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Ramzan Kadyrov

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This asshole has been a puppet for Putin since his dad died and is currently the leader of The Chechen Republic.


Since the invasion of Ukraine, he has been very public, especially in support of the war and giving advices such as nuking Ukraine. 


Latest reports of him is that he may have been poisoned which is a huge deal since his 17 year old son would gain his power - whom also met with Putin a few days ago.


Source: https://nypost.com/2023/03/04/chechen-warlord-ramzan-kadyrov-seriously-ill-feared-poisoned/

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4 hours ago, Brad252 said:

Don't know how seriously to take this, although if any outlets go with this it would sound credible:




(Due to Twitter problems if this doesn't load this user is claiming Kadyrov is on his deathbed and unable to speak)

The news never lies, right? Of course he's on his deathbed. This is reporting with integrity isn't it. Just like how genius tabloid newspapers were able to tell (by looking at hand movements and hiring gossipers instead of people) that Putin has terminal cancer, Parkinson's, complications from poisoning, and dementia, while Lukashenko is in critical condition after being poisoned by Putin's decomposing corpse, I guess. They were even able to confidently report that Prigozhin died, even though he didn't! Isn't that crazy?

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It's the 455th time in a year Kadyrov is on his deathbed.


Just stop feeding the trolls from both sides.

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In critical condition for the 256th time this year, as reported by the ever reliable Ukrainian intelligence.

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35 minutes ago, drol said:

In critical condition for the 256th time this year, as reported by the ever reliable Ukrainian intelligence.

It's also in the UK's Daily Express, but if anything they lower the credibility of the reports further.

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40 minutes ago, Whitehouse said:

And Pravda, no less.


So it must be true...

Ukrainian Pravda :rolleyes:

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Maybe he was in a coma the whole time? I cant recall when he was in "public" the last time. March it seems from a VERY cursory search.

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11 minutes ago, drol said:

Ukrainian Pravda :rolleyes:

Pravda literally means truth.

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As he's been rumored to be in the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital with renal failure following a failed kidney transplant and many Chechen cars have been seen there during the last two days, Kremlin says there's "nothing to reveal" 


Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday: “We have no information on this.”


“In any case, the presidential administration can hardly give out health certificates, so we have nothing to tell you here"


I think there's a small possibility he's actually very ill especially as Pesky doesn't seem to completely deny it. We'll see.

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Gravely ill with pancreatic necrosis.


And Elvis is alive :rolleyes:

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