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Richard O'Sullivan

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Maybe a "Day of the Jackal" (ahem) style identity theft is in order? Get an old copy of The Stage and nick the name of an old actor/actress who died young. (I suggest Norah Baring in a sad attempt to make this relevant to Deathlist.) Add one wig, munch on a bullet and Bob's yer Uncle.


This might sound like a daft suggestion but is there any chance someone could impersonate an ageing actor to get into Brinsworth House?


Then, from the inside, find out what is really going on?


Surely it can't be that hard - get a birth certificate, then Equity card renewed.


Heck, what about claiming to be an entertainer from the former Soviet Bloc?

Good idea. I have just placed an oiled seabird on my head and will turn up tomorrow claiming to be Tony Blackburn.

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Welcome, Lady Clarissa!


Ages back I did send a letter to BH, pretending to be a small boy requesting Dicky's autograph for his father's birthday, but to no avail.


Interesting to hear that he's done something for the new Carry On Teacher DVD- although 'tis a shame I shall not hear it as I already have all the Carry Ons from the Deagostini collection.


We also had a member, Millwall 32, who famously took a day off to try and get into BH and I don't think he's been heard from since.


Best of luck in your Dicky O stalking- if you should bump into someone else in the bushes, don't panic, it'll probably be another of our fold,The Pooka, on the look out for Tessa Wyatt.

I shall look out for you Ladyy Clarissa. That'll be me in the escallonia bush. I have cleared a little patch for you in the privet and left a complimentary bag of Quavers and bottle of Dandelion and Burdock.


While we're on the topic are you, by any chance, acquainted with Ms Wyatt?

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Dandelion and Burdock with Quavers! :angry:


What a culinary faux pas, I thought everyone knew that only Vimto is served with Quavers.

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Dandelion and Burdock with Quavers! :angry:


What a culinary faux pas, I thought everyone knew that only Vimto is served with Quavers.

You are right, of course, TF. However, Lady Clarissa is Australian and, frankly, where cuisine is concerned anything goes with that crowd. Perhaps a little Vegemite would hit the spot. I do hope she comes back tomorrow - she seems quite a sport.

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The Pooka wrote:


You are right, of course, TF. However, Lady Clarissa is Australian and, frankly, where cuisine is concerned anything goes with that crowd.



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Hail, The Pooka! Thanks for the offer of "a patch for me', however I have not yet collapsed under the weight of restraining orders so I may be able to infiltrate BH without being arrested...sorry, I don't know what Quavers are but they sound intriguing...I've never had the pleasure of making La Wyatt's acquaintance, however have nursed a violent antipathy towards her for many years - do you need to ask why?

Welcome, Lady Clarissa!


Ages back I did send a letter to BH, pretending to be a small boy requesting Dicky's autograph for his father's birthday, but to no avail.


Interesting to hear that he's done something for the new Carry On Teacher DVD- although 'tis a shame I shall not hear it as I already have all the Carry Ons from the Deagostini collection.


We also had a member, Millwall 32, who famously took a day off to try and get into BH and I don't think he's been heard from since.


Best of luck in your Dicky O stalking- if you should bump into someone else in the bushes, don't panic, it'll probably be another of our fold,The Pooka, on the look out for Tessa Wyatt.

I shall look out for you Ladyy Clarissa. That'll be me in the escallonia bush. I have cleared a little patch for you in the privet and left a complimentary bag of Quavers and bottle of Dandelion and Burdock.


While we're on the topic are you, by any chance, acquainted with Ms Wyatt?

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I resent that, and on behalf of my nation, I resent that..ha ha!! In the spirit of the moment (and good humour), it is a well-known fact that if the weather in the UK doesn't kill you, the food will! Perhaps you'd like to take a break from "TW-stalking"and pay us a visit - maybe I can convince you that we have something to offer in the way of cuisine besides vegemite, after all, I didn't attain my Degree in Applied Science Food and Food Service (that would be "cooking")just to write messages on the internet...awww, you want me to come back? You are too sweet, Pooka - that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me today...but it is only 11am.[!! quote name=The Pooka' date='Sep 22 2006, 08:28 PM' post='75207]

Dandelion and Burdock with Quavers! :angry:


What a culinary faux pas, I thought everyone knew that only Vimto is served with Quavers.

You are right, of course, TF. However, Lady Clarissa is Australian and, frankly, where cuisine is concerned anything goes with that crowd. Perhaps a little Vegemite would hit the spot. I do hope she comes back tomorrow - she seems quite a sport.

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Ah, Pooka, you crack me up!! Are you perchance a comedy writer or summat? Oiled seabird - it's brilliant! I find it amazing that people are still talking about the O'Sullivan/Wyatt/Blackburn Scandal, or making reference to it so frequently, after all these years - I'm sure it was a huge deal back then...just had an idea, Pooka, never a good thing...when I get to England, perhaps you and I could pool our resources, seeing as how you feel about TW and how I feel about RO'S, and maybe we could split them up permanently - after all, she had her shot with him and blew it, and he had his shot with her and blew it - now it's time for them to *bleeping well* move on and give someone else a turn! Whatcha fink, geez? I have a cunning plan to infiltrate BH...but it cannot be disclosed as yet.

Maybe a "Day of the Jackal" (ahem) style identity theft is in order? Get an old copy of The Stage and nick the name of an old actor/actress who died young. (I suggest Norah Baring in a sad attempt to make this relevant to Deathlist.) Add one wig, munch on a bullet and Bob's yer Uncle.


This might sound like a daft suggestion but is there any chance someone could impersonate an ageing actor to get into Brinsworth House?


Then, from the inside, find out what is really going on?


Surely it can't be that hard - get a birth certificate, then Equity card renewed.


Heck, what about claiming to be an entertainer from the former Soviet Bloc?

Good idea. I have just placed an oiled seabird on my head and will turn up tomorrow claiming to be Tony Blackburn.

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Pooka, the stalker, becomes the stalked....

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Pooka, the stalker, becomes the stalked....


Come on, people, if we all put our minds together there must be some way we can get into Brinsworth House?


A cleaner? A cook? A gardener?


Come on, we can do it!

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Hello all!


I have been reading this thread for quite a while and have also decided to 'out' myself as a Dicki...er Richard fan (can't bring myself to call him that either!) I contacted Brinsworth a while ago, although like Lady C, a friend had previously also received a nice, but rather blunt reply. I had a bit more joy, but wasn't able to contact Richard directly. I have spoken to someone who said that although he is a lovely bloke and is very flattered that people still ask about him, he doesn't like being approached by people and the staff at BH are fully aware of his wishes and do all they can to protect his privacy. He rarely, if ever, replies to mail either. I think he does just want to be left alone, but Lady C - are you young(ish), slim, blonde and pretty? If so I wouldn't give up hope :D In fact if you tick even one of those boxes you may well be in there. If not Pooka should be interested!


By the way, I have some info re; the Richard/Tessa/Tony story. Please feel free to correct me here, as I was barely out of nappies at the time, but my Uncle actually knew a friend of Blackburn's and I also read a TV Times article from the 80's that confirms that it was actually Blackburn who started seeing someone after he separated from Tessa, before she started seeing Richard. They separated in the Spring/Summer of 1976 (before she started work on Robin's Nest) and he began seeing someone, then in 1977 the rumours started about Richard and Tessa, although neither would admit it until she moved in/got pregnant by him in 1979. I wonder why all this 'affair' stuff is such a big deal, if she left Blackburn before she even started working with Richard, why was there such a big scandal made of it? I can only assume it was because they weren't actually divorced. Tessa herself was so livid with the press that she has always refused interviews unless promoting a series. In the TV Times article old rug-head admitted that he had been seeing someone while he was separated and said that Richard was "a really nice man". Anyone have any other info? Also (apologies can't remember who posted) how did you hear about Richard being too unwell to attend the Thora Hird ceremony? He must have been pretty bad not to attend something that took place where he lives :angry: - hope he's ok.


Jeez, didn't realise how much I'd rambled, shift work does that to you - I'm out of here!

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Hi, Am I Dead Yet? I enjoyed your message. It's always great so get some new (old?)info on RO'S (maybe one day I'll be able to call him Dickie, but not today) - I suspected the "watchdogs" at BH had been acting on his wishes not to be bothered by fans or potential stalkers, so that didn't really come as a shock to me, but would I be right in assuming that they do actually let him read his mail? Your info on the O'Sullivan/Wyatt/Blackburn scandal of the 70s is interesting - I was thinking about this recently and came to the conclusion that perhaps Richard's bad rep was somewhat undeserved, at least in this case. Funny how many people blamed Richard and not Tessa. But, it seems that Richard and Tessa knew each other long before Tony had his affair - Tessa played Dr. Nicky Barrington in the "Doctor" series ages before - now maybe they weren't intimate, but who knows? Will we ever know the whole truth? I think not - not unless they all come clean one day. La Wyatt's "how dare you" stance could have been a case of the lady protesting too much! Oh, and BTW, I'm not exactly young but I could be Richard's daughter, nor was I ever blonde, I do need to lose a few pounds (don't we all), but am still a pretty good cross between Ava Gardner and Audrey Hepburn (when they were alive and attractive, that is!) - at least that's what the "blind community" used to tell me! I could still be in with a chance, after all, isn't Richard's type female and breathing? Sorry, Richard, but I just had to say that! It was always part of your attraction - all us silly females thinking you were quite the stud! (Why do I always end up doing that stupid thing where I assume the person I'm writing about will read my messages one day?) I will never give up my dream of meeting him some day - So, how come you're such a fan of Richard's, given that you were a baby back in the 70s? I mean, I think it's great, you don't need to convince me - I've been in love with him forever - just curious is all.

Hello all!


I have been reading this thread for quite a while and have also decided to 'out' myself as a Dicki...er Richard fan (can't bring myself to call him that either!) I contacted Brinsworth a while ago, although like Lady C, a friend had previously also received a nice, but rather blunt reply. I had a bit more joy, but wasn't able to contact Richard directly. I have spoken to someone who said that although he is a lovely bloke and is very flattered that people still ask about him, he doesn't like being approached by people and the staff at BH are fully aware of his wishes and do all they can to protect his privacy. He rarely, if ever, replies to mail either. I think he does just want to be left alone, but Lady C - are you young(ish), slim, blonde and pretty? If so I wouldn't give up hope :D In fact if you tick even one of those boxes you may well be in there. If not Pooka should be interested!


By the way, I have some info re; the Richard/Tessa/Tony story. Please feel free to correct me here, as I was barely out of nappies at the time, but my Dad actually knew a friend of Blackburn's and I also read a TV Times article from the 80's that confirms that it was actually Blackburn who started seeing someone after he separated from Tessa, before she started seeing Richard. They separated in the Spring/Summer of 1976 (before she started work on Robin's Nest) and he began seeing someone, then in 1977 the rumours started about Richard and Tessa, although neither would admit it until she moved in/got pregnant by him in 1979. I wonder why all this 'affair' stuff is such a big deal, if she left Blackburn before she even started working with Richard, why was there such a big scandal made of it? I can only assume it was because they weren't actually divorced. Tessa herself was so livid with the press that she has always refused interviews unless promoting a series. In the TV Times article old rug-head admitted that he had been seeing someone while he was separated and said that Richard was "a really nice man". Anyone have any other info? Also (apologies can't remember who posted) how did you hear about Richard being too unwell to attend the Thora Hird ceremony? He must have been pretty bad not to attend something that took place where he lives :angry: - hope he's ok.


Jeez, didn't realise how much I'd rambled, shift work does that to you - I'm out of here!

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Hi again Lady C!


I haven't quoted you as I'd take up too much room (did I mention that I ramble?) Richard is 'shown' his emails and tells the staff what he wants to say in reply. I think letters are best sent to his fan club though. From what I've heard they are very strict about who can contact or visit him, if you aren't friends or family forget it, which is nice in a way as he must feel comfortable there. I'm sure he loves the letters though, who wouldn't want to hear people praising you, not that I'd ever know.


Yes, Richard gets the blame for that 'affair' even though it was Tessa who was still officially married not him! They worked on 'Doctor At Large' in that one episode, but she was engaged to Tony at the time and his marriage to his first wife was just ending, so I doubt they got together then. Funnily enough though, Tessa had starred in a film with his best mate Dennis Waterman the year before, and was semi-naked throughout, I reckon Dennis probably tipped Richard off that he'd be working with a nice looking bird! He seems to have had commitment issues big time, wasn't that why him and Tessa broke up because he wouldn't marry her? Do you know when he married his 2nd wife? Seems odd to me that he wouldn't marry Tessa, the mother of his child, but then a few years later married someone else?


I wonder if anyone has taken his fancy at BH? :angry: You sound very nice, I'm sure he'd approve! I started watching MATH and then found some Dick Turpin mags and that was it. I watched Robin's Nest as a kid and always knew who he was, let's face it he was on ITV from 1971-1991 almost without a break, but only started to like him over the last year or so. I actually think his best work was in the 'Doctor' series, he was bloody good in that despite what others here may say :D He was good in DT too, but think he was stereotyped too much by then and was destined to only be offered comedy roles.


Anyway, I'm off to bed. No doubt speak to you again soon.

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Hi again, Am I Dead Yet. Sleep well and read this when you awaken. So, just to clarify, you think I should send any letters for Richard to his fanclub? I didn't know there was one, to be honest. If I sent letters to his agent, do you think she would read them first? Do you think she would pass them on to him? Sorry for the questions, but you seem to have a handle on what's happening at BH, more so than anyone else has been able to find out. Sounds like you've got a snitch in there actually - anyone I know! Ha ha! Yes, it's great that he feels safe and comfortable there - I do understand his need for privacy, but by the same token, I think he could spare a thought for "little-old-nobody-me", who would drop dead if he so much as gave her a thought! I'm not really trying to be funny. Yes, I should think that people are always happy to receive praise from others. Yes, it does seem unlikely that Richard and Tessa got together any earlier than 1977, in view of the info you posted, which I didn't know about. Actually, I never even heard of any of this until a few weeks ago - this news never reached Australia, so it's all news to me, albeit surprising news. Yes, I read about Richard and Dennis being friends, so you could be right about the Tessa thing! Do we know if Dennis ever - ahem - you know - with Tessa? Not that I care. I really don't. Yes, maybe Richard has had commitment issues - haven't we all at some point. Perhaps his first marriage scared (or scarred ) him - it happens. I have no ideas about his second marriage - didn't know about that until a week ago! I was looking for some pics of Diana Terry and/or Christine Smart but no dice. But it sure seems that the second marriage was hell - mine too, I sympathise; sometimes the scars never leave, and the person cannot open themselves up to the possibility of love again without the fear of pain. Re- anyone taken his fancy at BH - I bloody-well hope not! He is the youngest there, I believe. Anyway, if he wants a quick you-know-what, or anything else, he can always invite me over! "Dick Turpin" is my fave RO'S performance of all time, but I liked them all. Now who's rambling on? Talk later.

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I find it amazing that people are still talking about the O'Sullivan/Wyatt/Blackburn Scandal, or making reference to it so frequently, after all these years - I'm sure it was a huge deal back then...just had an idea, Pooka, never a good thing...when I get to England, perhaps you and I could pool our resources.....

Not amazing really Clarissa. Very little exciting has happened in England since the Wyatt scandal ...... 'cept maybe an Ashes victory.


The idea of pooling resources for nefarious purposes is a cunning and attractive ruse. We must work on the details. I see from other posts that more secrets from those years are emerging. We are all indebted to you and Am I Dead Yet. I have previously advocated the creation of the University of the Deathlist and the emergence of further research from the listers does nothing to dissuade me from pursuing this.


My own research was, sadly, interrupted some years ago when, having disguised myself as a journalist from the People's Friend I persuaded La Wyatt to attend an interview over a candlelit supper. Unfortunately, just as the divine Tessa started to open up about the O'Sullivan years, I leaned forward and my false beard ignited. Needless to say I was roughly ejected by the bouncers - so to speak. Hence my more clandestine, and much misunderstood, pursuit of Ms Wyatt in recent years.

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You astound me, Pooka! nothing has happened in the old dart since the 70s?? Now I know that's not true because I was there in 1983 and 1988, and the mere fact that I was there made the headlines - you guessed it - I hide my head in shame; that was me running naked through Kensington Park - of course they chucked me in the nick and then had me deported - but seriously, has there really not been any juicy scandal since Richard and La Wyatt did their dance? Oh, about The Ashes...no, nothing to say there...yes, we must endeavour to get the complete story on The Scandal, so we have something to work with...making exciting plans is all good, but I don't know how much I can actually do from here - but I am good at research...hopefully I will (one way or another) make some kind of contact with Richard, even if it is only getting my letters to him via a third party...did you ever think of writing to La Wyatt and doing that? I mean convincing a third party to give them to her? it has to be easier for you guys who are "on the spot", so to speak, to do something, than for me all the way over here! But I will do what I can...ah, the things we do for love...I hope the pay-off is worth it.

I find it amazing that people are still talking about the O'Sullivan/Wyatt/Blackburn Scandal, or making reference to it so frequently, after all these years - I'm sure it was a huge deal back then...just had an idea, Pooka, never a good thing...when I get to England, perhaps you and I could pool our resources.....

Not amazing really Clarissa. Very little exciting has happened in England since the Wyatt scandal ...... 'cept maybe an Ashes victory.


The idea of pooling resources for nefarious purposes is a cunning and attractive ruse. We must work on the details. I see from other posts that more secrets from those years are emerging. We are all indebted to you and Am I Dead Yet. I have previously advocated the creation of the University of the Deathlist and the emergence of further research from the listers does nothing to dissuade me from pursuing this.


My own research was, sadly, interrupted some years ago when, having disguised myself as a journalist from the People's Friend I persuaded La Wyatt to attend an interview over a candlelit supper. Unfortunately, just as the divine Tessa started to open up about the O'Sullivan years, I leaned forward and my false beard ignited. Needless to say I was roughly ejected by the bouncers - so to speak. Hence my more clandestine, and much misunderstood, pursuit of Ms Wyatt in recent years.

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Hello again! Have dragged myself from my bed to post, rather addictive little place isn't it? Sodding shiftwork means I can only really post at night, which means Lady C and I will be the only ones awake I'd imagine. Hi Pooka, you scoundrel. Do you know where Miss Wyatt lives? In London I believe. Very private woman , but I'm guessing you are aware that she is guest starring in 'Doctors' on Wednesday on BBC1? No doubt you'll be taping it to watch over and over again, of course I could be wrong ;)


Lady C do you want his fanclub address? I can get it for you, suprised you weren't given it by BH, seems that's the best course of action. I think he gets to read all the letters he receives when they go there, I remember reading that he doesn't usually reply because of his illness, worth a shot though- if nothing else you'll know he knows that you care. Vinegar T*ts seems to have some inside info, the news about Richard being unwell recently wasn't posted online as far as I know? I would like to meet him, but I don't know how I'd feel if he was in a really bad way, it would be hard to deal with I think :blink: I think sending a letter is the best thing to do, the matron says he is chuffed to know people still care, he seems quite surprised by it bless him.


:angry: , don't know about Tessa and Dennis. She was in love with Tony B at the time, but you never know. Richard was very much scarred by his 1st marriage, lasted 8 months or something? Kept saying he wanted kids but not marriage after that. Know very little about the 2nd wife, don't know if she was in the business or not, would like to know how long they were together. Seems he had a bad breakup with Tessa but they have remained very good friends, probably a lot to do with their son. I reckon he must have or have had someone on the go at BH, 3 years is a long time to go without! Lots of waitresses and carers there, I also wouldn't mind seeing if the old charmer still had it in him - especially after someone showed me a pic of him in his undies from the MATH film (not the less flattering one from the series), Dickie seems quite appropriate! Think he is done with relationships though.

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Despite my tonnage of posts on this forum I've only just found out about the movie;Au Pair Girls, a kind of soft-core spoof from the early seventies featuring our hero. Apparantly George Harrison returned from doing some promotion for an album and found the movie being filmed around his house.


Has anyone on this forum actually seen this?

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Hi Pooka, you scoundrel. Do you know where Miss Wyatt lives? In London I believe. Very private woman , but I'm guessing you are aware that she is guest starring in 'Doctors' on Wednesday on BBC1? No doubt you'll be taping it to watch over and over again, of course I could be wrong :angry:

Know where she lives? Errrrr........ no. And I certainly wouldn't know if its the sort of place where one could log on wirelessly using a laptop while crouching in a hydrangea bush - so don't even ask!


As for Doctors, this is complete news to me. I shall be watch ......... sh*t - they've let the dogs out - catch you later.

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Despite my tonnage of posts on this forum I've only just found out about the movie;Au Pair Girls, a kind of soft-core spoof from the early seventies featuring our hero. Apparantly George Harrison returned from doing some promotion for an album and found the movie being filmed around his house.


Has anyone on this forum actually seen this?


(hands up) I have. Yes, Richard sure had his hands full in this film didn't he? :blink: Noticeable that only the women were naked in this film not the men. Do you think our man was thrown in the cold water to stop him getting too aroused by Miss Drake? Don't think he'll have taken too much persuading to do that film somehow, do you? There is another film he did made by the same producers called, ' Can You Keep It Up For a Week' (classy), he played a gay man in it and was actually quite convincing. Rather strange watching the ladies man touching up a bloke.


Glad to be of help Pooka :angry: . Miss Wyatt is in this weeks Tv Times, a small photo, still looking rather lovely, but oddly also slightly reminiscent of Martina Navratilova, according to a friend.

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Shift work can be a drag - I spent mant years working in convalescent homes, nursing homes and hospitals so I know only too well how this can mess up your life...but this is great if you and I are awake at the same time! This site is becoming rather addictive as you say - I seem to be neglecting my own Yahoo group, but hey, findimg other human beings interested in RO'S is worth the sacrifice! Would I like his fanclub address? I can't think of anything I would like more right now, except something so obvious that I won't even mention it. Thankyou so much. It would have been nice if BH had given me the address, actually they never answered my inquiry about letters at all. Not to worry. It's a good thing I don't let brick walls get in my way or I might br getting a little disheartened at this point - this could get quite difficult. The man I most want to talk to in the world is proving to be the most elusive! Kenneth Branagh was easy in conparison - now don't get the wrong idea here - I have been in love with Richard my whole adult life, but I admire Kenneth Branagh above all men, in a totally non-amourous way! I have several letters from him - he is such a sweetie, and he loves to hear from fans, and he never ignores them, despite being one of the busiest people in the business - I consider it a great privilege that such a megastar has time for me...but, back to a more pressing issue - it would be sooo great if I thought for one minute Richard would actually get to read a letter from me! Oh, joy! I better get cracking on one - it takes so long to get a letter just right, and I never know whether I get too personal or not - I actually struck just the right balance with KB, but then that was easier because I'm not in love with him, and he always replies so I know that what I am writing is appropriate...so Richard doesn't reply to mail because of his illness - so he's either too ill still, or really doesn't want to...his old friend Bernard McKenna visited him in mid-August and says he's doing great and they had a wonderful time talking about "the good old days". He says Richard never had a stroke at all, but did confirm there is some memory loss, but that could be a case of "closing ranks" to protect Richard. It would be great if he was completely recovered from whatever it was - methinks more than anything that the alcohol abuse for years has probably done some brain damage. Yes, it would be hard to see him if he was not the same as we all remember him, but if Bernard's telling the truth, then he's OK...actually I heard the same story from another source, can't remember where - someone had seen him and he made them a coffee and had a chat...it's really hard to figure out the truth from all the c**p. But, by all acoounts, he has had mega-troubles with depression his whole life, which is sooo terribly sad, because he made so many other people happy. My heart bleeds for him...how can I tell him that. You think he's been with someone at BH? Three years might be along time to go without, but for some people it is much longer....I know for a fact that in some nursing homes the staff used to dose the patients with bromide to "cool their ardour", so to speak - don't know if they do that sort of thing anymore...the mere thought of him jumping some old actress in there is giving me the creeps! Of course, there are the staff members, as you say, but would they be prepared to do that? Like I said, I would volunteer my services to him if he so desired...I would have to be more appealing than some old thesp! it bothers me slightly that I actually mean that...So you'd like to know if he still had it in him? I'll let you know...ha ha..."done with relationships"? he hasn't met me yet.....











Hello again! Have dragged myself from my bed to post, rather addictive little place isn't it? Sodding shiftwork means I can only really post at night, which means Lady C and I will be the only ones awake I'd imagine. Hi Pooka, you scoundrel. Do you know where Miss Wyatt lives? In London I believe. Very private woman , but I'm guessing you are aware that she is guest starring in 'Doctors' on Wednesday on BBC1? No doubt you'll be taping it to watch over and over again, of course I could be wrong ;)


Lady C do you want his fanclub address? I can get it for you, suprised you weren't given it by BH, seems that's the best course of action. I think he gets to read all the letters he receives when they go there, I remember reading that he doesn't usually reply because of his illness, worth a shot though- if nothing else you'll know he knows that you care. Vinegar T*ts seems to have some inside info, the news about Richard being unwell recently wasn't posted online as far as I know? I would like to meet him, but I don't know how I'd feel if he was in a really bad way, it would be hard to deal with I think :blink: I think sending a letter is the best thing to do, the matron says he is chuffed to know people still care, he seems quite surprised by it bless him.


:angry: , don't know about Tessa and Dennis. She was in love with Tony B at the time, but you never know. Richard was very much scarred by his 1st marriage, lasted 8 months or something? Kept saying he wanted kids but not marriage after that. Know very little about the 2nd wife, don't know if she was in the business or not, would like to know how long they were together. Seems he had a bad breakup with Tessa but they have remained very good friends, probably a lot to do with their son. I reckon he must have or have had someone on the go at BH, 3 years is a long time to go without! Lots of waitresses and carers there, I also wouldn't mind seeing if the old charmer still had it in him - especially after someone showed me a pic of him in his undies from the MATH film (not the less flattering one from the series), Dickie seems quite appropriate! Think he is done with relationships though.

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Yep, I've got the dvd too - I mentioned it several posts ago - much nudity and sex, but not much of a story...Richard's scenes with the delectable Gabrielle Drake were really funny, probably made more so because she is taller than him! I reckon he would have found it hard to resist her charms! I also have "Can You keep it Up for a Week?" - Richard as a gay man was hilarious - too bad his part wasn't very big - I mean the acting role, not something else...it's really easy to degenerate into the realms of sexual innuendo...

Despite my tonnage of posts on this forum I've only just found out about the movie;Au Pair Girls, a kind of soft-core spoof from the early seventies featuring our hero. Apparantly George Harrison returned from doing some promotion for an album and found the movie being filmed around his house.


Has anyone on this forum actually seen this?

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Lady C am just about to go to bed so this may be even more rushed then usual! Yes, shift work (feel free to remove the f) can be a drag, am tired constantly - I don't always do late shifts though so may post at a more reasonable hour. I will get the fan club address for you, but have heard rumours that it may no longer be in use :blink: Will check it out. Kenneth Branagh sounds nice, I've heard that about him before actually. Of course he is in good health unlike Richard but it is still nice of him to do that.


I have managed to get some messages to him, my advice is not to be too personal (although up to you obviously) I get the impression that he gets a bit uncomfortable if he feels 'stalked' :angry: I do feel that Bernard may have been protecting him a bit, the 'stroke' stories change by the minute, seems some people are told he did have one, others told he didn't? If he struggles to reply to mail that does give the impression that there has been a big problem somewhere along the line, although from what I've been told, he is wary of responding, think he does just want to be left in peace, bless. I would probably not dwell too much on telling him you feel sad for him or anything, I think being positive would be a better way to go (again though only my advice). I don't think he's been depressed his whole life, he seemed like quite a happy little boy and young adult. I think the problems began after his 1st marriage failed, got worse after the break up with Tessa and then he finally went over the edge after the 2nd divorce. The alcohol has obviously had a very bad effect, it's sad he still looked pretty good in 1995, but went downhill very quickly. Someone I email has a photo of him from 2001, and he looks shocking and really unhappy. Like I say, I would love to meet him, but it would be so sad to see him like that, although he's much happier now. By all accounts he hates being approached by people he doesn't know so I've left it at that, would hate to get a one-fingered salute that would depress me no end.


I'm surprised you still have those feelings about him as you seemed to be quite shocked by his appearance! Wouldn't bother me! He does get a lot of friends who visit, including a few female friends, so ;) I will say no more!




re: Au pair Girls. It was quite funny seeing Miss Drake towering over him, he must only be about 5"7! They had to get 5"4 Michael Deeks to be his co-star in DT after all. Always thought he should have been the one called 'Randy' though don't you?! Did you notice that he wouldn't look below her face when she stripped off totally? Obviously didn't want to get the horn, although in a few shots I've a feeling he already did ;)

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Who are you, Am I Dead Yet?? I am getting some powerful vibes from you which are telling me something that I am having trouble comprehending...never mind...probably my overactive imagination. Yes, shift work can be sh*t work, it's true, but I always found the penalty rates, extra holidays and "special" bonuses were worth the trouble! Thanks for going to so much trouble on my behalf re the fanclub - it is appreciated. However, if it is no longer in use - how can I put this - would it be at all possible for you to get a letter to him from me if I sent it to you, since you seem to have had great success in this area?? Feel free to tell me to sod off! I realise that Kenneth Branagh has no health issues, but still I never dreamed he would respond to me - point taken - I know that Richard has been through a great ordeal - noone appreciates that more than I - I am fortunate in that when my life went belly-up I had the strength to eventually overcome what threatened to overcome me - it almost destroyed me, but I'm still here, and not dead! It took me years to regain any confidence, self-worth, and to even feel human again - I would never tell Richard that I feel pity for him, because I don't, but I empathise so much, and I won't say that either - of course you are right, positve comments are best...so, can I ask you if he responded to you at all? Again, tell me to mind my own business if you like...he doesn't have to worry about me "stalking" him - he's way too far away...ha ha!...hmmm - don't know whether I should pursue this or not...I would love to, but now I am not sure if I could tell him how much I care without getting too personal or saying something that will make him run a mile! This is a bit like "walking on eggshells"; not used to doing that, even with celebs, but then I haven't written to more than 5 in my life, and only ever had responses from 2, one being KB as mentioned, the other being Kevin Sorbo who wrote me from the film-set of "Kull the Conqueror" in Slovakia in 1997 - he is a beautiful person, inside and out..getting off the subject again...I talk a lot of c**p sometimes, and joke about things I probably shouldn't, like sex, but I think most people do realise that, for the most part, it is only joking...the trouble is, where Richard is concerned, it isn't a joke, and his health and diposition being what they are at present, I don't really know if can conduct myself in an appropriate fashion - yes, I got it bad and that 'aint good; this is not a schoolgirl crush - I wish it was and then it would pass - now I'm depressed!! I suppose I should console myself with the fact that this is all food for my book, the one I'm writing about a stupid woman who is in love with an ageing actor she has never met!! Again, I am getting that same feeling about you again - can't explain it, but the hairs on ths back of my neck are rising and I feel slightly ill...maybe I need to take some prozac...So you think I was so shocked by his appearance that it put me off? Never! I just hadn't seen him since "The Giftie" and he still looked good. And of course I have been watching "Dick Turpin" over and over for weeks, (it's never been shown here, so I had never seen it) like some crazy teenager, so when I saw that pic, I freaked somewhat, but am OK now - he was at his very best in DT I think, physically he was perfect, and he had just the right number of wrinkles on his face to make it really interesting...in a word - drop-dead gorgeous! As far as love and lust are concerned, age has never meant a damn thing to me - I've had relationships with men up to 15 years my senior and 14 years my junior; never been an issue, nor has nationality, for that matter....I guess it's good that he has female friends, whatever sort of friends they may be...I would not want him to be alone...or would I? About "Au Pair Girls" - yes, maybe he should have been called Randy - I did notice that he was looking Danielle straight in the eye most of the time! Were you looking at the crotch of his pants the whole time? I must admit I was looking there myself some of the time - now how am I supposed to behave in an appropriate way if I am constantly encouraged to do otherwise?? You think he's 5'7"? I had him pegged at 5'8", but I could be wrong, but I hope not, cos I'm 5'8" also!! Talk later.

Lady C am just about to go to bed so this may be even more rushed then usual! Yes, shift work (feel free to remove the f) can be a drag, am tired constantly - I don't always do late shifts though so may post at a more reasonable hour. I will get the fan club address for you, but have heard rumours that it may no longer be in use :blink: Will check it out. Kenneth Branagh sounds nice, I've heard that about him before actually. Of course he is in good health unlike Richard but it is still nice of him to do that.


I have managed to get some messages to him, my advice is not to be too personal (although up to you obviously) I get the impression that he gets a bit uncomfortable if he feels 'stalked' :angry: I do feel that Bernard may have been protecting him a bit, the 'stroke' stories change by the minute, seems some people are told he did have one, others told he didn't? If he struggles to reply to mail that does give the impression that there has been a big problem somewhere along the line, although from what I've been told, he is wary of responding, think he does just want to be left in peace, bless. I would probably not dwell too much on telling him you feel sad for him or anything, I think being positive would be a better way to go (again though only my advice). I don't think he's been depressed his whole life, he seemed like quite a happy little boy and young adult. I think the problems began after his 1st marriage failed, got worse after the break up with Tessa and then he finally went over the edge after the 2nd divorce. The alcohol has obviously had a very bad effect, it's sad he still looked pretty good in 1995, but went downhill very quickly. Someone I email has a photo of him from 2001, and he looks shocking and really unhappy. Like I say, I would love to meet him, but it would be so sad to see him like that, although he's much happier now. By all accounts he hates being approached by people he doesn't know so I've left it at that, would hate to get a one-fingered salute that would depress me no end.


I'm surprised you still have those feelings about him as you seemed to be quite shocked by his appearance! Wouldn't bother me! He does get a lot of friends who visit, including a few female friends, so ;) I will say no more!




re: Au pair Girls. It was quite funny seeing Miss Drake towering over him, he must only be about 5"7! They had to get 5"4 Michael Deeks to be his co-star in DT after all. Always thought he should have been the one called 'Randy' though don't you?! Did you notice that he wouldn't look below her face when she stripped off totally? Obviously didn't want to get the horn, although in a few shots I've a feeling he already did ;)

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Clarissa - there is enough here to keep teams of psychiatrists active for months. As far as stalking goes, you seem to be Real Madrid to my Hartlepool United.

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