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Guest iain

How Dedicated Are You To Death?

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Guest iain

Just wondered if anyone was as death obsessed as iVE been all my life.I can rememebr scouring the obituaries of my local newspaper while still at primary school!Anyone else here as dedicated as that,or more maybe?!

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Not quite so dedicated myself, although I do plan on dying at some time in the next 50 years. Can anyone top that?

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Just wondered if anyone was as death obsessed as iVE been all my life.I can rememebr scouring the obituaries of my local newspaper while still at primary school!Anyone else here as dedicated as that,or more maybe?!


There is a thread just like this you f****n air head. But we should keep it anyway. Somehow I think this thread is more direct to the original idea. I will admit to some extent that I have a very unsual bond with Deathlist, it's like a big faimly. I will post here for many years to come.


O and Iain tell me what you think of a 'Iain Vs Windsor thread?" I think you could put up somewhat of a fight...

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Iain look man, don't get the wrong impression but Windsor and yourself have been feuding for so long and what great entertainment it would be... if you and him had some words said publically in the forums. So tell me what you say... I need your permission. Yes Or No. That is my question.

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I used to laugh at the little verses in the Deaths column of the local rag, especailly when there was a typo - e.g. Ours is just a simple prayer, May God keep you in his car.

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Guest iain
Iain look man, don't get the wrong impression but Windsor and yourself have been feuding for so long and what great entertainment it would be... if you and him had some words said publically in the forums. So tell me what you say... I need your permission. Yes Or No. That is my question.


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I used to laugh at the little verses in the Deaths column of the local rag, especailly when there was a typo - e.g. Ours is just a simple prayer, May God keep you in his car.


I guess you wouldn't have to wear a seat belt in there.

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Oddly since I've been hangin' around here I've come to feel the deaths themselves are something of an anti-climax, it's the banter and laughs I like. Plus the chance to find out about new and interesting people, just as they're about to die.

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Iain you fool, we have something in common.

I too used to look over the local obituaries but that was only to see who was the oldest dead person - I think I got 105 one time.


Banshees, we do not need a thread. This forum is my battlefield (much to the annoyance of ie et all).

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Iain look man, don't get the wrong impression but Windsor and yourself have been feuding for so long and what great entertainment it would be... if you and him had some words said publically in the forums. So tell me what you say... I need your permission. Yes Or No. That is my question.


Banshees Scream - the Don King of the Death List

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Not quite so dedicated myself, although I do plan on dying at some time in the next 50 years. Can anyone top that?

I've heard varying reports about whether death involves an eternity of penitence, an eternity of lovely ladies, being joined with your other half for eternity to create some horrible siamese angel type thing, coming back as another lifeform, or just bacteria food amongst other things.


I'll admit it sounds interesting, so I reckon I'll try it at least once. Don't knock it until you've tried it, as 'they' say. 'They' generally being a bunch of cliche-swallowing fuckwits as far as I can tell, but no matter.


If I manage to let you know how it went, you can safely presume the reincarnation-ists were correct. By my estimations, I'll be on the way sometime in the next 15 years whether by my choice or not.

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Just wondered if anyone was as death obsessed as iVE been all my life.I can rememebr scouring the obituaries of my local newspaper while still at primary school!Anyone else here as dedicated as that,or more maybe?!


Was never really obsessed with death, I used to watch the news and see the reports when a famous actor / musician etc died. Then I would search the bookstores for a decent biography.

It doesn't really make better reading when the person is still alive, although I am enjoying Julian Cope's autobiography at the moment. But I'm on the search for a decent biography about Sid James.

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But I'm on the search for a decent biography about Sid James.

How about this one?

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But I'm on the search for a decent biography about Sid James.

How about this one?


Thanks Lady Die

Looks like a good one, Cliff Godwin did a good biography about Tony Hancock. I'll have to wait till payday so I can order it :(

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Iain you fool, we have something in common.

I too used to look over the local obituaries but that was only to see who was the oldest dead person - I think I got 105 one time.


Banshees, we do not need a thread. This forum is my battlefield (much to the annoyance of ie et all).


Windsor trust me, a thread would be absolutely genius. Every other line would be Windsor - Iain pretty much. I really think Iain has a shot at verbally abusing you.

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Almost every village and town in the UK has a war memorial. I always read down them see if there are any siblings honoured. Six brothers from Haverfordwest were killed on the same day at Ypres during The Great War, that would take some beating.

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Dunno DDT, the Israeli army have been thoughtfully wiping out entire families at one go for over a month.


Ooops! Controversial political argument alert....



I'll get me coat.

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Dunno DDT, the Israeli army have been thoughtfully wiping out entire families at one go for over a month.


Ooops! Controversial political argument alert....



I'll get me coat.

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Well this posting race between BS & MPFC* is really hotting up isn't it. :birthday: I for one am having trouble concentrating on making my usual lucid and relevant posts.


Perhaps a triple post could be used next time, or is that that one kerr-razy step too far?


Keep 'em peeled, quite literally anything could happen, and probably will. It's bonkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*I think only one of the two participants is actually involved in a race, maybe there should be a prize for guessing which one?


Answers on a postcard (or a sealed down envelope) to: -


BS competition

DL Headquarters

P.O. Box 1



Mad! :(

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I'm very pissed off about the current post war.

If it continues much longer I will find myself 4th on the posting board :( .


If it should continue for even longer, Tempus may even find himself 3rd on the posting board :lol: .


In short, if there is no ceasefire soon, there is sure to be post carnage :birthday: .

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I think I'll just close this thread.


Put a stick in the spokes of the Post Warriors.



Anyway, it's crap.


And it was started by iain.

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