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You can always trust a women and a cocksucking tranny to find deeper meaning in a light-hearted joke and cry sexism together.


It was a cheap jibe at your username and people unfortunate enough to have PBA, nothing more.

Yes it was, it was an insult to all women out there, our mothers, sisters, aunties, grannies and Miranda Hart.

Your behaviour is disgusting, its sexist and discriminatory to all cock sucking transvestites.

You are a disgraceful spunk stain on this forum.


At least I'm not a shitstain on it like you.

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You can always trust a women and a cocksucking tranny to find deeper meaning in a light-hearted joke and cry sexism together.


It was a cheap jibe at your username and people unfortunate enough to have PBA, nothing more.

Yes it was, it was an insult to all women out there, our mothers, sisters, aunties, grannies and Miranda Hart.

Your behaviour is disgusting, its sexist and discriminatory to all cock sucking transvestites.

You are a disgraceful spunk stain on this forum.


At least I'm not a shitstain on it like you.

When I want your opinion I will give it to you.

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You can always trust a women and a cocksucking tranny to find deeper meaning in a light-hearted joke and cry sexism together.


It was a cheap jibe at your username and people unfortunate enough to have PBA, nothing more.

Yes it was, it was an insult to all women out there, our mothers, sisters, aunties, grannies and Miranda Hart.

Your behaviour is disgusting, its sexist and discriminatory to all cock sucking transvestites.

You are a disgraceful spunk stain on this forum.


At least I'm not a shitstain on it like you.

When I want your opinion I will give it to you.


Shall we agree to leave it now, this all rather bloody boring and I've got some minecraft to play and Aerosmith to listen to.

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Sorry, where did I cry 'sexism'? I was massively taking the piss out of the pair of you - LFN got the joke and you obviously didn't. In fact the very notion of me playing the 'sexism' card on this forum is fucking hilarious!

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Even though the topic has now entirely changed to a different kind of bickering.....


I'd like to apologise to all those who found my ranting unpleasant (except DPT himself). I'll try not to be quite as ranty and "unpleasant" or whatever, next time. But hey hopefully nobody will actually abuse their mod position in that way against me any time soon again so perhaps we won't have to worry about it.


I can't help getting like this when someone tries to fuck me around. DDT if you don't "appreciate" being called silly don't do silly things because you wanted to use the delete button.

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You can always trust a women and a cocksucking tranny to find deeper meaning in a light-hearted joke and cry sexism together.


It was a cheap jibe at your username and people unfortunate enough to have PBA, nothing more.


I think I may have this PBA thing, because this thread has made me laugh till I cried.

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Pipe down Dr Z. I think you need to think about what you you are writing and how you are expressing yourself. Please refrain from using hurtful swear words in such a liberal fashion. Believe me, it's not big and it's not clever.

Bringing a thick midget into the discussion does not reinforce the point you are making RA! :lol:


What's Banshees Scream got to do with it?

I do miss BS and his Stanley Unwin(isms) :(

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Dr Z, Deathray et al.

Can we all stop the mud slinging? I really don't want to get embroiled in your arguments, I'm trying to find exactly what kicked all this off. I'm guessing some posts were deleted. So what if a few posts were deleted? Mods (and admins) generally don't delete posts without good reason.


If you are looking for warnings as badges of honour, then we can give them to you. If you're looking for a suspension, we can do that too. Believe me, we don't want that to happen. We are all a very tolerant bunch on here, some more so than others.


Quite honestly if you want to spit your venomous crap in my direction, it'll be completely ignored, I'm too laid back and thick skinned to let anything said on t'interweb to worry me.


So, if y'all don't mind, COOL YER FUCKIN JETS

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Dr Z, Deathray et al.

Can we all stop the mud slinging? I really don't want to get embroiled in your arguments, I'm trying to find exactly what kicked all this off. I'm guessing some posts were deleted. So what if a few posts were deleted? Mods (and admins) generally don't delete posts without good reason.


If you are looking for warnings as badges of honour, then we can give them to you. If you're looking for a suspension, we can do that too. Believe me, we don't want that to happen. We are all a very tolerant bunch on here, some more so than others.


Quite honestly if you want to spit your venomous crap in my direction, it'll be completely ignored, I'm too laid back and thick skinned to let anything said on t'interweb to worry me.


So, if y'all don't mind, COOL YER FUCKIN JETS

The way you have taken control of this PB, well, its given my the right fuckin 'orn!!! :)

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He just co-addressed me with Deathray........ like we're equals for fucksake. Lucky I'm a lot more "thick-skinned" than my previous posts in this thread make me look or that would be a big bummer.


I have never fucking heard of PBA btw and I thought I'd heard of all the trendy psychological bollocks. If you'd asked me I'd have said it's something 39-46 year old men drink while watching rugby union in the pub.

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Dr Z, Jimmy Savile et al.

Can we all stop the mud slinging? I really don't want to get embroiled in your arguments, I'm trying to find exactly what kicked all this off. I'm guessing some posts were deleted. So what if a few posts were deleted? Mods (and admins) generally don't delete posts without good reason.


If you are looking for warnings as badges of honour, then we can give them to you. If you're looking for a suspension, we can do that too. Believe me, we don't want that to happen. We are all a very tolerant bunch on here, some more so than others.


Quite honestly if you want to spit your venomous crap in my direction, it'll be completely ignored, I'm too laid back and thick skinned to let anything said on t'interweb to worry me.


So, if y'all don't mind, COOL YER FUCKIN JETS

There you go Dr Z, ive edited it so that it is far more palatable for you.

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........actually yes that is more palatable than Deathray. Cheers.

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Guest Zorders Mum

As a woman I was offended by Deathrays sexist joke

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9/10 a must read .

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9/10 a must read .


What's that for..... the argument? Or the book "Why You Shouldn't Shag Tractors"? If the second one I agree and someone should tell DDT immediately.

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9/10 a must read .


What's that for..... the argument? Or the book "Why You Shouldn't Shag Tractors"? If the second one I agree and someone should tell DDT immediately.


without a doubt the thread especially the last few pages , a good 10 mins of entertainment .


As LB said i love reading arguements on here ,im never apart of the arguements though too lazy lol . I just wanna know what the posts said that was deleted my curiosity is piqued .

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