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Banshees Scream

Rebecca De Winter

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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.




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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.





Your kindness has been overwhelming at this sad time.

As a token of Lady C's regard for you, allow me to send you the full-length portrait painted at the height of her beauty....

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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.





Your kindness has been overwhelming at this sad time.

As a token of Lady C's regard for you, allow me to send you the full-length portrait painted at the height of her beauty....

... by one of the pre-Raphaelite brotherhood no doubt.

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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.




Well done Hein. I like the new suit by the way.



Is there some way you could dispose of Ms. deWinter as well.



She is a complete F*****g pain in the arse with a gob on her like the Mersey Tunnel.

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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.




Well done Hein. I like the new suit by the way.



Is there some way you could dispose of Ms. deWinter as well.


She is a complete F*****g pain in the arse with a gob on her like the Mersey Tunnel.


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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.





Your kindness has been overwhelming at this sad time.

As a token of Lady C's regard for you, allow me to send you the full-length portrait painted at the height of her beauty....

... by one of the pre-Raphaelite brotherhood no doubt.


Dunno, actually, but it was painted in the Regency period if that's of any use...

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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.




Well done Hein. I like the new suit by the way.


Is there some way you could dispose of Ms. deWinter as well.


She is a complete F*****g pain in the arse with a gob on her like the Mersey Tunnel.

I don't have a problem with people who like Richard O'Sullivan.

I don't have a problem with people who post a lot.

I DO have a problem with people who have typing diarrhoea and post endless witless drivel about absolutely bloody nothing and always having to answer EVERY SINGLE POINT IN EVERY SINGLE POST.


It's not big, it's not clever, it's not even funny. It's just boring - the worst sin a 'comedy' 'character' (and I use both the words 'comedy' and 'character' loosely) can be.


I believe Popbitch has a retort for such people: d) :D

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Apparently you have a problem with anyone who even TALKS on any of your forums - you are the biggest group of tasteless, thoughtless, mindless, ill-mannered cowards I have ever had the misfortune to encounter - with the exception of one or two.

But then what could one expect when using a communication device such as the internet where faceless strangers feel brave enough to insult others with no possible fear of consequence or of ever meeting the people they abuse?

I'm sure BS started this thread with good intentions which you "people" have seen fit to use as a vehicle for your anger at the world for whatever reason, unfortunately choosing to substitute "world" for "me".


I'm sick of it, so stop it.


Go and kick your dog, bash your wife, or nag your husband.


Learn some manners.

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I don't have a problem with people who like Richard O'Sullivan.

I don't have a problem with people who post a lot.

I DO have a problem with people who have typing diarrhoea and post endless witless drivel about absolutely bloody nothing and always having to answer EVERY SINGLE POINT IN EVERY SINGLE POST.


It's not big, it's not clever, it's not even funny. It's just boring - the worst sin a 'comedy' 'character' (and I use both the words 'comedy' and 'character' loosely) can be.


I believe Popbitch has a retort for such people: d) :D

What she said.




Manners enough for you?

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I don't have a problem with people who like Richard O'Sullivan.

I don't have a problem with people who post a lot.

I DO have a problem with people who have typing diarrhoea and post endless witless drivel about absolutely bloody nothing and always having to answer EVERY SINGLE POINT IN EVERY SINGLE POST.


It's not big, it's not clever, it's not even funny. It's just boring - the worst sin a 'comedy' 'character' (and I use both the words 'comedy' and 'character' loosely) can be.


I believe Popbitch has a retort for such people: d) :P



What have you got against diarrhoea.


I can't spell diarrhoea so I copied the spelling from you. Hope you don't mind.


By the way, are you speaking about maryportfuncity?

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I can't spell diarrhoea so I copied the spelling from you. Hope you don't mind.

I can't spell it either. I cut and pasted it from somewhere, making sure it was the British way of spelling it of course.


By the way, are you speaking about maryportfuncity?

Now now, naughty Windsor :P At least MPFC's posts are occasionally relevant and they understand the point of this place.

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Apparently you have a problem with anyone who even TALKS on any of your forums - you are the biggest group of tasteless, thoughtless, mindless, ill-mannered cowards I have ever had the misfortune to encounter - with the exception of one or two.

But then what could one expect when using a communication device such as the internet where faceless strangers feel brave enough to insult others with no possible fear of consequence or of ever meeting the people they abuse?

I'm sure BS started this thread with good intentions which you "people" have seen fit to use as a vehicle for your anger at the world for whatever reason, unfortunately choosing to substitute "world" for "me".


I'm sick of it, so stop it.


Go and kick your dog, bash your wife, or nag your husband.


Learn some manners.

Now now Rebecca, I think you'll find that people don't just get picked on at random on this site, and certainly not just for talking. Some get criticised for their posting abilities, but if it was just irrelevence that got "people" to use members 'as a vehicle for their anger at the world' (very modest by the way) then I'd have been banned long ago.


Do you think that because we chat on the internet and don't really know each other that we should all agree all of the time or say things like 'that's not my view, but I respect and value our differences' to avoid disagreements? I quite like the fact that I can disagree with or take the piss out of people that I think deserve it and it can remain a war of words; for people who need to sort disputes out with fists there's always the pub. :huh: Why should I sort stuff out face to face with people I don't know, is that more honest? I'm not for pointless mud-slinging, but some well aimed mud at deserved recipients is all part of the fun for me. Everyone has the opportunity to defend themselves on this site, whether they choose to or are able to is down to them.


One can only hope that this cruel world will soon move on and pick a more deserving person as its punchbag...


I have no dog to kick, wife to bash (only a bishop, and he's getting a bit bruised through repeat attacks) or husband to nag. I could try stabbing the imaginary cat sitting on my lap, but that leads to the same problem I've got with the bishop....


I think I was taught pretty good manners as a child, but what I've learned since growing up (well, getting older) is that not all situations deserve these manners to be applied to them. :o

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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.




Well done Hein. I like the new suit by the way.



Is there some way you could dispose of Ms. deWinter as well.



She is a complete F*****g pain in the arse with a gob on her like the Mersey Tunnel.


That's rather unfair on the Mersey Tunnel don't you think?

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It is my solemn duty to report that Lady Clarissa Richmond is no more. After consultations with her relatives it has been decided that it was better to end her suffering.


Before her departure she made a will in which she named Rebecca de Winter as her sole heiress.




Well done Hein. I like the new suit by the way.



Is there some way you could dispose of Ms. deWinter as well.



She is a complete F*****g pain in the arse with a gob on her like the Mersey Tunnel.


That's rather unfair on the Mersey Tunnel don't you think?

I do, as presumably that closes for maintenance occasionally and allows two way traffic?

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That's rather unfair on the Mersey Tunnel don't you think?

Oh I don't know. It is Scouse after all...

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I'm almost drunk everybody. But this is a real conversation and the end of Rebecca De Winter. Enjoy everybody. :(


You will not see the wood for the trees, will you?

MySpace is fun, DL is not. DL is nothing but a downer - I don't want that attitude rubbing off on me, I want to be with nice people.

Then you should leave.

The celebrities I have spoken to are legit, and they did write their own profiles, and they are real and decent people

Something like Michael Jacksons face?

I'd be a bloody idiot to prefer being insulted on DL, to lovely compliments from James Gunn, Nathan Fillion and Jewel Staite, wouldn't I?

Think about it for a second.

Alright I just thought about it.

I wish you would choose your words more carefully - if "back down" means "relax" in your book, then you better buy a new book. It's rude, as is telling me I'm "erratic" because I don't agree with you. I find it hard to believe that you write poetry.

No wonder why you have a ex husband. O and this is goodbye.

I don't really want to talk to you again, I really don't see the point, so please don't message me any more - the messages will be deleted unread.

Well you might not read it, but every member on here will.

[Thread merged with the existing RDW one - ff]

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I'm almost drunk everybody. But this is a real conversation and the end of Rebecca De Winter. Enjoy everybody. :(
You will not see the wood for the trees, will you?

MySpace is fun, DL is not. DL is nothing but a downer - I don't want that attitude rubbing off on me, I want to be with nice people.

Then you should leave.

The celebrities I have spoken to are legit, and they did write their own profiles, and they are real and decent people

Something like Michael Jacksons face?

I'd be a bloody idiot to prefer being insulted on DL, to lovely compliments from James Gunn, Nathan Fillion and Jewel Staite, wouldn't I?

Think about it for a second.

Alright I just thought about it.

I wish you would choose your words more carefully - if "back down" means "relax" in your book, then you better buy a new book. It's rude, as is telling me I'm "erratic" because I don't agree with you. I find it hard to believe that you write poetry.

No wonder why you have a ex husband. O and this is goodbye.

I don't really want to talk to you again, I really don't see the point, so please don't message me any more - the messages will be deleted unread.

Well you might not read it, but every member on here will.

[Thread merged with the existing RDW one - ff]

This is the cleareast post you have ever made BS; it shows, you ought to get wasted more often.

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I'm almost drunk everybody. But this is a real conversation and the end of Rebecca De Winter. Enjoy everybody. :(


You will not see the wood for the trees, will you?

MySpace is fun, DL is not. DL is nothing but a downer - I don't want that attitude rubbing off on me, I want to be with nice people.

Then you should leave.
The celebrities I have spoken to are legit, and they did write their own profiles, and they are real and decent people
Something like Michael Jacksons face? [edit: early contender for 'worst comeback of 2007' for the next Monkey awards?-TLC]
I'd be a bloody idiot to prefer being insulted on DL, to lovely compliments from James Gunn, Nathan Fillion and Jewel Staite, wouldn't I?

Think about it for a second.

Alright I just thought about it.
I wish you would choose your words more carefully - if "back down" means "relax" in your book, then you better buy a new book. It's rude, as is telling me I'm "erratic" because I don't agree with you. I find it hard to believe that you write poetry.
No wonder why you have a ex husband. O and this is goodbye.
I don't really want to talk to you again, I really don't see the point, so please don't message me any more - the messages will be deleted unread.
Well you might not read it, but every member on here will.


[Thread merged with the existing RDW one - ff]

This is the cleareast post you have ever made BS; it shows, you ought to get wasted more often.

Sorry guest, but if those are really BS's actual 'at the time' responses then... well... I can't think of a witty comparison, but they look very clearly to me to have been invented afterwards.


I've not always been a huge fan of Rebecca De Winter's posts, but I've never doubted her sanity or ability to respond to the actual questions put to her. Take a look at the paragraphs I've highlighted in red and tell me if you still think the remarks above them were BS's original comments? No, nor me.


And how rude is that to put Private Messages on the forum?


As I recall BS had a bit of a thing for RDW (or Lady Clarissa Richmond, the alter ego), so my spidey sense tells me he didn't get anywhere, he was never one of the people complaining about her. RDW's replies look to me like BS has been bombarding her with unwanted PM's, although of course I have no proof that he'd be the sort of chap who'd resort to that sort of behaviour. Re-read this thread (if you can find the mental strength) and make your own mind up. Although if you come to a different conclusion to me, you're wrong. :rip: Seriously, seriously wrong.


ps BS, if you're going to edit your responses to make them look clever, at least actually make them look clever.


Now would be the time for you to come back with proof that you really haven't edited yourself. I have checked if the local baker has a large supply of humble pie at the ready, just in case. :)

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TLC i'm not even going to bother answering all your skeptical nonesense. It is all true, I didn't change a word. I swear to your lord Jesus Christ. But you really could f****n lead people away from the truth, couldn't you? That's how it happened. The real deal. It's yours and the end of Lady Clarissa Richmond 'Rebecca De Winter'

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TLC i'm not even going to bother answering all your skeptical nonesense. It is all true, I didn't change a word. I swear to your lord Jesus Christ. But you really could f****n lead people away from the truth, couldn't you? That's how it happened. The real deal. It's yours and the end of Lady Clarissa Richmond 'Rebecca De Winter'

Possibly you didn't change a word of her responses. However, I don't believe she's mentally disturbed, but if you didn't alter your comments she would appear to be because as per boringly usual with your posts/replies one comment bears no relation to the one that follows it, and LCR's comments are consistently far more lucid than yours. So I take her side without a moment's thought.


JC is not my lord, swear as much as you like.


It's not me attempting to lead people away from the truth, your exceedingly inept attempt at being a clever poster is very much the epitome of BS, in both senses of the name. But mostly in the bullshit sense. I've not edited anything, so everyone can read your post and make their own mind up. I'd be surprised if many people take your side on this one, whatever they think about LCR.


Humble pie order cancelled, I will not even entertain the idea that I'm wrong now. I can't believe I felt slightly guilty the other day for always picking holes in your ridiculous posts, but the one above demonstrates very clearly to me why I should continue.


You got blown out, and she didn't like your poetry. Go away and grow some testicles.


Sir, I bid you good day. I need to remember why I shouldn't get worked up by stuff on a forum, I think the answer is the nearest bar.

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You got blown out, and she didn't like your poetry. Go away and grow some testicles.


The fact of the matter is that I don't think she ever read any of it. 'I told her to Back Down' meaning 'Relax' because she seems to be so up and against you. Very uncalm might define it? i've said that phrase many times before and she seems to be a very erratic person, and this time i'm not the one to blame, i've realized why some posters have a very suspicious opinion on her. We had a few conversations but nothing more, and she seemed to be the mindless one. I guess it is the internet and sometimes people don't know the measure of the sense your speaking 'Example' 'How serious or how not serious your being'


Another misunderstanding i'm sure, but I don't need her random and vicious insults for no reason. I was drinking last night, but no doubt I had a clear mind on what I was doing, and I never changed a word of it. You say grow some testicles? Another comment which is out of place and that I resent. So f**k you. And to end this peacefully, and hopefully you yourself can forget about this, take a little vacation from Deathlist. Take a week off, Back Down, and come back a new man.

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It's not me attempting to lead people away from the truth, your exceedingly inept attempt at being a clever poster is very much the epitome of BS, in both senses of the name. But mostly in the bullshit sense. I've not edited anything, so everyone can read your post and make their own mind up. I'd be surprised if many people take your side on this one, whatever they think about LCR.


Humble pie order cancelled, I will not even entertain the idea that I'm wrong now. I can't believe I felt slightly guilty the other day for always picking holes in your ridiculous posts, but the one above demonstrates very clearly to me why I should continue.


You got blown out, and she didn't like your poetry. Go away and grow some testicles.


Sir, I bid you good day. I need to remember why I shouldn't get worked up by stuff on a forum, I think the answer is the nearest bar.



I'm with you on this one TLC. I'm not sure why BS thought it appropriate to repost a private message on a public forum in the first place. There's no excuse for bad manners.

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Guest Sylvia



It's not me attempting to lead people away from the truth, your exceedingly inept attempt at being a clever poster is very much the epitome of BS, in both senses of the name. But mostly in the bullshit sense. I've not edited anything, so everyone can read your post and make their own mind up. I'd be surprised if many people take your side on this one, whatever they think about LCR.


Humble pie order cancelled, I will not even entertain the idea that I'm wrong now. I can't believe I felt slightly guilty the other day for always picking holes in your ridiculous posts, but the one above demonstrates very clearly to me why I should continue.


You got blown out, and she didn't like your poetry. Go away and grow some testicles.


Sir, I bid you good day. I need to remember why I shouldn't get worked up by stuff on a forum, I think the answer is the nearest bar.

I'm with you on this one TLC. I'm not sure why BS thought it appropriate to repost a private message on a public forum in the first place. There's no excuse for bad manners.


What's done is done. I believe Mr.Scream explained himself when he indicated that he was drunk. In a drunken state one does not always realize either their actions or the possible consequemces of those actions. Additionally, it would be wise for us to remember that Mr.Scream had reached the end of his rope when he posted his remarks and the messages; re: Ms.De Winter/Richmond.



Instead of chastising Mr.Scream, who appears to be a long time member of good standing, we should be rallying around him and thanking him for having courage to speak his mind.

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This is the cleareast post you have ever made BS; it shows, you ought to get wasted more often.


Slight exaggeration, but still clearer than some, in a BS-y sort of a way!


I agree with TLC and Han ( and I hope, others) that posting a PM conversation is out of order. My first impression was that rather than a PM, it was a transcription of a MySpace exchange, but even that is punching well below the belt.


Aside from all that, I wish to congratulate Banshees on returning to The "Lady" In Question what she deserves in return for her hypocritical "good manners" and attention-seeking lack of sensitivity to so much on this forum.

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