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Who's up next to die this year?

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This is a complete stab in the dark but at 103 Brooke Astor cannot have much time left.


I've now reached my 100th post! - I've only been a member 10 days.

Is this a DL record?

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Is this a DL record?

I'm sure if we (you, me, or another person with nothing to do except post)work at it we (any one of us) can break the average of 10 a day record. Simple really, just respond no matter how idiotically to each and every post...somewhat similar to what I am doing right now :) As for overall records if you look on one or 2 of those opening pages you'll see statements about todays top posters and also I believe all time posters. Interesting thing it is. Give it a quick gander why not.

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Is this a DL record?

Click on a member's name to view their profile. This gives the number of posts per day, in addition to other peculiar information. (eg BB's birthday :) )

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I always believed in quality not quantity.........

Perhaps there ought to be number in the Profile for "Relevance and Clarity of Expression" ?


Does anyone care to do the research?


At a guess, I doubt if many would make more than 30% (except ****** ****** :) )


(Guesty, may I borrow your flame resistant suit, please?

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Is this a DL record?

Click on a member's name to view their profile. This gives the number of posts per day, in addition to other peculiar information. (eg BB's birthday :) )

I can't be arsed....

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gretchen franklin seems like a good one for #6

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Guest Guest

i predict that ex PM Ted Heath will be no 7

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gretchen franklin seems like a good one for #6

:) Hopefully the mods will change #6 to #7 in the title description.


My choice for #7 would be Ronnie Biggs.

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I'm sure someone has done this before but the average death age for the last few years (lists since 2001) is 90. If you take out the cancer victims (ie. Everson, Sheene, Diamond in their 50's) the average comes up to about 91-2.


So unless you've got warning of a terminal illness there's not much point backing anyone under about 85 in my view.


This also supports my long-standing blathering about celebs living longer because they tend to be rich and able to afford medical care, good diets etc.

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This is a complete stab in the dark but at 103 Brooke Astor cannot have much time left.


(where have I heard this before)

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my moneys on John Mills,followed by Gretchen Frankjlin,followed by Ted Heath.Im psyclic see

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my moneys on John Mills,followed by Gretchen Frankjlin,followed by Ted Heath.Im psyclic see

Hello, Doctor. I see the TARDIS has been on the piss again.




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i predict that ex PM Ted Heath will be no 7

Good call!


And who was it announcing his death on here on Saturday afternoon? That was pretty impressive too, since it hadn't actually occurred. :huh:

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i predict that ex PM Ted Heath will be no 7

Good call!


And who was it announcing his death on here on Saturday afternoon? That was pretty impressive too, since it hadn't actually occurred. :huh:

Probobly not that clever Cerebus..


This person probobly heard some big hint somewhere

along the line that his health was weakening. :rip:

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I think Michael Foot will be next ... sometime in the next 14 days.

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Guest Guest

Ive heard on the grapevine that Lord (Bill) Deedes has spent the last few weeks in his sick ned and might be fading away to nothing so i wouldnt be surprised if his deathw as announced any day now.His wife died last year and his best friend Dennis Thatcher went 2 years ago so it look slike he might be giving up the ghost!

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Guest Lord Windsor

I'm guessing maybe it's time for an American on the bloody list to pop off. Rosa Parks, Jerry Lewis, Walter Cronkite, Gerald Ford, Richard Pryor, Jane Wyman, William Rehnquist, Betty Ford, etc.

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Wow wow wow - Lord Windsor!? Are you trying to out do me or something? I mean what next, notapotato 2? I'll give you bloody Lord Windsor.

You even sound like me.


I've only been here 5 minutes and people already want to be like me. I should be honoured really. Not that I'm big headed or anything.

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William Renquist seems to be determined to drive himself to an early grave.It may come sooner than he bargains for though...

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Guest DeathLister

While he is my favorite economist and I'll hate to see him go, I expect John Kenneth Galbraith to pass away within the year. His ideological rival, Milton Friedman, probably hasn't very long to go, either.

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William Renquist seems to be determined to drive himself to an early grave.It may come sooner than he bargains for though...

In actuality, Bill (or Rennie as he is called by his dearest friends) doesn't drive. He has a chauffeur...in fact a team of 88 opportunists, all contenders for the next vacancy on the Supreme Court.

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