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Avast, Me Hearties! It Be Talk Like A Pirate Day!

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La bataille commence en Belgique... et juste pour Capitaine Vaagy, Piraats.

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Appy innernarshnall speak loika poirett day jimlaaard.

Ere by moy lazy parrot. ---> King%20Parrot%20underneath.jpg <--- Eebee avin' a sleep oy think.

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Appy innernarshnall speak loika poirett day jimlaaard.

Ere by moy lazy parrot. ---> King%20Parrot%20underneath.jpg <--- Eebee avin' a sleep oy think.


Pining for the fjords?

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Appy innernarshnall speak loika poirett day jimlaaard.

Ere by moy lazy parrot. ---> King%20Parrot%20underneath.jpg <--- Eebee avin' a sleep oy think.



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La bataille commence en Belgique... et juste pour Capitaine Vaagy, Piraats.


Didn't they have Dutch pirates?


By the way, what is kielhalen translated in English?


Putting on my random guessing language hat, I'd go for keelhauling which if I am not mistaken is dragging a wrongdoer underneath the ship from the keel.


I'm off to Groningen in a couple of days, perhaps I'll conduct a survey but I am sure you must have had your own pirates too.

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I'm sure that after a hard day's looting, throat-cutting and encouraging folk to jump into shark-infested waters, there was nothing a vicious blackguard liked better than snuggling up in his hammock with a mug of Ovaltine while doing a bit of needlework.


Aaaaarrrrr, any o' ye scurvy dogs seen me thimble?

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Bou sent me this joke:


What's a pirate's favourite shop?





We both already have our coats on......

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You are all seriously behind the times.

The Pirates of today have machine guns, live in mud huts and wear Rolexes and, oh nearly forgot, are of Somali nationality.

Its a sh*te thread.

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You are all seriously behind the times.

The Pirates of today have machine guns, live in mud huts and wear Rolexes and, oh nearly forgot, are of Somali nationality.

Its a sh*te thread.


Sorry LFN, I disagree, it's a fun thread and gives me an excuse to roll out the pirate avatar :lol: . There are very few days in the year which give me a chance to change my avatar, but 'pirates day' is one of them. Boudicca had a lovely customised avatar courtesy of Magere Hein, good Halloween one too, but she lost them a couple of months back when her toddler decided pouring his orange juice over Mummy's laptop was a great way of getting her attention

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You are all seriously behind the times.

The Pirates of today have machine guns, live in mud huts and wear Rolexes and, oh nearly forgot, are of Somali nationality.

Its a sh*te thread.


Avast landlubber ahoy! Abandon all hope ye who dare enter this thread and wage war on us Somalis! Is you a racialist? We shall get ye by the keilhalen sonny Jimlad.

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You are all seriously behind the times.

The Pirates of today have machine guns, live in mud huts and wear Rolexes and, oh nearly forgot, are of Somali nationality.

Its a sh*te thread.


Sorry LFN, I disagree, it's a fun thread and gives me an excuse to roll out the pirate avatar :D . There are very few days in the year which give me a chance to change my avatar, but 'pirates day' is one of them. Boudicca had a lovely customised avatar courtesy of Magere Hein, good Halloween one too, but she lost them a couple of months back when her toddler decided pouring his orange juice over Mummy's laptop was a great way of getting her attention

Hmmm. Fair enough LG,but are you sure it has nothing to do with the large quantities of alcohol you are able to consume ? (with consummate ease, I might add..) :)

Not that im suggesting that your judgement may be clouded in any way........... :ph34r:

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You are all seriously behind the times.

The Pirates of today have machine guns, live in mud huts and wear Rolexes and, oh nearly forgot, are of Somali nationality.

Its a sh*te thread.


Avast landlubber ahoy! Abandon all hope ye who dare enter this thread and wage war on us Somalis! Is you a racialist? We shall get ye by the keilhalen sonny Jimlad.

I find it quite disturbing that one of the most intelligent and articulate of people on this forum could post such utter bollocks. :ph34r:

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Guest Think like a Banshee day
You are all seriously behind the times.

The Pirates of today have machine guns, live in mud huts and wear Rolexes and, oh nearly forgot, are of Somali nationality.

Its a sh*te thread.



Bring out

! International talk like a budhcad badeed may have passed but we can be prepared for next year by learning the phrases in the clip which looks funnily enough like English to me.


Why do people insist on these invariably sh*t piece to camera youtubes?

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Didn't they have Dutch pirates?


By the way, what is kielhalen translated in English?


Putting on my random guessing language hat, I'd go for keelhauling which if I am not mistaken is dragging a wrongdoer underneath the ship from the keel.


I'm off to Groningen in a couple of days, perhaps I'll conduct a survey but I am sure you must have had your own pirates too.

Nice place.

If getting utterly slaughtered on Belgian beer in cosy little bars is right up your alley then 't Paard van Troje is certainly up an alley. Hein reccommended it to me. Enough said.


Doesn't somebody on DL live in Groningen?

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Didn't they have Dutch pirates?


By the way, what is kielhalen translated in English?


Putting on my random guessing language hat, I'd go for keelhauling which if I am not mistaken is dragging a wrongdoer underneath the ship from the keel.


I'm off to Groningen in a couple of days, perhaps I'll conduct a survey but I am sure you must have had your own pirates too.

Nice place.

If getting utterly slaughtered on Belgian beer in cosy little bars is right up your alley then 't Paard van Troje is certainly up an alley. Hein reccommended it to me. Enough said.


Doesn't somebody on DL live in Groningen?


Thanks NAP, I shall bear it in mind even if it is a little like leaving Newcastle in search of some coal! I am sure we will also be entertained with clogs, windmills and tulips to even it up. It's usually the way at these things.

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Guest Blackbeard

I say, old bean. This is the only day of the year one gets the chance to converse like any other normal chap, what ho.


Now, 'aaand me that bottle o' grog, y'varmint, and best be damn quick about it... oh, shit.

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Most pirates theses days would be more like....


"Hand over dis shill bwana else AK meets booty" , or "趕快廢話環境保護署, ㊣ 嗎扣紅茶"

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Most pirates theses days would be more like....


"Hand over dis shill bwana else AK meets booty" , or "趕快廢話環境保護署, ㊣ 嗎扣紅茶"


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