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Guest voiceofreason

Deathlist - The Band

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Could I please audition to be a backup singer? I'm absolutely convinced they have the most fun and they get to wear the best outfits.


I'm very good with a tambourine.

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Worth seeing again...


'The Bass Player' and his knees of fire.




(thanks for the tip MH)

Could be a lot worse - could be great balls of fire

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Could be a lot worse - could be great balls of fire

Not bad. Perhaps I can make the lyrics of a song from that line.




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And if you disagree we will shoot you. Or feed you to Elspeth.


To borrow a line from my favourite movie, I don't eat junk food. :angel3:

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I never thought I'd ever see the day I said this but, there's nothing like being up your own arse is there Gunjaman?

Not your first anal issue Windsor, is it now, is there something you'd like to tell us?


Windsor, your behaviour as a member reflects on the rest of us as much as it does on you. I for one would rather not be associated with a petulant, small-minded, tantrum-throwing child.

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And if you disagree we will shoot you. Or feed you to Elspeth.

To borrow a line from my favourite movie, I don't eat junk food. ;)

Elspeth, I think are talking about that movie "Ice Age"


BTW, I know it is belated but welcome to the forum.




ff :o

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Elspeth: You're so delightful. :o


Gunjaman: I only share the aspects of my private life which I feel appropriate. ;)

By the way, I have no plans to leave this forum yet so you as may as well get used to me. And I may be 'a petulant, small-minded, tantrum-throwing child' but I feel I have made a bigger impact on this forum by acting in that way. I feel that Tempus Fugit and I have sped up the pace of this forum and for that I'm not ashamed.

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Elspeth, I think are talking about that movie "Ice Age"


Indeed I am. There are just these interesting parallels - Sid the Sloth, Windsor the Troll...


BTW, I know it is belated but welcome to the forum.


Thank you!

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Elspeth: You're so delightful.  :o 


Gunjaman: I only share the aspects of my private life which I feel appropriate. ;)

By the way, I have no plans to leave this forum yet so you as may as well get used to me. And I may be 'a petulant, small-minded, tantrum-throwing child' but I feel I have made a bigger impact on this forum by acting in that way.

A petulant, small-minded, tantrum-throwing child who cannot keep his promises.

Fizzle ye Windsor, fizzle.

I feel that Tempus Fugit and I have sped up the pace of this forum and for that I'm not ashamed.

Tempus has changed his tempo. His posts are concise, intelligent and often witty. Yours are only numerous. Tempus, how does it feel to be elevated to Windsor's lofty plane?

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And if you disagree we will shoot you. Or feed you to Elspeth.


To borrow a line from my favourite movie, I don't eat junk food. :o

What movie could that possibly be? The autobiography and

life of princess Diana?

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Erm................ can I please join your little band? :o

Would you like to be our drummer?

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Erm................ can I please join your little band? :o

Would you like to be our drummer?

Well........... how long will I live?


Will I have adoring fans falling at my feet?


Will I be rich and have lots of money?


Will I live beyond avarice?

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Erm................ can I please join your little band? :o

How about lead guitarist? They get as much attention from members of the opposite sex (apart from scsi bear who only seems to get guys wanting to talk to him after a gig ;) )as the singer and all the kudos with their solos.

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Elspeth: You're so delightful.  :o 


Gunjaman: I only share the aspects of my private life which I feel appropriate. ;)

By the way, I have no plans to leave this forum yet so you as may as well get used to me. And I may be 'a petulant, small-minded, tantrum-throwing child' but I feel I have made a bigger impact on this forum by acting in that way.

A petulant, small-minded, tantrum-throwing child who cannot keep his promises.

Fizzle ye Windsor, fizzle.

I feel that Tempus Fugit and I have sped up the pace of this forum and for that I'm not ashamed.

Tempus has changed his tempo. His posts are concise, intelligent and often witty. Yours are only numerous. Tempus, how does it feel to be elevated to Windsor's lofty plane?

I made no promise, I said it was probable. Unfortunately for you the probability shrunk and I'm still here posting as many times as I feel fit.


I'm actually getting a bit fed up of your obsessiveness towards me. Do you keep notes on people or something?


Well this is my new promise; I'm here to stay (unless I get banned etc).


I'll also have you know that there are a number of members who do enjoy my posts even if you don't. Therefore I will not break my posting habits because these other members are more important to me than you are.

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Will I have adoring fans falling at my feet?

Unless you get a new avatar, it's quite possible they'll be falling over your feet!

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Well this is my new promise; I'm here to stay (unless I get banned etc).


I'll also have you know that there are a number of members who do enjoy my posts even if you don't. Therefore I will not break my posting habits because these other members are more important to me that what you are.

Windsor - truely you are a priceless deathlist member. We have

enjoyed most of your time here and i'm guessing many of us would

not even allow you to get banned, as clearly others have in the past.


Other members who deeply study your posts shouldn't be

worried about. There obsessions with you should only be

takin as well - Windsor Fans?

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Has anyone given a thought to the 'Death List Bands' riders? Here are a few ideas, only read a couple, no sacrificial virgins, dragons etc, I'm sure our esteemed DL'rs could come up with some better ideas.

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Has anyone given a thought to the 'Death List Bands' riders? Here are a few ideas, only read a couple, no sacrificial virgins, dragons etc I'm sure our esteemed DL'rs could come up with some better ideas.

10 bottles of Chardonnay, 200 cigarettes, half a dozen Pirates and a Highwayman or eight? :o

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Has anyone given a thought to the 'Death List Bands' riders? Here are a few ideas, only read a couple, no sacrificial virgins, dragons etc I'm sure our esteemed DL'rs could come up with some better ideas.

10 bottles of Chardonnay, 200 cigarettes, half a dozen Pirates and a Highwayman or eight? :o

Your hobbies leave me to wonder.


But sincerely i couldn't help to join you with the partying.

Only i would want a great deal of charming beautiful women.

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Has anyone given a thought to the 'Death List Bands' riders? Here are a few ideas, only read a couple, no sacrificial virgins, dragons etc I'm sure our esteemed DL'rs could come up with some better ideas.

10 bottles of Chardonnay, 200 cigarettes, half a dozen Pirates and a Highwayman or eight? :o

Lets double that Bou, make it 20 bottles, 400 cigarettes, F**k the pirates and Highwaymen, lets swap them for Johnny Depp ;) and a squad of gorgeous bellydancers for Banshees Scream :P he and Hein are sharing lyrical duties after all.

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What movie could that possibly be? The autobiography and

life of princess Diana?


Very droll, I'm sure. :o

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May I suggest that Entropy be added to the security team as 'The Department Of No Riff- Raff, Please'? She could stand outside the door wearing her Shiny Hat!


Edited by Captain Oates

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