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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/14 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Perhaps we should look at Gilbert & Sullivan for some inspiration. I have a little list regards, Hein
  2. 1 point
    Source: http://www.startrek....lks-first-movie Meanwhile, Trekkies aren't exactly known for taking things lightly, so the reaction to the news on a few Trek noticeboards has been interesting. Mods have basically been shutting down the discussions on the allegations fairly quickly and some Trekkies are swearing they will never watch The Motion Picture again. I'm a massive Trek fan and I'll never watch The Motion Picture again because: A - it's overly long and B - when I went into a Parisian cinema in 1980 to watch it, it was in English with French subtitles. I went to see it with my married sister when it first came out and we went to the pub for a quick drink before going home. Together with her husband, they owned a shop and a known gossipy customer came in the following day to inform my brother-in-law that she had seen his wife in the pub with a man. He replied along the lines of - they're brother and sister and I don't think their relationship is incestuous. She left without saying another word.
  3. 1 point
    Shame the byline wasn't Eraserdead...
  4. 1 point
    If he is anything like his namesake he'll be in the clinic a long time - one big tease!! He's been doing his "I am very dying, honest" posts for about 4 years now. I wouldn't be surprised if he were still around in another four years, still claiming imminent demise.
  5. 1 point
    Broadbent the Jackal doesn't have the same scary ring, does it?
  6. 1 point
    Hope he enjoys it. Just to clarify, I do like Steve's acoustic/classical albums. They are beautiful. It is his later rock stuff I am not so keen on. That actually brings me to one final point: I think Genesis often shot themselves in the foot and that is one of the things that will harm their legacy. Their early strengths did lie in the fact that they were a very good acoustic band and Phil, in his early days, was a virtuoso drummer. So what do they do? Instead of playing to that strength, they became a synth-and-drum machine band. As I said earlier, I do like Abacab and some of the material on Invisible Touch and I agree with Phil that the drum machine helped them compose music with more space, but in terms of performing the songs, they weren't really playing to many of their core strengths. Tony can play the grand piano beautifully (some examples are the start of Firth of Fifth and the afore-linked Island in the Darkness) yet on the later Genesis albums this is never heard. Instead, we have his synth and keyboard sounds, some of which are very dated now. A few years ago, the band did another documentary called "the Genesis Songbook" and in the DVD special features, they do acoustic versions of No Son of Mine, Afterglow and Follow You, Follow Me and they sound amazing and fresh. I think they started to realise that themselves as they also did an acoustic set in the middle of the Ray Wilson concerts. Had they ever done an MTV Unplugged-style album, I think it could have been a classic. On the off-chance they ever do another studio album, I hope that is the direction they take. Okay, better change the subject back to the likelihood of Phil Collins drinking himself to death soon, before the neighbours lose patience with us....
  7. 1 point
    Have you tried enduring the, er... "banter" between Richard Osman and Alexander Armstrong on Pointless? Come back and try and tell me you're a hard case after that. (Don't worry I'll have some tissues ready for you.) Richard and Alexander are tea-time gods and should not be dissed. Speak quietly you never know who might be listening. Oh come on you don't even find Osman just a little bit cheesy? I mean I realise he kind of "knows" he's being cheesy in a way but it's still incredibly annoying. I know you like Eurovision so you either have a massive resistance/tolerance to cheese or an outright fetish for it. Whatever..... Yes they know they are being cheesy but they are also being very slightly (in a BBC sort of way) subversive. Watching AA trying to keep a straight face when a contestant gives a really stupid answer is just priceless. I do have a high tolerance for a lot of things but there are somethings that I have a very low tolerance for: Jazz Jack Nicolson Jim Davison The X Factor Ricky Gervais Holly Willoughby Catchphrase Ridley Scott Films There are probably more but I do not want to vent my bile at lunchtime.
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