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The Death Penalty

Do you agree with the Death Penalty?  

233 members have voted

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I vote yes for the following reasons.


1) My hard earned tax is used to feed and clothe them. Then the phuckers complain about human rights when thier TV breaks down.


2) There is prison over population problem. A cull is a very effective way of over coming the problem.


The next question is what crime deserves the death penalty. I say shoplifting. This sorts out the crims' before they commit more hideous crimes. It also sorts drug users in one fell swoop.


Just IMHO.


p.s Hitler was a poof compared to me :banghead:

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I vote yes for the following reasons.


1) My hard earned tax is used to feed and clothe them. Then the phuckers complain about human rights when thier TV breaks down.


2) There is prison over population problem. A cull is a very effective way of over coming the problem.


The next question is what crime deserves the death penalty. I say shoplifting. This sorts out the crims' before they commit more hideous crimes. It also sorts drug users in one fell swoop.


Just IMHO.


p.s Hitler was a poof compared to me :banghead:

A very interesting post for several reasons. Thank you Peter.


1)Despite being a heterosexual when compared to the head of the Third Reich you opted for the "phuck" option over the more direct and effecting "F**k".


2) There is no "prison over population" problem as there are no prisons in the sky. Unless of course you live in some under Return of the Jedi style Cloud City that reigns down convicts on the rest of our law-loving society.


(do you by chance look like thisbdwilliams1.gif ??)


I do concede that there may be an over-population problem in prisons though. Dealing with this may overcome (I think you meant?) problem. Although I can't see how.


You also assume that all drug users are shoplifters. This is a highly original idea. I assume you are working on the sterotype that all druggies are cash strapped and look like this junkie.jpg. You may therefore care to look in this thread and tell me if you think the subject is short of money.


Lastly you claim that "Hitler was a poof " in comparison to your good self. I assume that here you are working on the idea that Homosexuality (unless of course you are misspelling puff-as in "of smoke". Do you therefore beleive that Hitler was imaginary?) is in some way connected to not beleiving in the death penalty or unpleasantness. In which case I would ask you to find evidence to support the former and look back up the thread a few posts to rubbish the idea of the latter.


Welcome to deathlist St.Peter. I hope you enjoy your time here.

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The would-be 100th executee has been spared.

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2) There is no "prison over population" problem

I think perhaps there is. In Bury St. Edmunds, anyway.highpoint.jpg

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p.s Hitler was a poof compared to me  ;)


Welcome to deathlist St.Peter. I hope you enjoy your time here.

He's been here since April 21 ....(oddly the day after Addie Hitler's b'day......odd since he mentioned Addie in his postie wostie....) any way the true point of this being your welcoime was late and served cold and without latte :banghead: .

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How long do prisons generally have to wait on death row?


If its 10 years its not exactly an effective way of reducing the prison population or reducing costs.

It would, however, reduce re-offending rates. :banghead:

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How long do prisons generally have to wait on death row?

I don't know what offences Prisons commit that deserve the death penalty...


As for the question, the core of the issue is whether you consider punishment to be revenge or rehabilitation.


If you're in the revenge camp, and you believe that murderers consider the legal recourse before they act, then the death penalty is a suitable deterent. The evidence seems to be that most murderers do not consider the recourse or at least do not expect to be caught - thus life imprisonment is no less of a deterent.


If you're in the rehabilitation camp then obviously the death penalty is unlikely to make people good citizens in the future...


On the cost side, I suspect that while lifers cost an amount to house, the compensation payment to a wrongly convicted executed prisoners next of kin won't be cheap.


As for the 'we'll only kill the ones we're really sure about' defence this should be the basis of all convictions not just those with the death penalty.

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If you're in the rehabilitation camp then obviously the death penalty is unlikely to make people good citizens in the future...

Au contraire!


The death penalty guarantees no more bad behaviour, no more burden to tax payers.

Sounds like a good citizen to me.

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There is still an element of cost even when the death penalty in in place.


You say that the death penalty helps reduce crime. Look at the USA. They have the death penalty and crime is still high over there, especially gun crime due to the legal standing of guns it must be said). It is no deterrent. People only kill because they think that they can get away with it and the reintroduction of capital punishment is not likely to stop that way of thinking.

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If you're in the rehabilitation camp then obviously the death penalty is unlikely to make people good citizens in the future...

Au contraire!


The death penalty guarantees no more bad behaviour, no more burden to tax payers.

Sounds like a good citizen to me.

Aah so you've been the one advising Rimfelt and Chinnie on policy in Iraq....


Kill the evil-doers, nail some sense into them....

Can't find the evil doers, kill someone else, nail some sense into them....

You are the evil-doers, kill everyone else to stop them finding out....

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I vote yes for the following reasons.


1) My hard earned tax is used to feed and clothe them.  Then the phuckers complain about human rights when thier TV breaks down.


2) There is prison over population problem.  A cull is a very effective way of over coming the problem.


The next question is what crime deserves the death penalty.  I say shoplifting.  This sorts out the crims' before they commit more hideous crimes.  It also sorts drug users in one fell swoop.


Just IMHO.


p.s Hitler was a poof compared to me  ;)

A very interesting post for several reasons. Thank you Peter.


1)Despite being a heterosexual when compared to the head of the Third Reich you opted for the "phuck" option over the more direct and effecting "F**k".


2) There is no "prison over population" problem as there are no prisons in the sky. Unless of course you live in some under Return of the Jedi style Cloud City that reigns down convicts on the rest of our law-loving society.


(do you by chance look like thisbdwilliams1.gif ??)


I do concede that there may be an over-population problem in prisons though. Dealing with this may overcome (I think you meant?) problem. Although I can't see how.


You also assume that all drug users are shoplifters. This is a highly original idea. I assume you are working on the sterotype that all druggies are cash strapped and look like this junkie.jpg. You may therefore care to look in this thread and tell me if you think the subject is short of money.


Lastly you claim that "Hitler was a poof " in comparison to your good self. I assume that here you are working on the idea that Homosexuality (unless of course you are misspelling puff-as in "of smoke". Do you therefore beleive that Hitler was imaginary?) is in some way connected to not beleiving in the death penalty or unpleasantness. In which case I would ask you to find evidence to support the former and look back up the thread a few posts to rubbish the idea of the latter.


Welcome to deathlist St.Peter. I hope you enjoy your time here.

Great, I rattled a cage!!!


Nothing like a bit of debate!!!


I'm thouroughly enjoying myself, thanks for asking.


Here's a thought. More Russians died in one city, at the hands of the German army, during WWII than in the death camps. How come we don't recognise and/or have the same amount of remorse?

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I don't beleive in the death penalty. However, life should mean life (or a very long time anyway). How can it be right that someone could commit a murder and then be out walking the streets 12 years later?


I would make one exception for the death penalty: failed suicide bombers!

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So what should be the fate of Michael Barton and Paul Taylor, the delightful twosome who killed student Anthony Walker by burying an axe into his head?


Smart work, by the way, by the UK police and legal system. The murder happened at the end of July, so an arrest, trial and conviction in four months is incredible. In the US they'd still be arguing over prospective jurors. Actually, what am I saying, they wouldn't even have decided what to charge them with.

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As for the killers of Anthony Walker, I would me a lot harsher on them than his sister. If I may quote from the BBC website.....


"Dominique Walker said "we have to forgive" the gang who used an axe to kill her 18-year-old brother."


A minimum of 50 years behind bars methinks.

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Keeping in mind this is Britain the one who killed him will get 20 years (which means 15).

And the one who started all the racist shouting will get 10 years (which means 6-7)

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How long do prisons generally have to wait on death row?

The rest of their life?

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I'll go out on a limb and say no. Imprisoned yes, but I can see absolutely no reason why sex offenders should be given worse treatment than, say, murderers. That is if you are starting from a position of being against the death penalty.

Also when you say incurable is that incurable in the sense of not being able to stop commiting sex offences on others or incurable in the sense of not being able to stop thinking about it?" Sex Offender" is a very broad term.

I'm not suggesting a total return of the death penalty for any trivial offence. I am also aware that the last man executed in Britain was found to be innocent 20 years later. I accept that not everyone who's dangled from the noose is guilty but when there are extreme cases like this why should carry on supporting them when they clearly cannot be cured? Guilt is beyond doubt. The man has admitted he's a danger and will offend again! :ph34r:


Sex offender was a very broad term but so far no one has given a valid reason why this man should be kept by the tax payer when he can not be rehabilitated. He is incurable in the sense that he cannot be cured from commiting crimes against young boys. Thought police I am not... what he thinks about and w**** over, whilst sickening, is in his head. When that mental link becomes physical it's time to fire up old sparky. ;)


To make it a little more specific he is a serial predatory paedophile who has admitted that he will re-offend, refused any form of 'therapy treatment' and is under investigation for molesting a young offender whilst in protective custody.... Protective custody to stop the vigilante tax payer dishing out a good old dose of knuckle butties. ;)


Now that the government has decreed a council tax hike depends on whether you have a nice view from your window I don't see why I should fork out the extra £'s to keep this nonce away from the pitch fork wielding, torch bearing, angry mob...


Now that I come to read your post again maybe you are right, perhaps they should "not be put down".

:lol: The joys of selective editting. ;) This isn't a crime of passion or spur of the moment lapse of judgement... I'm not suggesting death row for 'Three Strikes And You're Out' type behaviour. I'm taking special circumstances for special cases.


This man is a Serial Predatory Paedophile. Gas the f***er ;)


Had never heard of him until I read that link. Certainly there is something deeply, seriously wrong with him getting out after 6 years. Can hardly believe it in fact.

Good old fashion British justice. 6 years... :lol:


Keeping in mind this is Britain the one who killed him will get 20 years (which means 15).

And the one who started all the racist shouting will get 10 years (which means 6-7)

Excellent that means that the sentence is automatically cut in half for good behaviour... unless they're naughty inside (and they have to be very naughty for it to have any effect :D )


10 years and 5 years respectively. I reckon the potty mouth will be out in three. :P


England was going to the dogs until it was banned in February... not sure what's happening now. :rolleyes:

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The Taylor/Barton case is on the news now.


Both got life sentences. Taylor to serve a minimum of 23 years (before he can be considered for parole), Barton a minimum of 17 years.


So Windsor was being unduly pessimistic.

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So Windsor was being unduly pessimistic.

Just wait until they appeal..... :ph34r:



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How long do prisons generally have to wait on death row?

The rest of their life?

As long as they are getting that well deserved rest......such a relief knowing that.

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I don't think the Death Penalty works as a form of punishment.

In essence, all the death penalty is going to do is make potential criminals more careful and perhaps a little more savvy on how to get away with their crime.


Personally, I'm more a believer in re-education. These people apparently have skills that could be put to good use or, more to the point, may actually be capable of learning skills that other people could not stomach doing.

By destroying something, you are removing a potential resource, but more importantly, you are removing the chance for them to turn themselves around and do something 'good'.

It dosn't matter what scale the good deed is on, whether it is finding a cure for cancer or just helping a little old lady across the road, it's more to do with the fact that we can cure the problem in the long term as opposed to snuffing out isolated incidents in the short term.


"You say that I'm a dreamer,

But I'm not the only one."

- John Lennon, Imagine

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The death penalty works fine according to those who are dead from it.

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I don't think the Death Penalty works as a form of punishment.

In essence, all the death penalty is going to do is make potential criminals more careful and perhaps a little more savvy on how to get away with their crime.


Personally, I'm more a believer in re-education.  These people apparently have skills that could be put to good use or, more to the point, may actually be capable of learning skills that other people could not stomach doing.

By destroying something, you are removing a potential resource, but more importantly, you are removing the chance for them to turn themselves around and do something 'good'.

It dosn't matter what scale the good deed is on, whether it is finding a cure for cancer or just helping a little old lady across the road, it's more to do with the fact that we can cure the problem in the long term as opposed to snuffing out isolated incidents in the short term.


"You say that I'm a dreamer,

But I'm not the only one."

- John Lennon, Imagine



By executing you are also removing any possibility of reoffending,


I wonder if Lennon would have wanted his murderer executed?

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The death penalty works fine according to those who are dead from it.

I thought they all declined to comment.

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