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Joe the plumber isn't a business owner or a licensed plumber. Try again.

.. I thought Wurzelbacher was actually a plumber. Are you indicating that plumbing is his "Weekend hobby"? I might have even been fooled by McCain. The man might be full of sh*t but he does a great job of leading people to believe that he knows how to exaggerate ..

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I can't take this anymore. I'm not sure if you know this Madame but ..


"Joe The Plumber" is a bad publicity stunt introduced by McCain "A lot like Sarah Palin" and I'll tell you why. Senator McCain claims that Obama's stance will put small business owners - "like Joe The Plumber" out of business. Bullshit. Why? Because first of all, about 80% of all small businesses fail (it could be more) and they don't pay tax income because they don't have any income! McCains only strength is that he seduces people with his patriotic moan and they actually buy what he says. Obama's plan will reorganize how money is collected and that begins when taxing the rich so he can give tax breaks to the middle class. From there: he develops and activates new energy sources which will create more jobs. McCain just wants to drill "which is real futuristic". It narrows down to the fact that the Republicans are losing circulation after eight years of policies which weren't working. Let's face it, "Sam Wurzelbacher" is besides the point. The whole McCain campaign is complete a lie.


BS, how you can jump to the conclusion that Joe the Plumber is a McCain publicity stunt is beyond me. He was just a guy who asked Obama a question (which was handled badly) and he suddenly became a "celebrity". Obama's promise to give "tax breaks to the middle class" is just that, a campaign promise. If you've been around for a while you should know what happens to those.

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BS, how you can jump to the conclusion that Joe the Plumber is a McCain publicity stunt is beyond me. He was just a guy who asked Obama a question (which was handled badly) and he suddenly became a "celebrity". Obama's promise to give "tax breaks to the middle class" is just that, a campaign promise. If you've been around for a while you should know what happens to those.

Well, John McCain made "Joe The Plumber" a bad publicity stunt. The man was obvious material for McCain and he took advantage of this in a desperate time for his party. Sam Wurzelbacher was "McCainized!". Overall, it narrows down to the fact that what McCain has said about Obama "Taxing small businesses " is just not true. Now, as you know, Obama's plan will lower taxes for 97% of Americans and raise taxes of those with an income of approximately 250 grand a year. If you want to believe that statement is just a "campaign promise" .. you are entitled.


It's my view that Barack Obama will rejuvenize this nation and reform what the Republicans have distorted. I do think he will make mistakes but I believe that starting on (January 20th, 2009) there will be a new wave of hope for this country. It's also my view that John McCain and Sarah Palin are motivated with the wrong intentions which are based off of an error in judgement. The main reason this country is in debt revolves around the large sum of money we spend in Iraq everyday. If you are a Republican Deadsox, you are in entitled. However, I can only think of two or three intelligent answers as of why someone would lean in that direction in this race.

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I can only think of two or three intelligent answers as of why someone would lean in that direction in this race.

And those are?

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Ben Fogle


Have you been practising your black magic?


Fogle's flesh is a bit iffy. However what shocked me most was the mention of a wife, if you know what I mean.

I'm sure tests will confirm initial prognosis: arsehole.

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BS, how you can jump to the conclusion that Joe the Plumber is a McCain publicity stunt is beyond me. He was just a guy who asked Obama a question (which was handled badly) and he suddenly became a "celebrity". Obama's promise to give "tax breaks to the middle class" is just that, a campaign promise. If you've been around for a while you should know what happens to those.

Well, John McCain made "Joe The Plumber" a bad publicity stunt. The man was obvious material for McCain and he took advantage of this in a desperate time for his party. Sam Wurzelbacher was "McCainized!". Overall, it narrows down to the fact that what McCain has said about Obama "Taxing small businesses " is just not true. Now, as you know, Obama's plan will lower taxes for 97% of Americans and raise taxes of those with an income of approximately 250 grand a year. If you want to believe that statement is just a "campaign promise" .. you are entitled.


It's my view that Barack Obama will rejuvenize this nation and reform what the Republicans have distorted. I do think he will make mistakes but I believe that starting on (January 20th, 2009) there will be a new wave of hope for this country. It's also my view that John McCain and Sarah Palin are motivated with the wrong intentions which are based off of an error in judgement. The main reason this country is in debt revolves around the large sum of money we spend in Iraq everyday. If you are a Republican Deadsox, you are in entitled. However, I can only think of two or three intelligent answers as of why someone would lean in that direction in this race.


I'm not a Republican, Iraq, although a foolish mistake, is not why the country's in debt and you don't know three intelligent answers to anything.

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The "very brave" Kylie Minogue

And her talentless sister Dannii (got to love the spelling)

Paul McCartney

David van Day from Dollar (the Brits will know who he is, if they've been watching "I'm a celebrity")


Michael Jackson


Trudy Styler


Mick Jagger

That tosser Chris Martin

Cliff Richard

hmm... there seems to be a common theme here: I guess I hate "have-beens", who haven't had anything relevant to say in a very long time, but cling to that "legend" status to hog the limelight and continue to release records that nobody wants to hear, thus depriving young, struggling musicians of today of their chance to be heard.

There, I've said it!

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The "very brave" Kylie Minogue

And her talentless sister Dannii (got to love the spelling)

Paul McCartney

David van Day from Dollar (the Brits will know who he is, if they've been watching "I'm a celebrity")


Michael Jackson


Trudy Styler


Mick Jagger

That tosser Chris Martin

Cliff Richard

hmm... there seems to be a common theme here: I guess I hate "have-beens", who haven't had anything relevant to say in a very long time, but cling to that "legend" status to hog the limelight and continue to release records that nobody wants to hear, thus depriving young, struggling musicians of today of their chance to be heard.

There, I've said it!

I agree. David van Day, everyone's well aware that Hand Held in Black & White was the Good Vibrations of the 80s, but it's time to stop clinging on to that legend status, pull your finger out of your…




Oh, enough already.

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Everything about Max Clifford makes me feel nauseous. I think it's the constant tone of moral self-righteousness while spending his working life knee-deep in sh*t that I find so galling. There was a Louis Theroux film on him a couple of years ago that did nothing to change my opinion.


The cu*t will probably sue me now.

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Everything about Max Clifford makes me feel nauseous. I think it's the constant tone of moral self-righteousness while spending his working life knee-deep in sh*t that I find so galling. There was a Louis Theroux film on him a couple of years ago that did nothing to change my opinion.


The cu*t will probably sue me now.


Well said, TAFKAG. :rolleyes:


It must make Clifford's day to hear that some meaningless non-entity (who'd soon in any case be assigned to media obscurity) is terminally ill. Ker-Ching!!! A frenzied period of selling those last days to the higherst bidder (for teh appropaite big "cut").


The whole sleezy business, of which he's a MAJOR part in the UK, should be expunged from this world - like any other dangerous vermin or virus.

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Guest Max Clifford

your alot of sick sick CUNTTS!!!! JADE is a very good freind of mine and is going thru a terrible time but all u bastds can do is laugh i hope u all catch cancer and die in sufferance youre selves!!!!! how can u critcise someone who is about to die and cant answer back? you are all just COWERDS i feel sorry for u becuz i can rise above and see that you dont have the mental ablity like me to understand about what life is about. im warning u if i ever find 1 of u w**nkers u better watch out becuz there wont be anything left of you when ive finished. GOODNIGHT you digusting fuckeres and be very very careful...



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your alot of sick sick CUNTTS!!!! JADE is a very good freind of mine and is going thru a terrible time but all u bastds can do is laugh i hope u all catch cancer and die in sufferance youre selves!!!!! how can u critcise someone who is about to die and cant answer back? you are all just COWERDS i feel sorry for u becuz i can rise above and see that you dont have the mental ablity like me to understand about what life is about. im warning u if i ever find 1 of u w**nkers u better watch out becuz there wont be anything left of you when ive finished. GOODNIGHT you digusting fuckeres and be very very careful...




Welcome to DL Max, but I feel you should have commented on this thread

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I'm afraid I really really dislike Germaine Greer. I almost had the misfortune of having her as a lecturer back in the 80s, but instead have to make do with seeing her miserable, hypocritical rent-a-gob fizzog on TV all the time. The latest appearance in an advert for some or other crap I can't remember right now is the last straw.

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I'm afraid I really really dislike Germaine Greer. I almost had the misfortune of having her as a lecturer back in the 80s, but instead have to make do with seeing her miserable, hypocritical rent-a-gob fizzog on TV all the time. The latest appearance in an advert for some or other crap I can't remember right now is the last straw.


The ad was for that rather rare phenomena of a savings account...


She is indeed a rent-a-gob, second only to Safraz Mansoor (what does he do other than blather on?)

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Some of the people I'd gladly never see again:


Russel Brand - never did get him


David Beckham - give someone else a go


Max Clifford - say no more


ManUre fans - not the proper ones, (i.e the over 60's) but the ones who think the team only has to turn up to win


Trinny & Susannah - have they taken a look at themselves lately?


Bernie Ecclestone - how can someone make so much money from traffic?


Leona 'bleedin eardrums' Lewis - sounds like shes in pain and trying to inflict it on the rest of us


Simon Cowell - see above



I'd also endorse David Van Day, the well-known burger van man. He's a local celebrity y'know,

as is Davina McCall, who is very rarely out of the papers now shes moved 35 miles away. Lets throw Mrs Heather Lady Mills McCartney on the pile too. I'm just fed up of her.

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Michael Owen. If that long-headed cuntwad midget scores a winner for the scum at the Kop end I hope he gets disembowelled by furious Scousers within seconds.


Do I not like that.




Revenge is best served cold, Harry.


Liverpool are going to dick the Premier League. Every decision Michael Owen has made since 2004 has been the wrong one...

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The "very brave" Kylie Minogue

And her talentless sister Dannii (got to love the spelling)

Paul McCartney

David van Day from Dollar (the Brits will know who he is, if they've been watching "I'm a celebrity")


Michael Jackson


Trudy Styler


Mick Jagger

That tosser Chris Martin

Cliff Richard

hmm... there seems to be a common theme here: I guess I hate "have-beens", who haven't had anything relevant to say in a very long time, but cling to that "legend" status to hog the limelight and continue to release records that nobody wants to hear, thus depriving young, struggling musicians of today of their chance to be heard.

There, I've said it!



Well somebody will be happy.

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Michael Owen. If that long-headed cuntwad midget scores a winner for the scum at the Kop end I hope he gets disembowelled by furious Scousers within seconds.


Do I not like that.


Revenge is best served cold, Harry.


Liverpool are going to dick the Premier League. Every decision Michael Owen has made since 2004 has been the wrong one...


Tom Hicks is not only in financial trouble with Liverpool. He also has had to borrow $$ from Major League Baseball to make his payroll. The Rangers are probably going to go on the block soon.


I can't say it bothers me, except that the Rangers are doing well and this will only cause upheaval in the team. I would, however, like to possibly maybe see Nolan Ryan someone who give a damn about the team buy controlling interest.

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Paula Radcliffe. Me!-me!-me!-boo-hoo.


The Anthea Turner of athletics.

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Paula Radcliffe. Me!-me!-me!-boo-hoo.


The Anthea Turner of athletics.


Yes, she does rather play the Drama Queen doesn't she?


Fingers crossed the lovely Lisa Dobriskey brings home the bacon in the 1500m tomorrow...

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