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How Many Nonagenarians Seemed To Be Unusually Healthy/active Before Their Death?

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Some of them were unusually active (and healthy) up to their last few years. Others seemed to be unusually active (and healthy) all the way up to a seemingly sudden death. These are the types of people who I probably wouldn't have put on my DDP lists, based on what I heard of them shortly before their deaths.


Maybe a list of them might produce some insights.


W.E.B. Dubois, for example, was quite active until 1.5 years before his death.

Here's some very useful info about Bertrand Russell in his 90s: http://www.springerlink.com/content/v378kx4373g63n74/ - ugh - protected. But he was active even in 1969: http://news.google.com/archivesearch?q=ber...&lnav=hist9

And then there's Frank Fenner, who made news this year (and even hosted a conference) at 95: http://australianetworknews.com/stories/20...030.htm?desktop


Then there were some people I know who were unusually healthy/active all the way to their seemingly sudden deaths. There were former Luftwaffe pilots Gunther Rall (although he had a heart attack so it's not really a case of advanced age and more of a case of people who die suddenly from heart attacks at any age) and Hajo Herrmann.

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Some of them were unusually active (and healthy) up to their last few years. Others seemed to be unusually active (and healthy) all the way up to a seemingly sudden death. These are the types of people who I probably wouldn't have put on my DDP lists, based on what I heard of them shortly before their deaths.


Maybe a list of them might produce some insights.


W.E.B. Dubois, for example, was quite active until 1.5 years before his death.

Here's some very useful info about Bertrand Russell in his 90s: http://www.springerlink.com/content/v378kx4373g63n74/ - ugh - protected. But he was active even in 1969: http://news.google.com/archivesearch?q=ber...&lnav=hist9

And then there's Frank Fenner, who made news this year (and even hosted a conference) at 95: http://australianetworknews.com/stories/20...030.htm?desktop


Then there were some people I know who were unusually healthy/active all the way to their seemingly sudden deaths. There were former Luftwaffe pilots Gunther Rall (although he had a heart attack so it's not really a case of advanced age and more of a case of people who die suddenly from heart attacks at any age) and Hajo Herrmann.

Please stop all this, you autistic freak.

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Well, this forum is somewhat predicated on an obsession with systematizing and statistics. So "autistic contributions" are just as valid. Canadian_Paul's list could just be as "autistic", for all that matters.

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Even with special tallents - it all takes too much time to get the right idea.

I've mashed it all ways and I'd be amaized if you could hanker down any half decient usable info from this type of work.

The easy way is to look out for "the oldest famous person with a certain condition" via a search on nndb.

Maybe it would be wise to add up a list of those having died with the said "condition" and chose a lower quartile to draw a line beyond which it may be unwise to pick from those currently suffering but still somewhat alive.


I've done a bit of this (so far without results) but it's a very long winded way to produce a list.

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Just crunched a few numbers on those known to have had a Coke habit from the nndb list.


Total sample size dead and alive = 405 people

Split 129 dead / 276 alive


Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 48.16 (digital) years.

Youngest at death being 20.81 years, oldest (Graham Green) being 86.5 years.


Halfway between these ages being lower quartile of 33.5 years = 23 people

lower middle quartile = 49 people

upper middle quartile = 37 people

Upper quartile from 67.3 years = 20 people


So you can see the target group aged 33 to 48, got the fame - maybe lost it, got the money, got the drugs = up the nose & dead.


Now of the list of living we looking for those older than 86.5 years of age and we have no one older than Tony Bennett, born Aug 1926, aged 84.


Also add into the equation... "When he was barely 10, Bennett's father died of pneumonia"


In fact this last few months we have seen the back of an moderatly well Tony Curtis, born 1925, and very ill Eddie Fisher, born 1928 - two of the three current oldest coke users at the start of this year.

Now I don't think (the still singing) Tony Bennett would have been using much, but I think it will have closed down the chance of him reaching 100 years of age.


Now looking at the living 276, they have a combined average age of 53.1 (digital) years (not out)

Youngest listed user 24.5 years (no) of age, oldest 84.3 years (no) of age.


Halfway between these ages being lower quartile of below 38.8 years = 38 people

lower middle quartile = 110 people

upper middle quartile = 109 people

Upper quartile from 68.7 years = 19 people


My conclusion, if you have a really bad coke habit on average you won't get to fifty. But if you can watch your limit, you can pick up your pension, even still with an outside chance you can get to 85 years of age.


In a similar vain I'll have a look at weed/booze & lsd soon.

Plus I'll have a look at Lung cancer dead/alive verses Prostate cancer dead/alive next week.




Tony Bennetts total life style / health numbers for my add up to 90.34pts.

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Oh wow - very nice stats. :lol: Pretty much confirms my impressions (although there's definitely a selection effect, since coke-users are more likely to come from a population that's more irresponsible). Nndb lists both Obama and Bush as having coke habits (so their standards of "coke habit" are pretty low), but since their coke habits were far in the past, I doubt it affects their current health.


I look forward to seeing your next analysis!

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In the same way I've just looked at those listing as having had an drugs overdose. Its a smaller group but still set of 72 people (29 dead vs 43 alive)


Of those dead the oldest (Anita O'Day) was 87 & youngest 21.

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 47.3 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the oldest (Fred Phelps) is 82 & youngest 26.

Of those who are still alive they have a combined average age of 53.34 (digital) years (not out).


So again, no 90 year old in this group of 72 people.

And the average age of death is a year lower than the group that were simply listed as users.




never put together O'Day's numbers before but doing them now would put her on 132.81pts.

All Phelps' numbers for me stack up to 101pts - and my short list only starts above 120pts.

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In the same way I've just looked at those listing as having had a drugs detox clinic visit. Its a fair size group of 211 people (52 dead vs 159 alive)


Of those dead the oldest was 86 (Shelley Winters) & youngest 22.

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 50.33 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the oldest (Dick van Dyke) is 93 & youngest 25.

Of those who are still alive, they have a combined average age of 52 (digital) years (not out).


So this time, with some help for a major adiction, we have a person who has gone beyond 90 years of age in this group.

And the average age of death is 2 years longer than the group that were simply listed as coke users.




All Winters' numbers for me stack up to 110.37pts.

And van Dyke's numbers for me only stack up to 77.32pts - and my short list only starts above 120pts.

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Oooo, I'm just nipping off to touch myself inappropriately :lol:

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All of the above explains why I felt motivated to give a quick 'I'm not worthy' style gesture on my first sighting of Ali on Saturday.


One point with the druggies to consider, mind. Those well in the money tend to stump up for pharmecutical grade hits, reducing the collateral damage caused by cutting agents. Had bad example of cutting agents round my way recently when a smackhead copped it from Anthrax...those desperate dealers will slip their little jokes into the gear now and again, eh?

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One point with the druggies to consider, mind. Those well in the money tend to stump up for pharmecutical grade hits, reducing the collateral damage caused by cutting agents. Had bad example of cutting agents round my way recently when a smackhead copped it from Anthrax...those desperate dealers will slip their little jokes into the gear now and again, eh?

Apparently they do.


There's another thing to consider when discussing heroin use/abuse. One can grow old with a heroin addiction. When you have the money to pay for good grade heroin and clean use-once needles, it won't ruin your health as much as, say, booze.


Addicts go bad because when they use low quality smack, re-use needles and neglect their health in general. Combine that with a poor diet and reduced appetite from the habit and it's a fast road down the drain. The classic dog-faced druggie looks like that more from malnutrition than from heroin use.


In the Netherlands heroin addiction is quickly going extinct. The average age of our addicts increases almost with the calendar. There are two reasons for that: one is that there are hardly any new addicts, it seems smack has lost its appeal to new drug users. The other one is that after some 20 years of intensive heroin use, users come at a point where heroin simply doesn't work anymore. Aftert that they either kick the habit or overdose.




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This morning I looked at those listing as having had a heroin problem. Its a fair size group of 193 people (80 dead vs 113 alive)


Of those dead the oldest was 87 (Anita O'Day again) & youngest 22 (Nancy Spungen).

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 44.13 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the oldest (Sonny Rollins & Frank Lucas) are 81 & youngest 28 (Amy Winehouse).

Of those who are still alive, they have a combined average age of 54.72 (digital) years (not out).


This time, again with a major adiction, we don't have a person with more than 87 years of age on the clock.

The average age of death is 4 years younger than the group that died who were listed as having used coke.

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I've just looked at those listing as having had an LSD problem. Its a fair size group of 156 people (50 dead vs 106 alive)


Of those dead the oldest was 102 (no prizes for Albert Hoffman) & youngest 27 (Brian Jones).

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 59.40 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the 2 oldest are Betsy Drake 87 & Andy Williams 82 & youngest 30 (Justine Joli).

Of those who are still alive, they have a combined average age of 59.1 (digital) years (not out).


Big change - this time, with a major adiction, we see a person with a lifespan of more than 100 years of age.

Francis Crick having died at age 88.


The average age of death is 10 years older than the group that died who were listed as having used coke.

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I've just looked at those listing as having had an LSD problem. Its a fair size group of 156 people (50 dead vs 106 alive)


Of those dead the oldest was 102 (no prizes for Albert Hoffman) & youngest 27 (Brian Jones).

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 59.40 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the oldest (Gibby Haynes & Matt Taibbi) are 105 & youngest 30 (Justine Joli).

Of those who are still alive, they have a combined average age of 60.12 (digital) years (not out).


Big change - this time, with a major adiction, we see 3 people with a lifespan of more than 100 years of age.

Below these three people we are back in the 87 years of age range of such as Betsy Drake & Andy Williams (82)

Francis Crick having died at age 88.


The average age of death is 11 years older than the group that died who were listed as having used coke.





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Er, whatever, more importantly when is Anthea Turner going to die?

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re Anthea Turner - www. deathclock.com link goes nowhere - has it closed?


I've just looked at those listing as being or having been a smoker. I had to thin it down because the speadsheet does not like dates that have circa inputs and such like (also only those born since 1900). It is a large size group of 1248 people (423 dead vs 825 alive)


Of those dead the oldest was 100 (Gloria Stuart) & youngest 20 (Charles Starkweather).

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 65.69 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the oldest 8 (top 1% of this group) are Oliva deHavilland 94, Ernest Borgnine 93, Zsa Zsa Gabor 93 & Betty Ford 92, Gerga Lerner 90, Maureen O'Hara 90, Nanette Fabray 90 & Al Jaffee 89.

The youngest being 19 (Jamie Lynn Spears).

Of those who are still alive, they have a combined average age of 53.79 (digital) years (not out).


Another change - this time, with a nearly reasonable average age of death (that old adaige that smokers pay all that tax and never get their pension on the whole holds true)


Big group and only 1 person with a lifespan of more than 100 years of age.


The average age of death is 17 & a half years older than the group that died who were listed as having used coke.

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Of those still alive the oldest (Gibby Haynes & Matt Taibbi) are 105 & youngest 30 (Justine Joli).


Pretty sure Gibby Haynes wasn't born in 1895, unless there's some missing bootlegs of the Butthole Surfers opening for Marie Lloyd.

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I've just looked at those listing as being or having been a heavy drinker. I had to thin it down because the speadsheet does not like dates that have circa inputs and such like (also only those born since 1900). It is a large size group of 674 people (331 dead vs 343 alive)


Of those dead the oldest was 91 (Robert Young)[tad ironic] & youngest 2 (Sid Vicious).

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 56.88 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the oldest 8 (top 1.5% of this group) are Betty Ford 92, Sid Caesar 88, Elmore Leoonard 85, Jonathan Winters 85, Dick van Dyke 84, Ingvar Kamprad 84, Charlotte Rae 84 & Don Newcombe 84.

The youngest being 24 (Lindsay Lohan).

Of those who are still alive, they have a combined average age of 57.85 (digital) years (not out).


Another change - suprisingly for me - a lower average age of death than smoking.


Big group and no one person with a lifespan of more than 93 years of age.

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Of those still alive the oldest (Gibby Haynes & Matt Taibbi) are 105 & youngest 30 (Justine Joli).


Pretty sure Gibby Haynes wasn't born in 1895, unless there's some missing bootlegs of the Butthole Surfers opening for Marie Lloyd.


Well spotted. Thanks very much - post ammended.

Even that 2 entries were up the creak it's only changed the figures from 60.12 to 59.01.

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Before I get onto cancers and such like I've just looked at those listing as being vegetarian.

It is a smaller size group of 353 people (32 dead vs 321 alive) - shows it's a modern trend.


Of those dead the oldest were 94 (Gerhard Herzberg) & 91 (JD Salinger) & youngest 23 (River Phoenix).

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 61.31 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the oldest 6 are Jack La Laine 96, Betty White 88, David Murdock 87, Bob Barker 86, Kenneth Kaunda 86 & BB King 85.The youngest being 19 (Evanna Lynch).

Of those who are still alive, they have a combined average age of 48.88 (digital) years (not out).


Surprise - a lower average age of death than smoking.


Fair size group and no one person with a lifespan of more than 96 years of age.

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Interesting...when am I going to die?


(Ruling out the variables of murder and manslaughter)

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Interesting...when am I going to die?


(Ruling out the variables of murder and manslaughter)


But that's all in the mix Windy. We all add up the minor issues like passive smoking and the chance we could be caught in the cross fire during a bank raid. That pulls down the odds we will get to 90 years of age. With clean living and care, about 75 is about the expected - going around anoughing the wrong people and you only last 5 minutes.

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Interesting...when am I going to die?


(Ruling out the variables of murder and manslaughter)


But that's all in the mix Windy. We all add up the minor issues like passive smoking and the chance we could be caught in the cross fire during a bank raid. That pulls down the odds we will get to 90 years of age. With clean living and care, about 75 is about the expected - going around anoughing the wrong people and you only last 5 minutes.


Its just as well I'm a quiet, peaceful soul then, eh? :lol:

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OK - onto cancers and such like.

Pancreatic Cancer.

It is a smaller size group of 95 people (90 dead vs 5 alive) - shows it's really a killer.


Of those dead the oldest was 91.68 (Frank Graves Dickey) & youngest 32.2 (Bill Hicks).

Of those who have died they have a combined average age at death of 71.61 (digital) years.


Of those still alive the oldest is (Ruth Bader Ginsberg) 77 & the youngest being 55 (Steve Jobs).

Of those who are still alive, they have a combined average age of 66.34 (digital) years (not out).


Surprise - a higher average age of death than I would have expected.


Small size group and no more than one person with a lifespan of more than 90 years of age.

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