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Queen Elizabeth II

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We don't have a "tradition" of monarchs abdicating in this country. I think Edward VIII was the only one. (I'm sure Windsor will correct me if I'm wrong)

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We don't have a "tradition" of monarchs abdicating in this country. I think Edward VIII was the only one. (I'm sure Windsor will correct me if I'm wrong)


James II was forced to abdicate in 1688. He is the only other English Monarch to abdicate.

In Scotland the same applies to Mary Queen of Scots who was deposed in 1567, and James VII who was seen to have given up the throne by the Scots Privy Council in 1688/9.


But thats about it. There may have been more in the early days of monarchy.

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We don't have a "tradition" of monarchs abdicating in this country. I think Edward VIII was the only one. (I'm sure Windsor will correct me if I'm wrong)


James II was forced to abdicate in 1688. He is the only other English Monarch to abdicate.

In Scotland the same applies to Mary Queen of Scots who was deposed in 1567, and James VII who was seen to have given up the throne by the Scots Privy Council in 1688/9.


But thats about it. There may have been more in the early days of monarchy.


Thanks Mr Windsor! Why did James II abdicate?

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The King of Bhutan recently announced his retirement.

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We don't have a "tradition" of monarchs abdicating in this country. I think Edward VIII was the only one. (I'm sure Windsor will correct me if I'm wrong)


James II was forced to abdicate in 1688. He is the only other English Monarch to abdicate.

In Scotland the same applies to Mary Queen of Scots who was deposed in 1567, and James VII who was seen to have given up the throne by the Scots Privy Council in 1688/9.


But thats about it. There may have been more in the early days of monarchy.


Thanks Mr Windsor! Why did James II abdicate?


The English Parliament forced him out basically because the Protestant majority feared that he was appointing Catholics to senior positions within Government, especially in Ireland. So they chucked him out in favour of his protestant nephew and son-in-law, William of Orange.

The Scottish aspect is different. He fled to France and so the Scots Privy Council saw it as him neglecting his duties as King. They chose William III as king after James decided to send them death threats.


Thats my understanding anyway...

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Richard II also abdicated after the nobles aligned with Henry Bolingbroke in his bid to reclaim his own inheritance, which Richard had confiscated; this morphed into an attempt to bag the crown while he was at it. Of course, it being the Middle Ages, he was murdered shortly thereafter - none of this living in luxury in Paris like the modern ex-kings.



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Richard II also abdicated after the nobles aligned with Henry Bolingbroke in his bid to reclaim his own inheritance, which Richard had confiscated and which morphed into an attempt to bag the crown while he was at it. Of course, it being the Middle Ages, he was murdered shortly thereafter - none of this living in luxury in Paris like the modern ex-kings.


Damn the Encyclopedia Britannica - it lies!

It claimed that James II was the only English Monarch to abdicate.


Mind you - it was an old edition...

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Well, Richard was deposed; it wasn't a voluntary abdication like Edward VIII's.


Edward II was also deposed and then murdered (by having a hot poker shoved up him, so the story goes); unlike Richard, he had a son to follow him, so it wasn't entirely a matter of being deposed by a rival for the throne. Since he was possibly the worst king we've ever had (although Richard does run him a close second, IMO), it's not really a surprise.


Then Henry VI (the Lancastrian king, who wasn't all that mentally stable) was deposed in favour of the Yorkist, Edward IV, who was deposed in his turn so that Henry VI could return, and then the Lancastrians were defeated at the Battle of Tewkesbury, and Henry VI was deposed again and murdered shortly thereafter.


Once Edward IV had taken the throne yet again, he didn't live as long as expected and died while his eldest son was still a child; his brother (Richard Duke of Gloucester) took the throne himself and imprisoned the child king Edward V and his brother in the Tower. So Edward V was another king who was deposed by a powerful lord with ambitions.


They played for high stakes back then.

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Edward II was also deposed and then murdered (by having a hot poker shoved up him, so the story goes


I'm all for a return to good old-fashioned values.

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Queen Elizabeth will be celebrating her 80th birthday tomorrow and has no plans of abdicating or retiring. Considering her good health, it looks like she could be around for a long time. Prince Charles may have to wait another 10 years before being crowned as king.


Queen to rule until she dies

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Queen Elizabeth will be celebrating her 80th birthday tomorrow and has no plans of abdicating or retiring. Considering her good health, it looks like she could be around for a long time. Prince Charles may have to wait another 10 years before being crowned as king.


Queen to rule until she dies


Ten years at the very least. Anyway - a time table of events:


-2007: The Queen will become the oldest reigning monarch in British history.

-2008: Prince Charles turns 60.

-2011: The Duke of Edinburgh will turn 90 (if he doesn't fall off his carriage).

-2012: The Queen will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee.

-2016: The Queen will become the longest reigning monarch in British hisory.

-2016: The Queen will turn 90.


Whenever the King of Thailand dies, she will become the worlds longest reigning living monarch.


I bet you feel a whole lot better knowing that...

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We can always rely on Windsor for Royal trivia. :lol:


I've got the Queen pencilled in for my DDP team for 2026.

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Whenever the King of Thailand dies, she will become the worlds longest reigning living monarch.


I bet you feel a whole lot better knowing that...



But Windsor, what about the 93 year old King of Samoa ??


Talking of monarchs, I reckon the King of Nepal needs to be a bit careful before he comes to a very sticky


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I just thought I'd take the opportunity to say Happy Birthday to our monarch and raise a glass to her. I thought this was the place to do it as the Happy Birthday thread seems to be for Death Lister's special days and I'm not sure if Her Maj is a death lister or not.


But who knows? Maybe she is. Maybe Windsor is actually the Queen and having unbridled fun without us being aware of her true identity? It would certainly explain as to why Windsor knows so much about our Royal Family and is a steady, reliable source of all facts royal.


Perhaps our Godot is Queen Elizabeth in disguise, for I seem to recall reading somewhere that she has a penchant for substances of the gravy ilk?


Or maybe Boudicca, given the regal air of beauty suggested by her avatar?


Then again, it might be TLC or Six, or even possibly Tempus Fugit.


Is it possible that the Queen is amongst us somewhere, rebelling against the daily monotony of her job by handpicking the subjects she'd most like to die? Who's at the top of her list? Has she scored any points already this year? Will she get pissed today during the course of her celebrations and kick a Korgi as she stumbles off to bed? Will Phillip get lucky tonight? Should I give up smoking?


Answers on a postcard please, to HRH, Buckingham Palace, London...


Only kidding.


I'm not the Queen really.



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I'm not the Queen really.



One I never thought you were, unless your admission of owning Pistols music in another thread was to put us all off! Plus W.A.S.P.? The idea of Her Majesty appreciating Blackie Lawless & his pyrotechnic codpiece boggles the mind. Tigertailz, Stryper or Manowar ('death to false metal') possibly.... :lol:

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The idea of Her Majesty appreciating Blackie Lawless & his pyrotechnic codpiece boggles the mind.


:lol: I can just picture her singing along to Animal (F**k Like a Beast) with a large gin in each hand.

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I'm not the Queen really.

I'm not the Queen either, nor's my wife.




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We can always rely on Windsor for Royal trivia. :lol:


I've got the Queen pencilled in for my DDP team for 2026.


Fern Britton (or what ever she calls herself) from 'This Morning' thought she'd cramp my style and rattle off those very facts. Except she claimed George III and Queen Victoria died aged 82 when, infact, they were only 81 but in their 82 year. (Some of my dates may be a bit off because I didn't count the days).


DDT - The King of Samoa is the world's oldest living monarch but has only been on the throne since the 60's (1962 I think). So the Queen will still be the worlds longest reigning living monarch when the King of Thailand dies. He celebrates his Diamond Jubilee this year.

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Fern Britton (or what ever she calls herself) from 'This Morning'


Does that mean you watch daytime TV?

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DDT - The King of Samoa is the world's oldest living monarch but has only been on the throne since the 60's (1962 I think). So the Queen will still be the worlds longest reigning living monarch when the King of Thailand dies. He celebrates his Diamond Jubilee this year.



I stand corrected Sir! Although I'm going to do a bit of research as I think the King of the Wallis and Futuna Islands might have been overlooked he's been around for a very long time.

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Guest iain

is 80 today.But what would you say the odds were on her reaching her 90th birtday.I reckon she'll make it,but cant rule out unexpected diseases like cancer bearing in mind her father died of cancer in his 50s.Or could she even outlive her mother and make 102 ?!

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Guest iain

damn I forgot there was allready a thread about the queen :huh:


[Topics merged -- MH]

Edited by Magere Hein

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What I shame I am so far away from England on such an important day. How were the celebrations over there? Was there ticker tape and/or bunting in abundance?

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