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Kim Jong-Il

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Comrade cook, the pig's head is a bit off. Go and see the duty torturer at once.




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Sounds very much like something will give way sooner rather than later now:







Those military bastards couldn't care less about the civilians but once they are starving themselves, they will turn on their masters. All the political indoctrination in the world won't save that regime, IMHO.

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Sounds very much like something will give way sooner rather than later now:







Those military bastards couldn't care less about the civilians but once they are starving themselves, they will turn on their masters. All the political indoctrination in the world won't save that regime, IMHO.



To lighten the mood after that last post, the alternative is they could just be getting ready to take over the world after the collapse of the US Empire :lol: , as per the hypothesis in this new computer game that has upset some Americans:







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You know, in all seriousness, I can't understand the mindset of people like Kim Jong-Il and Mugabe. I mean, where is the satisfaction in "ruling" over a bunch of starving peasants? If he were honest with himself, Kim would admit he is a failed economic manager as his country is bankrupt and his people are starving and that he, himself, represents an ideology/political system that has utterly failed. He must know that no one will remember his regime fondly once the dust settles and, if nothing else, he isn't a competent economic manager.


You would think that, for the sake of posterity, he would be taking a few steps towards modernising his economy as his Chinese neighbours are doing. At least then, some people would have respected him when the history books are writtenm even if it meant a massive U-turn in the short term.



I just don't see the reason in hanging onto control of half a peninsula if you aren't going to rule it effectively and at least make some attempt to make it prosperous. It is all a bit pointless really. He must simply be drunk on power.

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You know, in all seriousness, I can't understand the mindset of people like Kim Jong-Il and Mugabe. I mean, where is the satisfaction in "ruling" over a bunch of starving peasants? If he were honest with himself, Kim would admit he is a failed economic manager as his country is bankrupt and his people are starving and that he, himself, represents an ideology/political system that has utterly failed. He must know that no one will remember his regime fondly once the dust settles and, if nothing else, he isn't a competent economic manager.


You would think that, for the sake of posterity, he would be taking a few steps towards modernising his economy as his Chinese neighbours are doing. At least then, some people would have respected him when the history books are writtenm even if it meant a massive U-turn in the short term.



I just don't see the reason in hanging onto control of half a peninsula if you aren't going to rule it effectively and at least make some attempt to make it prosperous. It is all a bit pointless really. He must simply be drunk on power.


..or simply drunk.

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China cracks down on North Korea drug trade


By North Asia correspondent Mark Willacy


Posted 59 minutes ago


There are reports that China is cracking down on North Korea's drug trade, seizing tens of millions of dollars worth of narcotics.


It has long been suspected that Pyongyang is manufacturing and trafficking illegal drugs.


South Korea's Dong-A Ilbo newspaper is reporting that last year China seized $60 million worth of narcotics produced over the border by the communist North.


The paper quotes a diplomatic source as saying that Beijing has had enough of North Korea's drug trafficking, seeing it as a threat to China's internal security.


The drugs seized by Chinese authorities are of the highest quality, suggesting that Pyongyang is manufacturing the narcotics in state-run factories.



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Less cogniac for Uncle Kim. wopppp wwwoooooppp wooopppp woooooppppp (sad you fail sound).

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You know, in all seriousness, I can't understand the mindset of people like Kim Jong-Il and Mugabe. I mean, where is the satisfaction in "ruling" over a bunch of starving peasants? If he were honest with himself, Kim would admit he is a failed economic manager as his country is bankrupt and his people are starving and that he, himself, represents an ideology/political system that has utterly failed. He must know that no one will remember his regime fondly once the dust settles and, if nothing else, he isn't a competent economic manager.


You would think that, for the sake of posterity, he would be taking a few steps towards modernising his economy as his Chinese neighbours are doing. At least then, some people would have respected him when the history books are writtenm even if it meant a massive U-turn in the short term.



I just don't see the reason in hanging onto control of half a peninsula if you aren't going to rule it effectively and at least make some attempt to make it prosperous. It is all a bit pointless really. He must simply be drunk on power.


As the saying goes, 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'

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You know, in all seriousness, I can't understand the mindset of people like Kim Jong-Il and Mugabe. I mean, where is the satisfaction in "ruling" over a bunch of starving peasants? If he were honest with himself, Kim would admit he is a failed economic manager as his country is bankrupt and his people are starving and that he, himself, represents an ideology/political system that has utterly failed. He must know that no one will remember his regime fondly once the dust settles and, if nothing else, he isn't a competent economic manager.


You would think that, for the sake of posterity, he would be taking a few steps towards modernising his economy as his Chinese neighbours are doing. At least then, some people would have respected him when the history books are writtenm even if it meant a massive U-turn in the short term.



I just don't see the reason in hanging onto control of half a peninsula if you aren't going to rule it effectively and at least make some attempt to make it prosperous. It is all a bit pointless really. He must simply be drunk on power.


As the saying goes, 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'


Yes, I know. I guess my point is he is not even competent. The older megalomaniac thugs, like Hitler, Stalin and even Saddam, were at least able to transform their countries after economic crises. Mugabe and Kim can't even get that right.

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You know, in all seriousness, I can't understand the mindset of people like Kim Jong-Il and Mugabe. I mean, where is the satisfaction in "ruling" over a bunch of starving peasants? If he were honest with himself, Kim would admit he is a failed economic manager as his country is bankrupt and his people are starving and that he, himself, represents an ideology/political system that has utterly failed. He must know that no one will remember his regime fondly once the dust settles and, if nothing else, he isn't a competent economic manager.


You would think that, for the sake of posterity, he would be taking a few steps towards modernising his economy as his Chinese neighbours are doing. At least then, some people would have respected him when the history books are writtenm even if it meant a massive U-turn in the short term.



I just don't see the reason in hanging onto control of half a peninsula if you aren't going to rule it effectively and at least make some attempt to make it prosperous. It is all a bit pointless really. He must simply be drunk on power.


As the saying goes, 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'


Yes, I know. I guess my point is he is not even competent. The older megalomaniac thugs, like Hitler, Stalin and even Saddam, were at least able to transform their countries after economic crises. Mugabe and Kim can't even get that right.


Think generally dictators are more concerned with maintaining an iron grip on power at any cost than looking after their people or economy

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So do you guys think he'll live as long as 2018? When Peyongchang, hosts the Winter olympics? Would the North in it's recent developments of dire straites, last that long?

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So do you guys think he'll live as long as 2018? When Peyongchang, hosts the Winter olympics? Would the North in it's recent developments of dire straites, last that long?

I can't see the North surviving that long now that the army itself is starving. They will turn on their masters if the famine keeps up.

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So do you guys think he'll live as long as 2018? When Peyongchang, hosts the Winter olympics? Would the North in it's recent developments of dire straites, last that long?


If the allegations of poor health on his part are true, particularly the supposed strokes and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer (which has a low survival rate) it seems somewhat unlikely. Even in the event that he is still alive by then he will be either 76 or 77 years old (there are conflicting records of his birth), taking into the account the aforementioned ailments the chances that he will still be fit and well enough to continue rule seem pretty doubtful too.

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I just saw a story about North Korea on television. (Hopefully a transcript will be up on the web later.) It confirms that the famine situation is extremely bad there and that people are growing bolder in their defiance of the regime.


People are foraging for grass to survive and black markets are springing up in the state-controlled economy as citizens try to sell the few possessions they have for food. Obviously this is unsustainable so the next six months will be interesting, to put it mildly.

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Nothing will happen, Kim is just going to saber rattle, test a few nukes, and we'll give him economic concessions, which will keep the soldiers fed, and the house of Kim alive. The resources used to grow more dope, which brings money to China, as they sell the shit all over. And Kim occasionally trickles down some resources to the public to keep them alive keep the economy alive just a short while longer.

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Nothing will happen, Kim is just going to saber rattle, test a few nukes, and we'll give him economic concessions, which will keep the soldiers fed, and the house of Kim alive. The resources used to grow more dope, which brings money to China, as they sell the shit all over. And Kim occasionally trickles down some resources to the public to keep them alive keep the economy alive just a short while longer.



Perhaps this concession to the US Empire will allow him to stay in power:




Maybe Coke and KFC are their solutions to the problem of how to feed the starving masses. :o

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The Supreme Leader is on a trip to Russia. From the clip:




No, he's not asleep, my timing wasn't quite right and I can't be arsed to play that clip again. He does look, ehrm, spotty. His walk is that of a 70 year old man.




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God DAMMIT Russia! now this will give the Kim dynasty an extension and more innocents will starve. FUCK YOU PUTIN.

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GODDAMIT, these extra 1 dollars are going keep the Kims in power just little longer. They'll probably spend it on more Conach.

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