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Dear Points of View,


Why oh why oh why do we have to suffer such God awful repeats. Please could someone enlighten me as to why a certain person seems intent on drudging up the same old crap on the Dicky thread. It's dull, not even remotely funny and lacks squids.



I am proud to be towards the bottom of DDTs list of contributers. In fact I am more disgusted than the combined population of Tunbridge Wells to find I even posted at all.



Name and address witheld


You are both right, Dennis Law played for Manchester United AND Manchester City.

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Dear Points of View,


Why oh why oh why do we have to suffer such God awful repeats. Please could someone enlighten me as to why a certain person seems intent on drudging up the same old crap on the Dicky thread. It's dull, not even remotely funny and lacks squids.


I am proud to be towards the bottom of DDTs list of contributers. In fact I am more disgusted than the combined population of Tunbridge Wells to find I even posted at all.


Name and address witheld


You are both right, Dennis Law played for Manchester United AND Manchester City.

Yes, Dennis did indeed like to "play for both teams" as they say. According to his celebrated anonymously penned but semi-autobiographical work When I Score I Like to Come From Behind, his team mates regarded him as the best header in the game. "He was magnificent with his head," Mr Gimlett said. "There was nothing more beautiful than Dennis taking the goalie by surprise, popping up where he was least expected and sticking it in before he could stop him."

Fnarr, Fnarr.

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Guest Guest
Dear Points of View,


Why oh why oh why do we have to suffer such God awful repeats. Please could someone enlighten me as to why a certain person seems intent on drudging up the same old crap on the Dicky thread. It's dull, not even remotely funny and lacks squids.


I am proud to be towards the bottom of DDTs list of contributers. In fact I am more disgusted than the combined population of Tunbridge Wells to find I even posted at all.


Name and address witheld


You are both right, Dennis Law played for Manchester United AND Manchester City.

Yes, Dennis did indeed like to "play for both teams" as they say. According to his celebrated anonymously penned but semi-autobiographical work When I Score I Like to Come From Behind, his team mates regarded him as the best header in the game. "He was magnificent with his head," Mr Gimlett said. "There was nothing more beautiful than Dennis taking the goalie by surprise, popping up where he was least expected and sticking it in before he could stop him."

Fnarr, Fnarr.


But what about Denis Law?

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Guest Dont even think about it!

Hi, everyone, just seeing how things fly around here. I know the guy whos what makes the death list 4.5 star instead of like 3 which is real sad. Told me that he was never coming back and he is so full of it. Let me describe myself: I'm about 5'5. i'm very light skinned. I got jetblack hair to about shoulder length but I usually keep it in a tie. Im athletic looking and I go to the gym like maybe once a week. YEAH i KNOW! I also like music cuz I can get into anything-i'm flexible and I really like having a good time. I like to party. any way I talk to him about every other day and I know him a real long time. We claim just to be friends :skull: Were sophisticated! In real life hes actually an alright alright. Im a little curious about death myself but someday we will all find out! I also think people here need to get lives. :unsure:. peace

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I'm going to quote this post, just in case another of Banshees personalities decides s/he wants to delete it. Prime time brown trout BS!

Hi, everyone, just seeing how things fly around here. I know the guy whos what makes the death list 4.5 star instead of like 3 which is real sad. Told me that he was never coming back and he is so full of it. Let me describe myself: I'm about 5'5. i'm very light skinned. I got jetblack hair to about shoulder length but I usually keep it in a tie. Im athletic looking and I go to the gym like maybe once a week. YEAH i KNOW! I also like music cuz I can get into anything-i'm flexible and I really like having a good time. I like to party. any way I talk to him about every other day and I know him a real long time. We claim just to be friends :skull: Were sophisticated! In real life hes actually an alright alright. Im a little curious about death myself but someday we will all find out! I also think people here need to get lives. :unsure: . peace

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Guest Pretty basic error
I'm going to quote this post, just in case another of Banshees personalities decides s/he wants to delete it. Prime time brown trout BS!

Hi, ... peace

Can guest posts be deleted by anyone other than Moderators? No, I thought not. :)

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Guest 666

Do you mind if I express an opinion here,

I can"t understand how you people can waste the short time given you discussing the demise of other human beings and obviously deriving so much pleasure from it !! Death is the final solution to all your problems, I think you are all f***ing nuts in a jaded, humorous kind of way and the problem is I don't know whether to be outraged at your indecent relish of the macabre or applaud your obvious insensitivity

It has to be the latter I guess

I can't bring myself to wish you success with your list but no doubt we will all meet in hell

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Death is the final solution....but no doubt we will all meet in hell


Where we'll meet a final, final solution?

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no doubt we will all meet in hell


I'll bring crudites and dips! Shall I put you down for cheese and pineapple on cocktail sticks?

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Guest 666
no doubt we will all meet in hell


I'll bring crudites and dips! Shall I put you down for cheese and pineapple on cocktail sticks?


Sounds like a plan, good guess about the age though, maybe it's my proximity to the final solution that makes me jumpy about this site !!!

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maybe it's my proximity to the final solution that makes me jumpy about this site !!!


Maybe it's proximal to the olympic highdiving finals....they're all feeling jumpy.


That is....if you can give a vague clue to the point you are trying (badly) to make......????

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Guest 666
maybe it's my proximity to the final solution that makes me jumpy about this site !!!


Maybe it's proximal to the olympic highdiving finals....they're all feeling jumpy.


That is....if you can give a vague clue to the point you are trying (badly) to make......????


Ok Terminator


I suppose the point is this, for someone like me who has a real morbid fear of death, stumbling across a site like this was a shock, but I suppose its a bit like an accident , you know you shouldn't look but you know you're going to anyway . I therefor read some of the posts and felt offended and uplifted in equal measure ( a strange mixture ) and felt the need to share this personal observation with you, whether you realise it or not you guys DO have an effect on the passerby, mostly you shock but you also enthrall and you sometimes give pause for thought,


Hope that's clearer

Thanks for the visit

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Well I am incensed, outraged, taken aback and affronted. It's now been one month since anybody posted anything on this so-called rant thread, if it still has the nerve to call itself thusly. I didn't pay my subscription fee to watch a blank space - it's about time we had some decent ranting going on! C'mon guys - put a bit more effort into annoying people!

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Well I am incensed, outraged, taken aback and affronted. It's now been one month since anybody posted anything on this so-called rant thread, if it still has the nerve to call itself thusly. I didn't pay my subscription fee to watch a blank space - it's about time we had some decent ranting going on! C'mon guys - put a bit more effort into annoying people!

f**k off, C-word stick.

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I've been doing the list for the last year with a select group of friends and purely for the sake of winning I thought I'd check out your forum to gain the unfair advantage for 2009. I won this years with the untimely passing of the late great Ertha meow Kitt. Only 81 bless her she could have been another 19 - 30 years in a home slowly wasting away.


Now back to the point although some may feel that we are celebrating the death a named star, we are not! We are celebrating the fact that we were able too because by their effort in their life they did something so great and fantastic that we knew who they were. The game would not be so fun if were were simply pointing out generic nobodies who achieve sweet Fanny Adams in their life.


We all die but some of us have become famous in our time.






The Grim Streaker!

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but some of us have become famous in our time.


Oi! don't drag me into this... :referee:

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Guest Johnny

f**k you all bitch ass mother f***kers f**k this site R.I.P Dai, this site is a disgrace how dare they make bets on when you die I will see you again FUUUUCK YOU

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You sound like an angry person.. we're not sick.. there's nothing sick about making estimates as to when ppl will die and as for Dai, well ppl are just speaking the truth.. he won't be missed he was just a useless layabout that went to snobbish parties to sip champagne and talk to other useless socialite layabouts who don't work and live off their inherentence.. not to mention a few little extra things that i pay for through my tax.... including the NHS which didn't seem to do him much good... ah well justice is served.. and let's hope Cynthia Payne follows.. good day guest :blink:

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Guest Beastman

I wish to complain about the Jade Goody thread. It's way too tasteful.

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I wish to complain about the Jade Goody thread. It's way too tasteful.


Don't worry...I'm sure Banshees will find it eventually.

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I enjoy reading the thread of the departed/soon to be departed especially the Jade Goody threads but the only issue i have with this forum is that nobody seems to care that Ali Bongo has died.





Have a look here, numbnuts.

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Guest stranger on the door

I see this site is still full of w**nkers ! -- Espesally that twat Godshite LOL .

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I see this site is still full of w**nkers ! -- Espesally that twat Godshite LOL .


I love the ranters. They get so wound up that they forget how to spell :blink:


Or maybe they are just a little thick.....

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I see this site is still full of w**nkers ! -- Espesally that twat Godshite LOL .



Mmm, post this just before bedtime did you, fucktard?

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