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Guest Goldeneye-69

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Jean-Claude Duvalier 'Baby Doc', former President of Haiti and son of Francois Duvalier has died of an heart attack.


Of course he should have died in jail, but I'm glad to learn the arsehole is dead.




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That's yet another miss for me... :banghead:

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Jean-Claude Duvalier 'Baby Doc', former President of Haiti and son of Francois Duvalier has died of an heart attack.

That makes my post about Peggy Fenners death look a bit trivial 😐

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Do Val E ahy...


Great investment oh yer...

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Looks like a dead cert for UKIP to get two MPs


Polling for Clacton-On-Sea: UKIP 56%, Cons 24% Lab 16% Lib Dem 2% Others 2% (Lib Dems will lose their deposit)

Polling for Heywood and Middleton: Labour 50%, UKIP 31%, Con 13%, Lib Dems 4% Others 2% (Lib Dems will lose their deposit)

Polling for Rochester and Strood: UKIP 40% Cons 31% Lab 25% Lib Dem 2% Others 1% (Lib Dems will lose their deposit)


Many voters are still undecided though in all of these elections. It's a serious proposition that UKIP can take all three, especially if the con vote in Heywood and Middleton further moves to UKIP.


To me this signals the end of humanity in Britain and the rise of the hellraisers and spivs once more, given their two mps will be given ridiculous amounts of coverage. It also provides a whip for other Tories to be able to defect to, so watch this space for the cheats.

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Polling for Heywood and Middleton: Labour 50%, UKIP 31%, Con 13%, Lib Dems 4% Others 2% (Lib Dems will lose their deposit)


If Labour have absolute majority in the polls, then they'll piss it on Thursday.

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I know I'm probably going to come into a lot of flack for this but Cameron seems to have deliberately engineered an emotive issue out of his personal battles regarding the NHS. To me the point of the NHS is a service to ensure nobody is unfairly disadvantaged because they can't afford healthcare. not a service to ensure people who don't need it get healthcare on the free. He comes from an extremely rich family and has a very large salary, why was he and his family not on private healthcare, which would have freed the spaces up for people who couldn't afford it - the purpose of the NHS? Especially, as he's a Conservative who argues for the means testing of most benefits, why is the NHS not one of those?


To clarify, I'm aware the cost of his son's treatment may have been much higher than I envisage it to have been but I'm still cynical is extremely rich father wouldn't have chipped in for his grandson?


Maybe I've grown to the point of no return in my cynicism and distrust of politicians and this is an abhorrent proposition to raise, sorry if that's the case.


Oh dear now you have pushed me into a situation where I have to defend David Cameron.


The logical extension of your argument on if you can afford it you pay for it is the start of a slippery slope that some Conservatives would like to go down. We have seen this with Child Benefit which was a universal benefit and now is going to be means tested. Healthcare needs to be free at the point of delivery so you don't arrive at A&E and the first thing they ask you for is your credit card or elligibility status.


Yes the Conservatives are using this as an emotive issue to demonstrate Cameron's personal committment to the NHS. If you start questioning whether Cameron should have used the NHS you are doing the Right wing Tories work for them. The other important point is that in general the NHS is a weak spot for the Tories so if they can tie this to a Cameron vs Milliband personality issue then they can make electoral advantage out of it.

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.


Well, either that or we continue the foreign wars but do away with most of the major weaponry and get back to some 1914 stylee basics, eh?

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.


Oh, do fuck off and go back to reading your Daily Mail.


There has never been, nor will there ever be, "full employment". That isn't how capitalism works.

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.


Well, either that or we continue the foreign wars but do away with most of the major weaponry and get back to some 1914 stylee basics, eh?


Its funny how we can always find the money for a good war.

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.


Oh, do fuck off and go back to reading your Daily Mail.


There has never been, nor will there ever be, "full employment". That isn't how capitalism works.


Thing is TF, I'm Labour.

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.


Oh, do fuck off and go back to reading your Daily Mail.


There has never been, nor will there ever be, "full employment". That isn't how capitalism works.


Thing is TF, I'm Labour.


You'd have to pay me to vote for dick Ed Milliband.


I've got no time for any of the mainstream parties, they're all part of the problem, not the solution.


Up the revolution!

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.


Oh, do fuck off and go back to reading your Daily Mail.


There has never been, nor will there ever be, "full employment". That isn't how capitalism works.


Thing is TF, I'm Labour.


You'd have to pay me to vote for dick Ed Milliband.


I've got no time for any of the mainstream parties, they're all part of the problem, not the solution.


Up the revolution!


"The revolution"'s leader is Russell Brand at the moment....... so good luck with that.

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.


Oh, do fuck off and go back to reading your Daily Mail.


There has never been, nor will there ever be, "full employment". That isn't how capitalism works.


Thing is TF, I'm Labour.


You'd have to pay me to vote for dick Ed Milliband.


I've got no time for any of the mainstream parties, they're all part of the problem, not the solution.


Up the revolution!


"The revolution"'s leader is Russell Brand at the moment....... so good luck with that.


Na, I'm with the ISIL. Firm but fair. Beheadings coming to a town near you soon, book early to avoid disappointment.

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The UK is near totally broke. If we are going to keep fully funding the NHS then everyone has to fully pitch in. Sorry, but it's high time the giving out of free money to people who don't have jobs must stop. Everyone who is able to work for a living needs to take joint responsibility with the government of the day and this harmful practice needs to stop. Only when we have full employment with more paying the taxes due can we hope to make an impact on our lagging balance of trade deficit and our national debt.


Oh, do fuck off and go back to reading your Daily Mail.


There has never been, nor will there ever be, "full employment". That isn't how capitalism works.


Thing is TF, I'm Labour.


You'd have to pay me to vote for dick Ed Milliband.


I've got no time for any of the mainstream parties, they're all part of the problem, not the solution.


Up the revolution!


"The revolution"'s leader is Russell Brand at the moment....... so good luck with that.


Na, I'm with the ISIL. Firm but fair. Beheadings coming to a town near you soon, book early to avoid disappointment.


Yeah exactly, ISIL, like I said, Russell Brand.

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So, 1400 workers at GCHQ, the command centre of Britain's intelligence gathering, put together a little tribute to our armed forces (their employers) by forming a large poppy. Here's an image:



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Does anyone else think that this is a little bit North Korean?

And I can't imagine anyone refusing to go along with it either when asked to volunteer, even though they would be entirely within their rights to for whatever reason, political, practical or otherwise. After all, isn't Remembrance Day about the fight for freedom?

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Does anyone else think that this is a little bit North Korean?

And I can't imagine anyone refusing to go along with it either when asked to volunteer, even though they would be entirely within their rights to for whatever reason, political, practical or otherwise. After all, isn't Remembrance Day about the fight for freedom?


It's a little weird but not North Korean. You can see one of them though if you look. And he appears to be a....... white male! That gives a lot away!

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