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  1. 43 points
  2. 32 points
    King WHO??? Father of WHO???
  3. 31 points
    Looks promising! I've heard that spot 5, 6 and 7 might just be MC Ren and Superstar Billy Graham, but we'll see.
  4. 29 points
    Yes, deadpoolers, it’s this time again. 2023 has had departures from as sad as Tina Turner to as welcomed as Henry Kissinger, but there’s still two constants in this world: The Derby Dead Pool, and us laughing at whichever poor souls fall for Superstar Billy Graham again. Erm, okay, one constant. For 2024, @Banana and I are continuing in our previous posts. As for @gcreptile's announced retirement. We all can agree he has done a bang up job for the past four years entering the celeb deaths and sorting out bugs while never losing his trademark zen. As it stands he is still in talks with a potential successor and will remain on the committee for at least another month or so to assure a smooth transition, and we will keep you updated as that progresses. Dear Jimmy - either die in the next week, or go all the way to 2024 - love, Banana THE RULES remain the same as they have for the past few years. Be warned – Ruth Langsford mother falls afoul of our FFBI criteria. IMPORTANT REMINDER: The spreadsheet method of entry that began in 2021 remains in service. The 2024 spreadsheet, identical to the 2023 one in all but filename, can be found here. It is heavily recommended to use the spreadsheet as means of entry to reduce Banana's workload as much as possible. If you are absolutely unable to work with the Excel spreadsheet, still make sure to recheck GUN's DDP entry guide thread from 2020 to make the formatting of your email as smooth as possible.
  5. 28 points
    Be most unfortunate if a trans woman had control over if you could still post here or not. Buh bye Also the two Cash Luna alts are out with the bathwater (well, sewer water) as well.
  6. 28 points
    "Oh, for fuck's sake, Jimmy, I'll show you how you do hospice care!"
  7. 28 points
    How will they get the powerboat into the hospital?
  8. 27 points
    Millions spent on that bloody coronation for this
  9. 26 points
  10. 25 points
    On the bright side 2 more Bank Holidays to look forward to.
  11. 25 points
    Surely even those not well versed in world leaders have to remember the most high profile assassination in recent memory?
  12. 24 points
    I'll accept @Lafaucheuse as I hadn't definitively declared submissions closed with a post that says "submissions are definitely now closed", but submissions are definitely now closed. Here's our complete list of Inverse Dead Pool 2024 candidates, ranked by the total number of points we've all banked on them, with a second column for how many teams they're on (out of a total 57). I've colour-coded the 51 names – the top slightly-less-than-half in green, and the bottom slightly-more-than-half in red. TOTAL POINTS # OF TEAMS 1 Joe Biden 1237 54 2 Donald Trump 1171 53 3 Michael J. Fox 1067 56 4 Andy Taylor 992 55 5 Billy Connolly 906 56 6 Clint Eastwood 898 53 7 William Shatner 880 53 8 Ozzy Osbourne 873 53 9 Buzz Aldrin 801 56 10 Janey Godley 793 48 11 Phil Collins 745 49 12 Bruce Willis 707 50 13 Dick van Dyke 671 51 14 Robert Wagner 597 47 15 Prunella Scales 534 51 16 Pope Francis 524 47 16 Rupert Murdoch 524 48 18 David Attenborough 467 47 19 Willie Nelson 452 43 20 Mel Brooks 417 38 21 Tim Bilton 376 35 22 Toby Keith 345 27 23 Yoko Ono 257 27 24 Dave Myers 233 26 25 Erik Jensen 220 21 26 Shannen Doherty 201 23 27 Linda Nolan 183 25 28 Paul Spencer 147 17 29 Cleo Laine 141 23 30 Denis Law 121 18 31 Dennis Skinner 110 18 32 Bob Newhart 107 17 33 Patrick Murray 101 14 34 Roberta Flack 90 12 35 Eva Marie Saint 82 22 36 Theo Burrell 77 8 37 Stanley Baxter 70 14 38 Frank Caprio 68 7 39 Frank Field 44 6 40 June Spencer 40 6 41 Esther Rantzen 39 8 42 James Whale 37 12 43 Michael Tilson Thomas 36 5 44 Rob Burrow 35 8 45 Joanne Woodward 29 4 46 Nigel Starmer-Smith 28 4 47 (Wildlife) Simon Cowell 27 6 48 Jonnie Irwin 16 1 49 Noam Chomsky 8 2 50 Jimmy Carter 1 1 51 Steve McMichael 0 0 Stop the count! Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump in the 2024 popular vote. A reassuring show of faith in American democracy that we don't all think the two presumptive main party candidates will be literally dead by election day. Michael J. Fox has a healthy debut at #3, and Andy Taylor at #4 must be one of the biggest rises in Inverse Dead Pool history (I'm not checking) – he was #35 last year. Also, Billy Connolly at #5 was picked by literally every player other than my mum, and she only didn't pick him because she doesn't find him funny. Not a single one of us picked Steve McMichael this year – he's the Inverse Dead Pool's first unanimous snub since Rush Limbaugh in 2021. On the bright side, the last place celebrity in 2023 was James Whale (who is now #42) and 2022 was Frank Field (now #38), so – congratulations Mr McMichael, looks like it's all uphill from here. Also near the bottom is DDP #1 Jimmy Carter with exactly 1 point, donated by @JoeMoneypenny; Noam Chomsky has 4 points apiece from @Bentrovato and @Annami; and all 16 of Jonnie Irwin's points came from my mum – she didn't know who he was, but when I told her, she said "oh, I like A Place in the Sun. He can live".
  13. 24 points
    It should be a matter of days til we're up and running. As usual, here's a list of 2024 names that were rejected under our FFBI rules. Selma Wilde - Apparently, a German supercentenarian. There's not even any mention of her on the 110 Club. The 110 Club FFS. Janet Gibbs - A centenarian, that's about it. Edwin Rayner - Old chap on YouTube who sings... to an audience of 1,000 followers. Jay Tenison - Terminally ill army veteran who got to fire a tank one final time. Gabriel Yeung Ka-piu - Terminal cancer patient who made the news for donating a lot of money to the Children's Cancer Foundation of Hong Kong. Clare Sacco - Cancer TikToker with nowhere near enough followers. Martin Butler - A food reviewer on YouTube who doesn't pass the follower quota. Gareth Morgan - As above. Emilio Betancourt - Cancer Tiktoker. Does have a sufficient amount of followers, but it was a following accrued entirely off his cancer. George Smith (x2) - There is a theme team of George Smiths. Lucky us. Two of them - George Smith of the Canadian Parks & Wildlife Society, and George Smith the centenarian schools engineer - were so obscure even by this team's barrel scraping standards that they were DQed. Ruth langsford mother joan langsford - I warned you she wouldn't count, and one of you didn't listen. David Marsh - Previously rejected in 2022. "He's a 60s musician I never heard of" might have been my greatest putdown of a no-name, and with him now dead I'm not going to get the chance to use it again... Jonathan Mills - Too low level a cricketer who never would've gotten attention without the cancer. Bruce Murray - The closest decision, while his camera assistant work is no doubt one of the many important cogs to Home and Away his public notability was very much embellished by the press. Phillip Mark Mehrtens - New Zealand pilot being held hostage by Indonesian insurgents. Terrorist hostages have been banned in the DDP since 2015, years before the more robust FFBI rules were set up.
  14. 24 points
  15. 23 points
  16. 23 points
    Grandson interviewed. (After your elimination, you gave a very moving speech about your grandfather, revealing to the group that he'd recently been put in hospice care. Have you been able to visit him since filming?) It's been harder and harder to see him. My mom spends a lot of her time with him. She spends almost half her time taking care of him at this point just because of things like COVID regulations. So it's really family oriented. I haven't been seeing him as much recently, but he knows that I love him and we're supporting him through this time. (How is he doing?) He's pretty sick. He still does use his brain. He listens to audiobooks. He's a genius. He's super smart. I love him. He always wants to be doing something with his mind, so he's trying to keep himself busy, but he is really sick and getting older. (It was also made public since the show that your grandmother, Rosalynn Carter, has been battling dementia. How is she doing?) I just want to say that she's an amazing woman. She's put in so much work in her life. She's done things for mental health. I want everyone to know how incredibly important and beautiful she is as a person and a grandma. Yeah, she does have dementia and when I see her, she does forget what's going on sometimes, but when she remembers it's amazing. I love her.
  17. 22 points
    I'd just like to wish everyone festive greetings. Unfortunately, I've been experiencing a health battle of my own over the last few months, which has meant - with the best will in the world - that I didn't feel like spending much time on DeathList. It is nothing malignant, or terminal and I am recovering well. I feel very lucky and grateful for what I have. Anyway, I have decided at the last minute that I will be entering a DDP team, so look forward to spending most of the day trawling the site for candidates and I also look forward to being more active here in 2024
  18. 22 points
    His mouth was actually open cus he saw the size of my stinger for the first time. They don’t call me the triple B, long John, stingaroonie, six centimetre stinger for nothing. boy was begging to get pollinated right there and then but I knew it wasn’t the time until next time, BBB out x
  19. 21 points
    I can't believe that this is the last full day of Jimmy Carter's life.
  20. 21 points
    Suddenly half this thread has to find a new gimmick.
  21. 21 points
    Off topic but I climbed a 2200 foot mountain with my dad to celebrate his 90th birthday this week and I'm very proud of his health so I've posted it - there you go!
  22. 20 points
  23. 20 points
    Since entering hospice, Jimmy Carter has outlived: *2 family members *2 chairpersons of The Carter Center *6 former Governors *16 "Immortals" *20 DeathList picks (16 hits; 4 misses) *265 DDP picks
  24. 20 points
    dead https://www.bfmtv.com/politique/l-ancien-ministre-et-president-de-la-commission-europeenne-jacques-delors-est-mort-a-98-ans_AD-202312270470.html
  25. 20 points
    Made sense to give it to the carter center. (blacked out is personal info)
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