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  1. 18 points
    Officially stepping down as a candidate.
  2. 15 points
    Good call, she may only have 30 years of life left!
  3. 10 points
    Amen. If it was up to me the Truss, Sunak and Starmer threads would be closed down. Trump, Biden and Johnson threads can stay cos the the first 2 are elderly and the latter is a fat twat.
  4. 10 points
  5. 10 points
  6. 9 points
  7. 9 points
    During lockdown, I started a custom of sending a fact every day to a trivia-loving friend who was finding it quite tough. It provided both of us with a lot of fulfilment, and I spent a lot of time finding the perfect fact each day. He read them every day, and would react or comment on every one. After a year and a half of facts, he sadly passed away unexpectedly. It was a very hard loss to take, and the fun custom was shelved. I mentioned how much I missed doing it to a friend many months later, and he encouraged me to consider starting it up again, and he'd be more than happy to be the new recipient if I felt able. After mulling it over, I decided I would start it again. Occasionally it'd be mentioned to another person, who would ask to be signed up. It's now sent to half a dozen friends every evening, and it's pretty special for me not just knowing that I'm giving them something small to look forward to each day, but that I also get to interact with them each day. Definitely has improved my mental health, and I'm sure my original friend would have been delighted knowing that the daily facts were still operating.
  8. 9 points
    Abdul Duke Fakir dead at 88.
  9. 9 points
    Great call imo, might be worth considering.
  10. 8 points
    I agree with En Passant, I hate threads like these, in my opinion they should either be in extra curricular or be merged into the political rantings one because there are never updates about health or death in any of them. Older figures like Trump and Biden are fine but even those I think should be moved to extra-curricular and a second thread just to discuss their health should be created. The Liz Truss thread, for example, is one I haven't clicked on in ages because I don't care about what she's saying or done that is not related to her dying.
  11. 7 points
    Is that why they let Donald Von Shitzenpants get a bit of glass in his ear the other day? They were too busy reading through the Political Discussions thread thinking "fuck sake, that Crem talks a load of hysterical shite doesn't he?" to notice a cunt with a gun.
  12. 7 points
    Now that Biden has dropped out, do you think Carter will throw his hat in the ring. He's definitely got another 4 years in him.
  13. 7 points
    Thread for Namibia's founding father Sam Nujoma. Currently hospitalised with infection, and has already been hospitalised twice this year. Last African president born in the 20s and last "founding father" left in Africa. Led a war against South Africa for 23 years, and was president for 15 years. Behind his mask as a respected statesman, he is a cunt who launched large scale repression and deportation of homosexuals in Namibia in 2001, spent his retirement defending Mugabe and called multiple times for every German person in Namibia "to be shot in the head" and for English to be "hit with a hammer". The amount of hate for him on social media is impressive. Could be a 2025 DL candidate.
  14. 7 points
  15. 6 points
    The Carter Center has confirmed that he’s alive
  16. 6 points
    Nah, he's a picture of health. But he does have a dangerous stalker who goes by the name of a stone fruit.
  17. 6 points
    Sheila Jackson Lee dead at 74.
  18. 5 points
    Theresa May, if we can overlook her blinkered lack of pragmatism and authoritarian streak for a second, did liberalise laws to protect domestic abuse victims, renters rights, and brought in the energy cap we all know now as an attempt to block bigger bills. Even being Theresa May she still had more good points than Boris Johnson or David Cameron, despite all her numerous flaws and being the architect of our crap Brexit deal. But then America wise if we were to list the US Presidents who had been genuinely good people it might be a small list. Quincy Adams, Ulysses Grant, Abe Lincoln, Jimmy Carter for example and then you'd have people pointing out their flaws because they were human. Depends on the individual circumstances. Biden would have been a better candidate in 2016 than Hilary but in 2024 Kamala Harris is probably a better candidate than Joe Biden. Meanwhile going back a bit, Hilary Clinton would have been a far better candidate than John Kerry but chose to sit that election out for a better option that never arose.
  19. 5 points
    May it count as a point ? Willie Mays is a solo hit for Yorkshire Banker : Jane McAlevey in the list just in time and Mrs. Giscard d'Estaing as new sub ! -------------------------------------------- Argh-amani ! Liora Argamani is a solo hit for WEP : Ian Anderson moves on the official list and Johnny Walker as third sub -------------------------------------------- Victory ! Vic Seixas is a hit for Book : Black Bart in and Johnny Walker as sub n°3 Diego : Sven Goran Erikkson in and another Johnny Walker on the sub list -------------------------------------------- Fidelity in death ! Mirta Diaz Balart is a solo hit for deathbyarsenic : Steve McMichael in and Kaiti Grey in the sub bench -------------------------------------------- The Nation mourns ! Jane McAlevey is a hit for Gcreptile : Paul Harell in and Linda Tirado as sub 3 Sean : Alan Bergman in and Baxter as new sub and a miss for @CaptainChorizo, @msc @YorkshireBanker and @max_bossetti : I will need another sub for the four of you please -------------------------------------------- Fatal shenanigans ! Shannen Doherty is much awaited hit for : @ajlposh : Ron Jeremy in and another sub needed please ! Book : Gorg Koch in and Linda Tirado as sub 3 BuffaloPhil : Alan Hansen in and another Tirado third sub ! Captain Hemlock : Michael Bolton on the official list and Mark Levy as new sub Commtech Sio Bibble : Erik Jansen in and Patrick Murray waiting for his turn @GuyFromFuture : Prunella Scales onto the official list and another sub needed please ! Khthonia : Céline Dion moves to the official list and Katherine Jackson as sub 3 ladyfiona : Julie Goodyear in and Ethel Kennedy as new sub litham : Ron Jeremy in and Eva Marie Saint as sub n°3 @max_bossetti : Alexander Mitta in and another sub needed please ! Summer in Transylvania : Sven-Goran moves up and Betty Brosmer on the sub bench theoldlady : Frank Caprio on the official list and Ed Gale waiting for his turn Toast : Noam Chomsky made it to the list (never too late !) and Sophie Kinsella for sub 3 Torva Messor : Georg Koch in and Priscilla Pointer as new sub WEP : Ian Anderson in and Ernesto Jude Rimando as sub 3 -------------------------------------------- Bob old heart hast stopped beating ! Bob Newhart is a hit here for : @ajlposh: Brigitte Bardot in and second sub to choose please @Bibliogryphon : princess Alexandria in and another sub needed please ! Captain Hemlock : Noam Chomsky in (again, never too late with these immortals) and Joanne Woodward waiting for her turn Commtech Sio Bibble : Jose Mujica in and Dennis Skinner as new sub Diego : Sven-Goran Eriksson in and Starmer-Smith as new sub Summer in Transylvania : another Noam Chomsky to the official list and Frank Caprio as sub 3 @tracy : Joanne Woodward to the list and another sub needed please ! -------------------------------------------- Last Ray of sunshine ! Ray Reardon is a hit for @DeathByArsenic : Madeleine Riffaud in and you have another sub to choose ! theoldlady : Sven Goran Eriksson in and Norman Tebitt as new sub
  20. 5 points
    From the Ideas and Possibilities for 2023 thread: Sir Kenneth Grange reportedly dead at 95. A DDP Pick.
  21. 5 points
    I had the feeling that Beccy was near the end. Once a serial tweeter, she barely posted anything after the 1st July, just one small tweet re. US fire fighters. She had said she was told she wouldn't make her birthday in September. Although I am now just a Chuwit Kamolvisit death away from taking the lead, like with Rob Burrow, I take no joy in this hit. Sorry to see her go.
  22. 5 points
    Since becoming PM, Keir Starmer's net approval rating has gone from -1% to +19%, and feelings of optimism has surged from 31% of the public to 45%. It might be about to get even better, too; one of the major points of criticism from a lot of people was the failure of him and Chancellor Rachel Reeves to commit to scrapping the two-child benefit cap, but Starmer and Ed. Sec. Bridget Phillipson are now saying the measure is being considered in their child poverty review. I say again, apart from Wes Sterfing, it's been a great start to this new era.
  23. 5 points
    Endorses Harris.
  24. 5 points
    Lots of pictures on Twitter from Tom’s first “meet and greet” event in years yesterday.
  25. 5 points
    Maybe I'm just reaching the age where I'm losing touch with the language of the yoof, but all this 'skibidi' stuff is a load of shite.
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