"Fading in and out of consciousness" according to DDP on Twitter, who is presumably bricking it at losing his meal ticket if Jake dies.
I'm heading over to YouTube now to watch his (in)famous appearance and promo at the 1999 "Heroes of Wrestling" one-off PPV, as many times as I can, while it's still funny and not yet tragic.
(I'll be doing the same for Gazza's "Fog on the Tyne" if he keeps getting worse)
you wanna play 21 ? Also if you watch botchamania its at the start of the intro's well the old intro's . For years i wondered why he was saying that and were it came from then on a plane i was listening to some podcasts mainly attitude era podcast heroes of wrestling review and there it was, had to contain myself from looking like a psycho and laughing out loud to myself in front of my fiancee and the whole plane.
That's almost the only thing I remember him from, I remember when I first read about that promo online I died laughing just reading a transcript of it. Apart from being a drunk and being the guy that Austin happened to beat to become 1996 KOTR just before his famous 3:16 promo. So I won't be "heartbroken" or whatever, when/if he dies like (seemingly) most of the other wrestling fans on DL/this thread may be. Cos I never saw him as a kid or came to admire him as a performer as I know many wrestling fans do. That's just one of the (many) advantages of the fact that I chose to sit out the shitty pre-Attitude era and I only became a fan in late 1997 & early 1998. Same goes for Warrior, all I knew about him was his "craziness" and his politics (although even as crazy as he was, as a part-time right wing nut job I can't help admiring his conservative "spirit" or something). And that incredibly stupid fucking entrance theme with the excessive cymbal that used to make me piss myself laughing every time I heard it on a bit of "vintage" footage.
Still I do actually hope he lives cos he seems like a nice enough guy and everything.