis when I first encountered the term; that made comparitive diagnosis far more straightforward. :D


You wangster, you. ;)


I actually quite enjoy being called that, I am finding.


Not only does it put me in mind of a flashing mobster, but it also conjures images of my being a 'sportsman'.


As in...'She laid her supple form down in the hay, trembling with anticipation, as the wangster stood over her and smiled lasciviously.'


Another interpretation could be a member of the Rat Pack whose antics made the boy's act take a seedier turn...


Or a WWF wrestler with an unusual, and indeed quite probably unique, wrestling move.


Yes, I like it and am off to Halfords to get a sun visor sticker made. If you see me driving towards you, you will thus see this at the top of my windscreen:


THE WANGSTER........................ MRS HAPPY

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The dilemma I was faced with was starting a new thread or giving him a quick mention in an existing thread.



Why didn't you just post it in the Pramod Mahajan thread, then? Hardly a dilemma..... :D



Thread here.....



Well, speaking only and genetically for myself it was not on the first page whn I arrived here and began this thread so maybe it was njot when DDT did so either and then the search function is sometimes occasionally often not easy to operate or get to operate eggzactly as it should so it would behoove you OoO and Igor who posted the original to both or at least one of you to have kept it fromt and center on the main page since Prammy had been shot and was on the vergefulicity of death.



As to that sexy handome man Pramod Mahajan according to the latest he is still clinging to life as a pomegranate clings to the insides of the intestines while spinning endlessly in space like the windmills of your mind. Like a circle in a circle or a wheel within a wheel........seems like just 35 to 40 years ago Raymond Burr recited that on a television variety program.


Anywya Pramod is still alive.

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And here I am bumping this thread to a froint pagfe fopr the sake of Ifpain and OoO so people willl bettere be able to see it when entreiing Deathlistt 2006 to post things.

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