DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted September 28, 2006 In addition to the recent suggestions of ill health for the men in charge of Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, North Korea and Japan, I have unearthed yet another disease ridden leader.Janez Drnovsek is the President of Slovenia, he is also lives a rather unconventional lifestyle, not entirely befitting of a President: "He lives alone with his dog and has no TV. A vegan, he eats only self-baked bread and organic fruits and vegetables" This article raises interesting questions about his attitude to a cancer that he was first diagnosed with nearly 10 years ago. Drnovsek claims to have "cured himself" and he has not seen a doctor since January 2005: ""I have a feeling that the medical profession is worried because someone dared to treat himself without them" Worryingly though - "The doctors who treated him have not commented, but a retired surgeon, Tine Velikonja, recently claimed to have information about his diagnosis and said cancer would kill him within a year." He's not in the least bit worried: ""I'll respond to his claims in 2008," Drnovsek retorted." But will he though? The article alludes to cancer of the kidney, liver and lung. Deathlisters will know that, even with medical help, the prognosis can be bleak for such a diagnosis.As he lay dying,John Diamond, Nigella Lawson's cleverer half, wrote "Snake Oil and Other Preoccupations", which amounted to a scathing attack on "The protagonists of alternativism are, at best, gullible and misguided, at worst, con-merchants and quacks." It might be an idea for Janez Drnovsek to read a copy before too long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magere Hein 1,400 Posted September 28, 2006 "He lives alone with his dog and has no TV. A vegan [...]" Isn't that similar to being a Vulcan? Fascinating... regards, Hein Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted January 13, 2007 I think Drnovsek is worthy of his own thread, he passes the fame test and has been selected in several deadpools. The more I read about him, the more I like him. I can't imagine America having a vegan new-age mystic for a President, who shuns the trappings of office and prefers to live in a cottage in the mountains with his dog. I can't imagine George Bush (or Tony Blair) sporting headgear like this on official functions either: The cancer that he refuses treatment for will catch up with him in the end. He collapsed during an official ceremony in June and refused to let any doctors near him: "The president feels better," presidential spokeswoman Janja Lah said later. "He assessed that he doesn't need medical treatment and is now at his home." I wonder for how much longer he will be able to bake bread and tend his vegetable patch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
football_fan 42 Posted January 13, 2007 The doctors who treated him have not commented, but a retired surgeon, Tine Velikonja, recently claimed to have information about his diagnosis and said cancer would kill him within a year. I selected him for my DDP and PoolOfDeath lists so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twelvetrees 10 Posted January 14, 2007 I like this man, he may be eccentric, but he isn't going to start a war real soon. His take on foreign policy is delightfully vague and yet incredibly ambitious as revealed in a recent press conference. You were very active in foreign policy last year. What are your priorities this year, in terms of foreign policy, do you happen to have any? Dr. Janez Drnovšek: I will first try to continue to make the world better than it is right now. Any specific actions? Dr. Janez Drnovšek: Is that not enough? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted April 16, 2007 Janez Drnovsek seeks the meaning of life Despite picking him for my DDP, I hope he survives and prospers. The world would be a lot better place with more leaders like him. I think he'd be a good DL candidate for next year Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
football_fan 42 Posted April 16, 2007 Janez Drnovsek seeks the meaning of life Despite picking him for my DDP, I hope he survives and prospers. The world would be a lot better place with more leaders like him. I think he'd be a good DL candidate for next year I hope not. I am desperately in need of some points Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Windsor 2,235 Posted April 17, 2007 Janez Drnovsek seeks the meaning of life Despite picking him for my DDP, I hope he survives and prospers. The world would be a lot better place with more leaders like him. I think he'd be a good DL candidate for next year Utter tosh. If half of the worlds leaders were like him, they would simply be pushed over by the otherhalf of leaders. Besides, he is a weirdo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted April 17, 2007 Janez Drnovsek seeks the meaning of life Despite picking him for my DDP, I hope he survives and prospers. The world would be a lot better place with more leaders like him. I think he'd be a good DL candidate for next year Utter tosh. If half of the worlds leaders were like him, they would simply be pushed over by the otherhalf of leaders. Besides, he is a weirdo. You should read his book, Windsor. It makes a lot of sense (or it would if it was in English) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Octopus of Odstock 2,217 Posted April 27, 2007 Drnovsek not seeking re-election Not sure if this will aid or hinder his recovery... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted May 22, 2007 Janez Drnovšek has decided to have treatment for his cancer. Luckily for DeathList, he has not availed himself to the facilities offered by the Slovenian health service and has instead flown in an Indian faith healer named Sardeshmukh Sadanand. The visit was paid for with state funds, which has resulted in calls for his resignation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banshees Scream 110 Posted May 24, 2007 Janez Drnovšek a barking madman? From personal experience I've learned the most eccentric but attractive women take up the whole (pretending) ritual. I'm not much for this act as I don't consider myself that desperate and I couldn't be bothered to sacrifice my dignity for a local whore. Although if your young and you need a play - by play gimmick, try it. A sense of humor is always the winner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted September 17, 2007 Janez Drnovsek has not been seen in public since July, sparking further speculation about his health. "Though accustomed to their president's peculiar mannerisms, the burning question is: "Where is Drnovsek?"Slovenians are acutely aware that he has been seriously ill and fighting cancer for years thus making the question of his whereabouts even more pressing." He is supposed to be meeting Prince Andrew next week, it will be interesting to see if he keeps his appointment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted September 23, 2007 President Drnovšek meets Prince Andrew. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canadian Paul 97 Posted September 23, 2007 President Drnovšek meets Prince Andrew. He looks pretty good, especially for someone who has cancer and has decided against conventional treatment. It would be nice to see him well, I'm actually beginning to quite enjoy this fellow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tuber Mirum 126 Posted September 26, 2007 President Drnovšek meets Prince Andrew. He looks pretty good, especially for someone who has cancer and has decided against conventional treatment. It would be nice to see him well, I'm actually beginning to quite enjoy this fellow. We're always making that mistake here on DL. It's not cancer that makes you look terrible, it's the conventional treatment. Look at the Tomlinson woman, she looked fine until the moment she dropped down dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted October 22, 2007 No news on Janez Drnovsek, who probably continues to enjoy a Steve Fossett lifestyle of seclusion and tranquility up in the hills. However, the man most likely to replace him as President, Lojze Peterle, is worth keeping an eye on. He too has had a battle with cancer and refuses to elaborate further "In his personal life, Peterle has acknowledged having cancer but has offered few details — and it never became a campaign issue: "New Year, 2002: an unpleasant diagnosis. First he smells death, later gathers himself. Got rid of the cancer with a help of positive energy and won," he wrote on his Web site." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banshees Scream 110 Posted October 23, 2007 However, the man most likely to replace him as President, Lojze Peterle, is worth keeping an eye on. He too has had a battle with cancer and refuses to elaborate further Based on the facts of this matter I'm inclined to think a society who would elect a man who rambles the capacity of his illness is unrealistic. I feel at the height on an election the most effective and popular mindset should be a neutral one, which neutral is rational. I'm inclined to think if Slovenia was to promote an individual who conceals his limitations, isn't it on some extreme practical to say he might also intervene as a obvious prize rambler and liar? I'm inclined to think that if he is granted presidency under these circumstances the only realistic response I can come up with is the nation has a serious gambling addiction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Fellatio Nelson 6,226 Posted October 23, 2007 However, the man most likely to replace him as President, Lojze Peterle, is worth keeping an eye on. He too has had a battle with cancer and refuses to elaborate further Based on the facts of this matter I'm inclined to think a society who would elect a man who rambles the capacity of his illness is unrealistic. I feel at the height on an election the most effective and popular mindset should be a neutral one, which neutral is rational. I'm inclined to think if Slovenia was to promote an individual who conceals his limitations, isn't it on some extreme practical to say he might also intervene as a obvious prize rambler and liar? I'm inclined to think that if he is granted presidency under these circumstances the only realistic response I can come up with is the nation has a serious gambling addiction. Could you be so kind as to rewrite the above text into plain English? With respect, Im sure im not the only one who doesnt understand WTF you are on about. However, IF you are talking about hiding truths then , surely, a man with a huge sexual appetite, a man who has numerous affairs, a man from a family who always got what they wanted, no matter how, would, under your belief, be a gamble to elect. JFK. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banshees Scream 110 Posted October 23, 2007 Could you be so kind as to rewrite the above text into plain English? To break it down for those of you who's minds are mangled by what I just said ... 'If a candidate' 'Has' cancer' and is 'Running' and who 'refuses to elaborate further on his diagnosis' ... My question would be: Is it really intelligent to be voting for him? I think not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
themaninblack 2,112 Posted October 23, 2007 Could you be so kind as to rewrite the above text into plain English? To break it down for those of you who's minds are mangled by what I just said ... 'If a candidate' 'Has' cancer' and is 'Running' and who 'refuses to elaborate further on his diagnosis' ... My question would be: Is it really intelligent to be voting for him? I think not. You'd be amazed how often this happens though. The incumbent would be hanging on for dear life and wins elections at a canter. In Britain this often happens. There's always one or two deaths a few months after a General Election, of MP's who should never have stood because of their ill health.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Fellatio Nelson 6,226 Posted October 23, 2007 Ive read the article and it would seem that the word "Had" as opposed to "Has" is the most relevant. Cancer doesnt automatically mean death, disability or incapability. Sure, he could be lying about the severity, what Poltician doesnt lie? Cancer, in itself, wouldnt be much of a reason not to vote for somebody, better to have somebody who can do the job for two years than a knob who couldnt do it over ten. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banshees Scream 110 Posted October 23, 2007 Ive read the article and it would seem that the word "Had" as opposed to "Has" is the most relevant.Cancer doesnt automatically mean death, disability or incapability. Fellatio Nelson you are definitely right but isn't it time 'like with most things' that some standards are set? I think a figure who has reasonable control of a country should be in at least 'mediocre' health 'OK you can have arthritis' but what I feel modern people are looking for today in time is 'truth' and even the ugly truth. I think it's how you present yourself and what you present and from there is how your actions and efforts will be judged. The bottom line is most politicians lie, and it has been a problem longer then most problems have existed. better to have somebody who can do the job for two years than a knob who couldnt do it over ten. In my view Fellatio Nelson, it's better to buy expensive shoes rather then have three cheap pairs. In my view, it's better to weigh your options, rather then making quick decisions. In my view pizza is alright plain, but the red pepper really spices it up a notch. In my view words themselves are just bodies with no emotion, words alone have no emotion for only minds do. And Fellatio Nelson In my view the man who could do a job with quality is no doubt worth more then the rambling bullshit artist who has no timing or perspective with his motives. And in my view the man who could do the job for a decade with nothing more and nothing less then quality has the highest value. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevonDeathTrip 2,366 Posted November 15, 2007 Janez Drnovšek, who is nearing the end of his term as President, has given an interview - his first in months - to The Times: All Hail The Mystic President This summers disappearing act is mentioned: He vanished entirely from June until mid-September, and failed to greet Romano Prodi, the Prime Minister of Italy, when he visited Slovenia in August. Drnovsek said that he spent some of that time visiting monasteries in France, tapping into the “positive energy” that monks had built up through centuries of prayer. He's still insisting he has cured himself of the cancer that his doctors told him was incurable: Drnovsek also has one incontrovertible riposte to those who say he went loopy. Against all odds, and in defiance of every medical prediction, he has not died in office. Indeed, he now claims to be cancer-free: “I am completely healed. I am cured of everything. I can’t prove it beyond being alive. I don’t need confirmation from a doctor. I just know.” I think Janez Drnovsek has the right qualities to be an ideal candidate for DL 2008. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banshees Scream 110 Posted November 20, 2007 I think Janez Drnovsek has the right qualities to be an ideal candidate for DL 2008. It's really anti - information as far as his cancer coverage goes. In his Wikipedia it states that he is a Vegan which is a harsh diet to live by. I can't help myself but 'from my perspective' the guy is a little bit of a wack job if you were to ask me. It says he often names his political opponents as 'princes of evil' or 'princes or dark' and himself as 'prince of light So basically he has a mid evil vocabulary. It's worse then Fellatio Nelson avatars. Anyway I could see him in. It's just I like information in front of me but based on the facts that he will not run again tells you he might be worth the gamble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites