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Rotten Ali

2007 Deathlist picks

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Objection your honour! He sold out the Royal Festival Hall in London a couple of years ago (yes, I was there), wrote some of the biggest hits of the '60's and has become a significant cult figure for his eccentric solo albums. He'll have broadsheet obits as long as yer arm.

Lee Hazelwood is a nobody...with a silly name .


blimey.....I thought I had a boring life.... :party:

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Well if hits are all that matter why not include people scheduled for execution?

I don't think that people scheduled for execution should be excluded. If they're gonna die, they're gonna die. Why not put them on the list - a list, by way of reminder, that is all about naming people who may well die this year.


Stop arse kissing ie+, DL has made some sh*t selections this year.

My responses to this particularly weak attack are:


1) Why should I?




2) I disagree. And if I didn't disagree, I would strongly consider the option of f*cking off and not returning to the site because I considered the selections unworthy of my continuous perusal.

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Objection your honour! He sold out the Royal Festival Hall in London a couple of years ago (yes, I was there), wrote some of the biggest hits of the '60's and has become a significant cult figure for his eccentric solo albums. He'll have broadsheet obits as long as yer arm.

Lee Hazelwood is a nobody...with a silly name .


If I'm not mistaken he wrote, 'These Boots are made for Walking', for Nance Sinatra.


I'm currently doing worl over at HDP...

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To be honest, I would have been very disappointed if there hadn't been some harsh criticism of this year's list (as with any year). There might be a few possible errors in there but that's the way it goes. It was always a pretty good bet that TF, at least, would have some strong views :party:

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Well if hits are all that matter why not include people scheduled for execution?




TF, I'm the one bitching about that - hang on a sec...


At least Ruby doesn't have a F*****g execustion date in 2000 and F*****g 7.


There you go...

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Well if hits are all that matter why not include people scheduled for execution?

TF, get over it! Your bitching is not going to change anything. The list has already been selected for 2007. There is no use crying over spilt milk.

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To be honest, I would have been very disappointed if there hadn't been some harsh criticism of this year's list (as with any year). There might be a few possible errors in there but that's the way it goes. It was always a pretty good bet that TF, at least, would have some strong views :party:

Hey! I have strong views too* :party: .


By the way, 2007 sees you looking even more fetching - if that's possible!! - in that lovely tophat of yours.


*They just happen to coincide with your own top quality views, which are obviously based on intelligence, imagination, and the wit of a thousand men.

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Why in buggering hell isn't Lee Hazlewood on the list?

i noticed he just released an album called Cake or Death... is that like a challenge? will he make his next birthday perhaps? i'm going for Cake! bets on guys!

in fact Cake or Death could be played with other celebrities.

so... Ariel Sharon... Cake or Death? hmmm

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John Damjemjuk !!! Who da f*ck is he?


Where the hell is Maurice Papon?



Rowdy Roddy Piper is a wrastler (sic) Never heard of him.


A largely uninspiring, unimaginative selection.


I'll have to reluctantly agree, but you never know...

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John Damjemjuk !!! Who da f*ck is he?


A largely uninspiring, unimaginative selection.



Can't wait to see your highly imaginative DDP.

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Can't say I'm complaining as much as some of the above. In the end it's a percentage game and I think this year's list is the equivalent of a well organised footy team of journeymen, few real stars, but - on balance - they can perform. The age aspect alone should give us some steady income. Having said that. I think Evel Knieval and Lee Hazelwood are missed sitters. For all the worries about a dull list I think the forums are livlier than 12 months back, so we won't be short of entertainment.

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Can't say I'm complaining as much as some of the above. In the end it's a percentage game and I think this year's list is the equivalent of a well organised footy team of journeymen, few real stars, but - on balance - they can perform. The age aspect alone should give us some steady income. Having said that. I think Evel Knieval and Lee Hazelwood are missed sitters. For all the worries about a dull list I think the forums are livlier than 12 months back, so we won't be short of entertainment.


I guess you can only compile from what's available, so I'd say the list although not great isn't all that bad either. It's all well and good banging a few random wild cards in there, but surely the aim of the list is to score as high as possible. I mean for my DDP I've picked Dave Mustaine from Megadeth who I'm sure has tried to off himself more than once, I just figured 07 might be his lucky year so to speak, and I'm relying on some Christian fundamentalists to go round to Glen Benton of Deicide fame's house and nail him to the door or something.

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I mean for my DDP I've picked Dave Mustaine from Megadeth who I'm sure has tried to off himself more than once

He'd have been more likely to off himself back when he was still using heroin. Despite his personal demons (bitterness, mainly), he seems reasonably well-adjusted and balanced at the moment so can't see him departing to the great moshpit in the sky just yet.

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I mean for my DDP I've picked Dave Mustaine from Megadeth who I'm sure has tried to off himself more than once

He'd have been more likely to off himself back when he was still using heroin. Despite his personal demons (bitterness, mainly), he seems reasonably well-adjusted and balanced at the moment so can't see him departing to the great moshpit in the sky just yet.


He might relapse or run into Doherty????

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Yeah, I've been thinking rock n roll but can't say there's anyone looking really likely to go in a rock n roll way. Doubtless some sixties and seventies sidemen will succomb to lung cancer, lapsed livers and the rest but I don't see the spectacular one short of a plane falling from the sky or Heather Mills losing in court and losing it with a weapon pointed at her ex-husband shortly afterwards.

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Well if hits are all that matter why not include people scheduled for execution?

TF, get over it! Your bitching is not going to change anything. The list has already been selected for 2007. There is no use crying over spilt milk.


We really do need to have a convention at the end of this year to build a better list for 2008. Come on admin guys - it really needs to be a team effort (members, mods & admin). I propose that those attending would do so, after locking down their own dead pool entries prior to becoming a "conclave" and together building the '08 Deathlist.

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Well if hits are all that matter why not include people scheduled for execution?

TF, get over it! Your bitching is not going to change anything. The list has already been selected for 2007. There is no use crying over spilt milk.


We really do need to have a convention at the end of this year to build a better list for 2008. Come on admin guys - it really needs to be a team effort (members, mods & admin). I propose that those attending would do so, after locking down their own dead pool entries prior to becoming a "conclave" and together building the '08 Deathlist.


OK - it isn't "our" list. It's "their" list - Grim Reaper and Cowboy Ronnie and whomever the hell else is on the DLCC. "We" don't have any particular perogative to determine who should be on the list. The fact that we are allowed to participate peripherally is a privelege, not an invitation to membership.


GR and CR et al will put their list together as they see fit as the rest of us will also do our own lists. We will then all get together here and commisserate all year.


It will still be their list.

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We really do need to have a convention at the end of this year to build a better list for 2008. Come on admin guys - it really needs to be a team effort (members, mods & admin). I propose that those attending would do so, after locking down their own dead pool entries prior to becoming a "conclave" and together building the '08 Deathlist.


The Grim Reaper is not available for comment.

As his ex-official spokesperson he said to say to you, "f**k off you smug bastard. Nobody cares how well you did last year, or about your shitty statistic lists".


I know, I though he was a calm kind of guy too...

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DeathList is demeaning itself.

I thought 2007 might be a fresh start... I looked and thought about a return to quality. How wrong I was. :P


Why didn't you just find 50 people aged over 100?


Christ... roll on 2008... :P

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As someone who courted controversy fielding a theme team with an average age of over 100 in a current dead pool I guess I've gone the same route as the DLCC. There is - I'd suggest - a dearth of obviously carking celebs. Okay, Lee Hazelwood is out and proud about it but a lot of the others are marginal this year. Some obvious carkers - past and present - don't make the fame test. So - for example - we could have had Michael Mayne last year who made his limited lifespan public and even wrote a book about it, but he'd have generated a desperately dull thread livened only by the day - late on in the year - when he died. If the aim of the list is the highest score then statistics favour the geriatric circus we're currently fielding.

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We really do need to have a convention at the end of this year to build a better list for 2008. Come on admin guys - it really needs to be a team effort (members, mods & admin). I propose that those attending would do so, after locking down their own dead pool entries prior to becoming a "conclave" and together building the '08 Deathlist.


As the rush of cadavers at the end of 2006 shows, it's not a good idea to lock down a team too early, besides, we are an international concern and I wouldn't expect our overseas members to fly in for it.


By the way Ali, which Greg Page is that on your list? Boxer or Wiggle?

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OK - it isn't "our" list. It's "their" list - Grim Reaper and Cowboy Ronnie and whomever the hell else is on the DLCC. "We" don't have any particular perogative to determine who should be on the list. The fact that we are allowed to participate peripherally is a privelege, not an invitation to membership.


GR and CR et al will put their list together as they see fit as the rest of us will also do our own lists. We will then all get together here and commiserate all year.


It will still be their list.

I concur wholeheartedly and in full.


If only more Texans were capable of rational, logical thought, the world could be an immeasurably nicer place to live. CarolAnn for President in 2008?


p.s. Back on-topic... Borgnine? :lol: No chance. Not unless he gets hit by a meteorite or something. When the global "nucular" holocaust cometh, the human race will be distilled to Ernest Borgnine, Evel Knievel and Chuck Norris, sat in a tin shack on a windswept plateau eating cockroaches; Clive Dunn chilling in the corner, nursing a bottle of Portuguese plonk, advising them not to panic. Apart from that, the DL 2007 is looking pretty good. For deadpool perfection, however, see my DDP/HDP entries.

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