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Rebecca De Winter

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I'd just like to say that I think Lady CR has injected a new lease of life into DL. :sick:

She's a fine young woman.


Cheers, Pooka....so, how goes the stalking??

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It's been my experience, and certainly no offense is intended, that most titled "Ladies" weren't at all. Much to my delight, I might add.

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It's been my experience, and certainly no offense is intended, that most titled "Ladies" weren't at all. Much to my delight, I might add.


Too true...."Lady" is usually an acronym for "slut"....no disrespect intended, Lady Die and Lady Grendel...

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I'd just like to say that I think Lady CR has injected a new lease of life into DL. :)

She's a fine young woman.


Cheers, Pooka....so, how goes the stalking??

Fine. Fine. Pull back the blinds and give me a wave!

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I'd just like to say that I think Lady CR has injected a new lease of life into DL. :)

She's a fine young woman.


Cheers, Pooka....so, how goes the stalking??

Fine. Fine. Pull back the blinds and give me a wave!


You seriously don't think that I could be the object of your affection, do you??....I wish I could say yes to that, but sadly no, I didn't spend years with Richard O'Suillivan when he was younger and drop-dead gorgeous (not that I don't still fancy him, cos I do) , and become the mother of his only child, and chuck a hissy fit and storm off, eternally regretting having done so....and one more thing, La Wyatt is so very much older than I, that probably being one advantage to not being her! I certainly wouldn't have left him, and then he wouldn't be banged up in BH, and I wouldn't be here talking rubbish, would I?

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It's been my experience, and certainly no offense is intended, that most titled "Ladies" weren't at all. Much to my delight, I might add.

I know you haven't been around for a bit, but shouldn't such revelations be discussed here? :)


Good to see you back.




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Probably so, but I had not yet become aware of that particular avenue. Might have to spice that thread up a tad, as I've recently run plumb out of inhibitions. :)

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"Lady" is usually an acronym for "slut"

Did you mean antonym rather than acronym? Or were you being frightfully antonymitcal and you really meant synonym?

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"Lady" is usually an acronym for "slut"

Did you mean antonym rather than acronym? Or were you being frightfully antonymitcal and you really meant synonym?


Stupid Lesbians Undergoing Treatment?

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"Lady" is usually an acronym for "slut"

Did you mean antonym rather than acronym? Or were you being frightfully antonymitcal and you really meant synonym?


I said what I meant and I meant what I said...you figure it out...ha ha

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"Lady" is usually an acronym for "slut"

Did you mean antonym rather than acronym? Or were you being frightfully antonymitcal and you really meant synonym?

I said what I meant and I meant what I said...you figure it out...ha ha

...so I figured it out and now I agree with Windsor. :)


I should have heeded the warning signs...

Cheers, Pooka....so, how goes the stalking??

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Who cares what they say. Don't let it get to you.


Cheers, BS.....sticks and stones, my friend, sticks and stones....

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Stick with it M'Lady. To everyone who finds it necessary to carry on pointless arguments with you I say this.




That way your blood-pressure will remain non-lethal.

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Stick with it M'Lady. To everyone who finds it necessary to carry on pointless arguments with you I say this.




That way your blood-pressure will remain non-lethal.




You have now become my "number one" God.

Edited by Typhoid Harry

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You know what, it'd be really ironic if Lady C's own thread replaced that of her hero as the - sort of - DL common room.

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You know what, it'd be really ironic if Lady C's own thread replaced that of her hero as the - sort of - DL common room.


That it would indeed, but I'm thinking it aint gonna happen.

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You have now become my "number one" God.

You have now become my "number one" post-whore.


I say "number one"; really you're more of a "number two"; a loose, spluttery, Mixed Vegetable Balti sort of one at that. If, however, everyone took Anubis' advice and simply put all the vaginal-envious and over-compensatory, talentless, one-line put-down shills like you who troll the DL from time to time on Ignore we'd all end up like me; pissed-off and disillusioned, with a dozen people on Ignore. :referee:

Admittedly, Ignoring the bulk of the regular posters has improved the visible quality of the forum of late but, surely, we'd rather see some decent arguments than more of this weak-hearted primary school codswallop.


Sure... someone hawking herbal SPAM, swearing a bit or advertising http://www.tdonkleycockrockerXXXromaniangymnasts.com gets short shrift from the Mods, probably an immediate ban and the post sent to trash before impotent members like me can take advantage of the crazy, crazy LOW prices and special guaranteed-to-give-you-a-rise offer read them, whilst "Lady Clarissa" here meanders her crimson fingernails tantalisingly over our collective nutsack with apparent impunity.


If any unemployed 36-year-old male virgin like Lady Christopher... sorry, Clarissa, can rock up and pretty much charm the trouser-snake of the membership at large, we should all be ashamed, members... very, very ashamed. As Rolf Harris, someone who I'm sure "Lady Clarissa" is familar with, once copied... "Ooh, and it makes me wonder..." I'd rather see more bordering-on-kiddy-fiddling porn scripts about teenage twins from BHB and Pizzaguy than this wannabe's lame bullsh*t.


SC We all know LCR's just some aussie sh*t-stirrer, probably an existing member yanking our chains in time-honoured fashion, but I do so love rising to the bait, doing what you all wanted and expected, having a little rant again; saying what you're feeling... again. remember the Ers? my pleasure... accept no substitute. tommy sheridan is innocent.

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You have now become my "number one" God.

You have now become my "number one" post-whore.


I say "number one"; really you're more of a "number two"; a loose, spluttery, Mixed Vegetable Balti sort of one at that. If, however, everyone took Anubis' advice and simply put all the vaginal-envious and over-compensatory, talentless, one-line put-down shills like you who troll the DL from time to time on Ignore we'd all end up like me; pissed-off and disillusioned, with a dozen people on Ignore. :referee:

Admittedly, Ignoring the bulk of the regular posters has improved the visible quality of the forum of late but, surely, we'd rather see some decent arguments than more of this weak-hearted primary school codswallop.


Sure... someone hawking herbal SPAM, swearing a bit or advertising www.pornsitexxxheavyhungtdonkleys.com gets short shrift from the Mods, probably an immediate ban and the post sent to trash before impotent members like me can take advantage of the crazy, crazy LOW prices and special guaranteed-to-give-you-a-rise offer read them, whilst "Lady Clarissa" here meanders her crimson fingernails tantalisingly over our collective nutsack with apparent impunity.


If any unemployed 36-year-old male virgin like Lady Christopher... sorry, Clarissa, can rock up and pretty much charm the trouser-snake of the membership at large, we should all be ashamed, members... very, very ashamed. As Rolf Harris, someone who I'm sure "Lady Clarissa" is familar with, once copied... "Ooh, and it makes me wonder..." I'd rather see more bordering-on-kiddy-fiddling porn scripts about teenage twins from BHB and Pizzaguy than this wannabe's lame bullsh*t.


SC We all know LCR's just some aussie sh*t-stirrer, probably an existing member yanking our chains in time-honoured fashion, but I do so love rising to the bait, doing what you all wanted and expected, having a little rant again; saying what you're feeling... again. remember the Ers? my pleasure... accept no substitute. tommy sheridan is innocent.

Does anger always make you ramble, Star-crossed. This is almost unreadable. But I got there in the end.

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You have now become my "number one" God.

This is almost unreadable. But I got there in the end.

Perseverance is a virtue, Mr. Pooka. A virtue indeed!

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Star Crossed, yer post is a veritable 'The Wasteland' of the threads, or summat.

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Star Crossed, yer post is a veritable 'The Wasteland' of the threads, or summat.

More wasted than wasteland.


PS I rather fancy that Tommy Sheridan has been a naughty boy, SC.

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Pooka, I was just swapping banter on Carlisle United Mad about Tommy Sheridan. Not a massive amount of sympathy for the man on display there. Mind, monster political egos struggle to top themselves or die of shame. Just tend to waste away. If he takes a fall in court we could still be waiting a while round here. I mean, Jeremy Thorpe is still alive.

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Pooka, I was just swapping banter on Carlisle United Mad about Tommy Sheridan. Not a massive amount of sympathy for the man on display there. Mind, monster political egos struggle to top themselves or die of shame. Just tend to waste away. If he takes a fall in court we could still be waiting a while round here. I mean, Jeremy Thorpe is still alive.

Carlisle United Mad! At last a sustainable alternative to the Bloomsbury Group.I can only imagine the conversation that takes place between the five of you.


I rather liked Tommy's front but even he must have gulped at the verdict knowing that it was only a matter of time before the 'perjury 'word arose. Mrs Sheridan is, without doubt, gorgeous in every respect and I will, in due course, travel north to pay her homage.

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