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The Death Penalty

Do you agree with the Death Penalty?  

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I shall try one more time, then someone else can have a go.


1: You can't ever justify murdering someone with economic arguments.

Not murder, justice. My argument is based on the failure to rehabilitate. Therefore the current system has another failing. When rehabilitation fails there is no argument to keep someone incarcerated. Toss out the trash. If you want to afford the same rights to this small percentage as you do everyone else then that's entirely up to you. I believe these people are beneath contempt and should be treated accordingly. Many of them are free to live in an enviroment where they no longer have to work, they get decent food and medical care, dedicated leisure activity and access to everything they need. They're awarded a better standard of living than their victims.


If there is an offender that wants be cured and seeks treatment and wants to be rehabilitated then so be it. Take the necessary steps. Give them the opportunity to attone but to those that laugh at the system. Refuse all form of rehabilitative treatment and then reoffend constantly in and out of custody then there is only one guaranteed treatment left... :lol:


By all means fund those that wish to change but not at the expense of keeping the small percentage of real parasites in custody.


2. Someone won't reoffend whilst out on parole if they aren't released. I's a completely different problem that people are often released when they shouldn't be, and in absolutely no way an argument for the death penalty.

But they can and do reoffend whilst still in custody. Constantly and because they're incarcerated they're left to it. Why should a first offence teenage burglar be put in an environment where he can be sodomised by someone like Sidney Cooke? How many times would you allow that before you decided enough was enough? There are major failings with the current system, we can agree, but if he (and his kind) were to be kept in isolation there would be an outcry from another section saying his human rights were being violated... where does it end? Easy... the gallows.


The death penalty is perfectly acceptable form of punishment for those that are a severe danger to society and cannot be rehabilitated under any circumstances. We have absolutely no moral justification to keep these parasites in the lifestyle they're accustomed to. Pull the lever. Kick the stool away... free up the space for those that can and do wish to change. It's not murder is a treatment for parasites.


Admit it, you just fancy the thought of being allowed to kill people.

Not people. Sidney Cooke and other child rapists, sex offenders, multiple murderers, etc like him. The ones that aren't just sick in the head, the ones that take great pleasure from molesting and killing young kids, raping men and women and murdering people who's only crime is to catch the bus. Call me old school.

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Admit it, you just fancy the thought of being allowed to kill people.

Well, there is the army/air force/navy, etc. for that kind of thing...

State-sponsored slaughter, the profession of choice. :lol:

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The answer is not for us to kill each other / allow the state to kill us.


And we are rather unimaginative in the way we just put all criminals behind a big wall and limit their lives by how much money we are willing to spend on our own protection. There are certainly better ways to go, if only we could find them.


Transportation of undesirable criminals has had interesting results in the past. Why not just send all these people somewhere far away to fend for themselves.


All we need is a large island which could be populated with persons of similar tastes and habits then surrounded by "the army/air force/navy, etc." and everyone would be happy.







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Guest Adolf Hitler

And remove their sex organs so they can't breed like what happened in Australia!

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All we need is a large island which could be populated with persons of similar tastes and habits then surrounded by "the army/air force/navy, etc." and everyone would be happy.

Reminds me of this movie.

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Guest Maggie

Do we still own the Falklands?

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Do we still own the Falklands?

That depends on which "we" you exactly mean.




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I think the "we" is some sheep.

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I'm in favour of the death penalty for world famous people over the age of 85.

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I'm in favour of the death penalty for world famous people over the age of 85.

Or anyone in my DDP team.

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Guest Thabo

Will Nelson Mandela qualiffys for the death penilty?

A. Nelson Mandela personally has blood on his hands from the “Church Street bombings,” which, if you can believe this, were set off at rush hour to maximize casualties. Nice touch! Killing the women, children and babies was a GREAT idea Nelson. Oh and by the way, did the ANC branch in heaven know about this? But you like to kill babies don’t you? And like Hillary Clinton you are actually obsessed with it. I’ll get to that in a moment.

The Church Street bombing happened despite Mandela’s public statement that the “Armed struggle must be a movement intended to hit at the symbols of oppression and not to slaughter human beings.” Oops!

But at least in his autobiography “Long Walk to Freedom,” Mandela had the courage and sanity to admit that his being hung would have been the logical outcome of his actions. (Possession of enough explosives to blow up half of Johannesburg and a document in his own handwriting on “how to be a good communist” were I suppose, just another case of the Afrikaners “playing the evidence card.” It was like O.J. long before O.J.)

B. Mandela has blood on his hands from the massacre of unarmed Zulus at Shell House, the ANC TAC-HQ. Nelson directly worked to cover that up. Even after prison he showed “the watchers” meaning “those who understand the evil of the ANC” that he was and is STILL just another murderer comfortable with the KGB/Soviets and Maoists.

C. Praised MPLA-led Angola and thus, in effect, its ANC Quatro/Mobokodo gulags. Mbokodo is the Xhosa word for “The grinding stone.” One must read Mwesi Twala’s book “Mbokodo.” The ANC kept their own black cadres in the most brutal and inhumane concentration camps at Quatro. I dare people to read Mbokodo, written by an ex-ANC soldier, and see if they can EVER view Mandela and the ANC the same way again. Oh and by the way, South African President Thabo Mbeki visited this camp and did NOTHING to stop the evil going on there. What does that tell you? My mother had a work for this kind of wickedness. And that word is “E-V-I-L.”

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Work IS evil - tried it once.INHUMANE

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Does all this namby-pamby liberalism extend to Osama or is it strictly terratorial ?


Imagine what CNN would pay for the TV rights to the execution,if they ever caught him??

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Guest Himler
Does all this namby-pamby liberalism extend to Osama or is it strictly terratorial ?


Imagine what CNN would pay for the TV rights to the execution,if they ever caught him??

I think any conventional execution would be too good for him, how about being dropped into a pit full of lions and televised as half time entertainment at the Superbowl?

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Fortunatley for Neil Entwhistle Massachussets doesnt have the death penalty.

Is that why the UK is willing to extradite him?


New film about Albert Pierrepoint premieres tonight in Glasgow,starring Timothy Spall.


Is that the last face you would like to see?

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Guest Prudence Pureheart

This is disgraceful. You should all be drawn and quartered.

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You related to Penelope??

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Guest Prudence Pureheart
You related to Penelope??

She is my alter-ego.

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Seems to me that those against the Death Penalty may have a vested interest in keeping these scum alive.


Are there anyone from the legal proffession here?


Prison guards, court typists?

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