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Banshees Scream

Rebecca De Winter

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I agree with TLC and Han ( and I hope, others) that posting a PM conversation is out of order. My first impression was that rather than a PM, it was a transcription of a MySpace exchange, but even that is punching well below the belt.


I had a few drinks, She was strictly rude, but I figured it was the end of her so 'Why not then for entertainment purposes?'


Captain in deep respect, I don't really use myspace. She seemed to think it was so great, I had it for a month or so and got very sick of it. She put down Deathlist and in a way probably felt I disagreed which my answer to her a few times was 'Then leave'


Aside from all that, I wish to congratulate Banshees on returning to The "Lady" In Question what she deserves in return for her hypocritical "good manners" and attention-seeking lack of sensitivity to so much on this forum.


Thank you Captain, your the next mod in my vote if there ever was one. And thank you Sylvia. I appreciate your post.

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Captain! i notice you're sitting nicely on 999 posts.. how exciting. by the way i dont think you can blame BS for posting Private Messages, let him do what he wants? anything you write on the internet to people is there in black and white and can be pasted anywhere you want.. especially if it gives you the upper hand in an argument :(

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Captain! i notice you're sitting nicely on 999 posts.. how exciting. by the way i dont think you can blame BS for posting Private Messages, let him do what he wants? anything you write on the internet to people is there in black and white and can be pasted anywhere you want.. especially if it gives you the upper hand in an argument :(

Ethics my dear RM. If you have open house on any communication, why should anyone trust you...... ever? No self-respecting woman would ever shag a boy like you again! That's if they ever would have done in the first place.

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Humble pie order cancelled, I will not even entertain the idea that I'm wrong now. I can't believe I felt slightly guilty the other day for always picking holes in your ridiculous posts, but the one above demonstrates very clearly to me why I should continue.

As aforediscussed, you have my full and continuous support with regard to the campaign. Even if said campaign is akin to banging your head against a very very thick brick wall.

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I have to admit that I think posting the contents of PMs and the like in a public forum is very out of line. It's amazing that the electronic form of a letter or phone call can be considered "public" when renting a billboard to display a regular letter or listening in on another extension is a beatin' offense.


This should not be construed to intimate that I have developed any affection for LCR/RDW.

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i've said that phrase many times before and she seems to be a very erratic person,


You didn't mean to spell it errotic did you? If erratic really is what you mean, I'm not sure Alanis Morissette could get close to articulating the irony.


BTW I agree with the Captain. Poor show old boy, poor show.


This should not be construed to intimate that I have developed any affection for LCR/RDW.


I agree with the Texan. Thank you CarolAnn, I couldn't have put it better myself.

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I'm with you on this one TLC. I'm not sure why BS thought it appropriate to repost a private message on a public forum in the first place. There's no excuse for bad manners.



Completely agree, outrageous behaviour on the part of Mr Scream.

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I'm with you on this one TLC. I'm not sure why BS thought it appropriate to repost a private message on a public forum in the first place. There's no excuse for bad manners.



Completely agree, outrageous behaviour on the part of Mr Scream.


Quite right. Bad behaviour from Banshees. Perhaps I'll give him a warning.



On the other hand, I suspect BS will take note of these chastisements and won't do it again. If it had been that Bloody Awful Woman we were ticking off, she would have stuck her vees up at us and posted another twenty-five page-long posts about how tedious and impolite we all are.


Credit to Banshees for driving her off.

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Quite right. Bad behaviour from Banshees. Perhaps I'll give him a warning.



On the other hand, I suspect BS will take note of these chastisements and won't do it again. If it had been that Bloody Awful Woman we were ticking off, she would have stuck her vees up at us and posted another twenty-five page-long posts about how tedious and impolite we all are.


Credit to Banshees for driving her off.


In a way I admit that i'm disappointed and never would I display a PM of just anybody, I agree it's wrong and very disrespectful but why hold such sympathy for Rebecca de Winter? I did this on purpose because she completely insulted me and this was my way of saying goodbye. The woman was erratic, she had no idea what she was doing. It could have been Deathlist's Anna Nicole Smith or Courtney Love. Only older and Australian.


I'm glad you all love the fact that she's history, but I wanted a better response. Some of the you break my heart.

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It's not a question of sympathising with Mrs de Winter. I never understood why she kept coming back to deathlist and I'm glad I won't be seeing her name on the forums anymore.


However I don't think it was necessary to post the whole conversation. You could have just said. "I've chatted with Rebecca and at my suggestion she won't be coming back to dl. Result". That would have sufficed. I'll think twice about going into chat when you're there now BS.


Also if you only posted that to get lots of praise for us then that's a bit pathetic.


Edit. I can't believe I've just wasted my 1000th post talking about that woman. Bugger.

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Is it me? ;) I didn't find her offensive in any way, just seemed to be defending herself when she was being verbally attacked. Maybe y'all know something different and I just didn't see it.

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Also if you only posted that to get lots of praise for us then that's a bit pathetic.


I think not. I've already said I did it for entertainment purposes but I thought you would all appreciate it, but the bottom line is that you are all still against the idea, I had a few drinks which makes it necessary to post the whole conversation. If I would have said just one line, how boring would that be. I bring entertainment, I show the truth, with my hands up in the air i'm honest, I had nothing to cover and all in all I don't regret it. I did nothing wrong this time besides generally posting a conversation which should be kept strictly to privacy, although with her random and nasty insulting acts, being polite is under the table and I could care less.


Is it me? I didn't find her offensive in any way, just seemed to be defending herself when she was being verbally attacked. Maybe y'all know something different and I just didn't see it.


Verbally attacked? I was verbally attacked. She said it was hard for her to believe that I write poetry. Up to date I have written around 'one hundred twenty peices' in my young life. I would attempt to make a comparison example with you, but I don't know if there is anything that amounts to such a standard.

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OK, maybe some of my having a go at BS was a bit personal, if I've overdone it then I apologise, but the point I was trying to make was that it had nothing whatsoever to do with who BS's public quarrel was with, but the fact he made it public and he also made it up.


It makes no sense as a conversation, and I'm sorry but out of the two posters there is no argument as to who makes sense in a straightforward gramatically correct english way, whatever you think of the opinions. I'm sure BS's general posting is really clever on some special level that my narrow mind is not perceptive enough to grasp or something, but I can't believe some of RDW's replies to BS's messages wouldn't have been along the lines of, "What? That doesn't make sense." if he hasn't changed his comments before posting.


I'd say I'll leave it there, but I've already thought that a couple of times since yesterday so what do I know?

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If your interested this was my last message before her reply.


I have mixed emotions about myspace, I know that i'm not using it right now, For alot of people it's a real good experience and if you enjoy it, live it up then. Some celebrities might join, but alot of them have profiles made, the public does it. I'm usually around here, so if you don't want to post that's alright but drop by whenever you want to talk. You have connections and I have a few myself. Take care, and i'll talk with you later.


Believe it.


but I can't believe some of RDW's replies to BS's messages wouldn't have been along the lines of, "What?

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Verbally attacked? I was verbally attacked. She said it was hard for her to believe that I write poetry. Up to date I have written around 'one hundred twenty peices' in my young life. I would attempt to make a comparison example with you, but I don't know if there is anything that amounts to such a standard.



How about this then Banshees?



Whitney baby, Code 54000:

Death is the end of faith. Goodness endures continually. Mischief works

deceitfully. There is a dwelling place. There is a living land. But, devouring words

are deceitful. So, the green olive tree waits for the good as the devouring words

are rooted out. In the 30th year on the 12th month and the 25th day, garments

and diet were changed. You'll know the diet soon. When is the new moon? When

is the full moon? What is the diet?


I don't know if there is anything that amounts to such a standard.

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Look i'm not Royce Galaxy. I never was and I never will be. You got me cracking up because I know you really believe this. I mean 'the soon coming diet' who knows what that is? It could have been the arrival of you know who. It could have been somebody who had a vision that the greatest member of all time was about to register.

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Look i'm not Royce Galaxy. I never was and I never will be. You got me cracking up because I know you really believe this. I mean 'the soon coming diet' who knows what that is? It could have been the arrival of you know who. It could have been somebody who had a vision that the greatest member of all time was about to register.

At least have the good grace to put your hands up when you're caught BS.


I can honestly say that it you can reasonably prove you didn't muck your comments about before posting online to look wittier then I will unreservedly apologise for having doubted you and making your audience fidgety, or whatever it is you believe the other members of this forum are in relation to you.


Good job I didn't say 'I'll leave it there' then, that was about as successful a quitting as are my various giving up smoking attempts.

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Credit to Banshees for driving her off.

Why on earth are you awarding BS credit for "fixing" something he caused in the first place? You only need to read the first few pages of this thread (couldn't bring myself to read any further than the first few pages) to see that he was the one enthusiastically encouraging her to remain at DL in the first place. By way of evidence may I draw your attention to this post, this post, this post, etc etc etc (can't stomach any more, but they're there if you're strong enough).


So far as I can see (although again, couldn't bring myself to read most of it) this thread is pretty much simply a vehicle for Banshees' inane self-promotion and ego-feeding. I've tried to withhold comment about this all as the last thing I want is to do is give BS yet another excuse to post his drivel (not that he seems to need any excuse at all) but when I read that he's being awarded (and smugly accepting) credit, it's just too much.


I didn't bother reading most of LCR/RdW's posts, so I'm with HCW when I say that don't know what all the fuss is about. However, I respect (certain) other members' opinions enough to appreciate that she must have been annoying. But then so is BS, and he's still here... unfortunately...

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I take your point ie+.


Definitely no credit to Banshees Scream for any of that impenetrable pseudo-cabalistic blither with which he attempts to appear mystical, deep and intellectual, or for annoying the hell out of lots of the female members.


But credit where it's due. Ms. de Winter was a complete pain in the arse, and an obstreperous one at that, and Banshees has driven her off and I suspect I'm not the only one who's glad about it.

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But credit where it's due. Ms. de Winter was a complete pain in the arse, and an obstreperous one at that, and Banshees has driven her off and I suspect I'm not the only one who's glad about it.

Sorry nap, but maybe she wouldn't have been quite so obstreperous if Banshees hadn't started a thread dedicated to her. If she'd simply been left to her own devices, she probably would have gotten bored much more quickly and buggered off long ago. I bet if she hadn't turned on him when she realised that he's a complete idiot, he'd still be encouraging her along rather than "driving her off".

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Why on earth are you awarding BS credit for "fixing" something he caused in the first place? You only need to read the first few pages of this thread (couldn't bring myself to read any further than the first few pages) to see that he was the one enthusiastically encouraging her to remain at DL in the first place. By way of evidence may I draw your attention post, etc etc etc (can't stomach any more, but they're there if you're strong enough).


First of all i've clearly explained the situation, and your comments are pathetic and are a failure to make me look bad. As i've already said in the beginning she seemed to be a modern Amanda, she only posted in the Richard O Sullivan thread and she seemed very outspoken. All in all her posts had small sums of quality, and instantly many female members (especially) talked behind her back and mocked her. It was only later when I started to realize that she was wickedly erratic, the word that seems to suit her. This I kept to myself, but I started to take notice of it more and more, mainly between the few conversations we had. As time progressed I could see why alot of people didn't like her, all of a sudden out of the blue she turned her back on me, because again simply erratic behavier. If I made one mistake, it was bothering with her (i'm not asshamed to admit it) I was wrong. The woman was out of her mind.


So far as I can see (although again, couldn't bring myself to read most of it) this thread is pretty much simply a vehicle for Banshees' inane self-promotion and ego-feeding. I've tried to withhold comment about this all as the last thing I want is to do is give BS yet another excuse to post his drivel (not that he seems to need any excuse at all) but when I read that he's being awarded (and smugly accepting) credit, it's just too much.


Even more pathetic and a glimpse of the private gruesome side of In Eternum+. Honestly I would have never expected such complaining out of you, it's one thing not to have a liking for me, but to complain on the face of attention as you do, it's just the real cold truth of how miserable you truely are.


At least have the good grace to put your hands up when you're caught BS.


I can honestly say that it you can reasonably prove you didn't muck your comments about before posting online to look wittier then I will unreservedly apologise for having doubted you and making your audience fidgety, or whatever it is you believe the other members of this forum are in relation to you.


If your talking about Royce, the IP address could be checked and proven. Again i'll state that i'm not this myserious poster, but since for some reason I feel like being very stiff and bragging today, I wouldn't doubt that he was talking about the arrival of me.


By the way TLC, I would meet your idea of making facts - facts, but i'm clueless how I could actually put that into place. So if you can come to some great conclusion on proving it, please take a chair, buy yourself a drink, and be my guest.


But credit where it's due. Ms. de Winter was a complete pain in the arse, and an obstreperous one at that, and Banshees has driven her off and I suspect I'm not the only one who's glad about it.


Notapotato. I was drinking, but not so drunk yet. I posted the conversation only because she insulted me, and I did it seconds after I sent the message to her. I don't see the argument, (hail Scream) ;) . He got rid of the long time annoying poster who roamed here. It doesn't really make much sense saying that the credit isn't mine. If she hadn't insulted me then presenting our message would be wrong and impolite. But under the circumstances mark my words, i'm right. The credit belongs to me.

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But under the circumstances mark my words, i'm right. The credit belongs to me.

For Christ's sake Banshee, all you did was bitch about her in a very impolite and public way.

If you'd like to laud yourself about being such a champion then so be it, but when you boil it down to its basic elements it sounds like an episode of daytime TV.

Banshee tries to befriend female poster: Female member likes the attention: Banshee sends poetry and PMs: Female member gets creeped out: Banshee and female member fall out: Banshee publicly scorns female member--at this point this could relate to quite a number of female members--Then you start posting "private" conversations here and claim credit for driving her off "for our mutual benefit." How magnanimous of you sir.


I personally didn't have anything against her, like HCW and ie+, but obviously others did.

Your reasons seem to be a lot more vehement and personally driven than most, but crowing about it shows us a lot more Banshee than some people would care for.


I'll only take replies in poetry seriously, as then I know you're trying your hardest.

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For Christ's sake Banshee, all you did was bitch about her in a very impolite and public way.

If you'd like to laud yourself about being such a champion then so be it, but when you boil it down to its basic elements it sounds like an episode of daytime TV.

Banshee tries to befriend female poster: Female member likes the attention: Banshee sends poetry and PMs: Female member gets creeped out: Banshee and female member fall out: Banshee publicly scorns female member--at this point this could relate to quite a number of female members--Then you start posting "private" conversations here and claim credit for driving her off "for our mutual benefit." How magnanimous of you sir.


And your talking out of your ass. It certainly didn't happen that way, mark my words in blood.


You were all supposed to shake your heads and be so glad that she was gone, but instead not believing in the facts and not believing in me. I hold no personal grudges, but if you can't believe in me, well then f**k you.



I'll only take replies in poetry seriously, as then I know you're trying your hardest.



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Banshees, if ie+ is complaining about you, it's more than likely you did something foolish to upset her, and haven't seen the need to apologise yet.

There's no smoke without a fire you know.


And by the way, why is it that you can't write a post which doesn't force the reader to read it three times, then wander off scratching their heads thinking: "What the f**k was that all about?"?


I don't think it's lack of intellectual eminence on the part of our membership that stops them from understanding more than the bare gist of slightly less than half of what you write.

Even deep, metaphysical or esoteric stuff can be expressed in plain English. Its preferable in fact, helps you be taken more seriously, and doesn't delude the reader into thinking you are a complete numskull, as your present style tends to do. Of course I know better.

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What is the source of this fascination with Royce Galaxy?


Did Royce ever actually post anything of note?




PS: I think this thread may be up for deletion soon.

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