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UFOs, Space Aliens and the like

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Aliens are trending on twitter. The unknown object above Alaska, another object right now above Michigan.

What's happening, especially so shortly after the chinese balloon story? A deflection? A deflection of the deflection? Are the aliens going to have revenge for their shot down object?

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20 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

Aliens are trending on twitter. The unknown object above Alaska, another object right now above Michigan.

What's happening, especially so shortly after the chinese balloon story? A deflection? A deflection of the deflection? Are the aliens going to have revenge for their shot down object?

The Majority leader of the Senate (Chuck Schumer) says all three objects shot down are believed to be balloons.

The three objects being:

1. The well known Chinese balloon that flew across the country

2. One over Alaska

3. One over Canada

Schumer also says it has happened for years and the government/intelligence agencies were unaware of it.

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Meanwhile over Chinese embassy in London. Some Youtubers have an idea.



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On 12/02/2023 at 20:07, MortalCaso said:

The Majority leader of the Senate (Chuck Schumer) says all three objects shot down are believed to be balloons.

The three objects being:

1. The well known Chinese balloon that flew across the country

2. One over Alaska

3. One over Canada

Schumer also says it has happened for years and the government/intelligence agencies were unaware of it.



Aye, a bit late to the party on this but - likely nowt to see here!

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This is where I live and the local Councillor, Billy Buchanan, who I know to speak to, has made this short doc about UFOs around here.



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On 21/02/2023 at 18:54, justonecornetto said:

This is where I live and the local Councillor, Billy Buchanan, who I know to speak to, has made this short doc about UFOs around here.





Summat of a legend in ufology, if only because he never gives up and every time he gets more publicity people keep heading to his town - including once-over a fair tonnage of Japanese after the place featured in a documentary in their country.

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Here we go again, another "insider" who was one remove from those who really know starts revving up about the need for the US to reveal that it's got crashed spacecraft previously the property of real aliens. Not losing much sleep myself, but - as always - I'd love to be wrong.


Link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/06/whistleblower-ufo-alien-tech-spacecraft?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other&fbclid=IwAR3e_JBjtbfNOynbo6Zb3JhxyPEXZXM32i458cQ-b26OKXnh-nCnYF7NrX4

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Neveda sex worker offering freebie to anyone who can prove existence of ET's - or maybe clever pleasure palace cooks up publicity scam and gets press to pay them to advertise themselves: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/real-life/im-offering-free-sex-sessions-30443491?fbclid=IwAR0lPG5nP2TT1olKQBiiXtL0l8H9r_zjO35Ti9j094gyA2NaQuD4rn5eIKE

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3 hours ago, gcreptile said:



To be disclosed no later than 25 years after they were created so - some guesses here - there'll be nothing proving the existence of the infamous MJ-12 group (pretty much a proven hoax anyway but it's amazing how many die-hards still believe it and how many documentaries still push that story), there'll also be no new revelations about Roswell (almost certainly caused by the crash of a secret spy balloon prototype), and there will be a few things held back including stuff relating to detection of strange objects from US warships this century (i.e. the same stuff covered in the Pentagon videos). If there are goodies in there to please believers in ET it'll likely be more confirmation that US military staff in all areas of the services have detected and recorded genuinely odd things in the atmosphere they can't explain, but there'll be nothing definitely extra-terrestrial. 

I'd love to be wrong on the last bit, mind.

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Possible detection in outer space (or what's outer space to us) of a molecule we think can only be produced by life. 


"Not robust" at the moment as far as certainties go - but this is more likely how we'll confirm ET than the retrieval of a randomly pranged UFO. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-66786611

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S'cuse me hoggin' the thread but...whilst not exactly promoting the idea of ET, NASA aren't ruling it out either - just trying like fuck to wrestle the coverage away from the conspiracists and the like. Seth Shostak - veteran of decades at SETI - has long considered that if he makes 100 (he's 80 and a couple of months atm), that we will have discovered provable evidence of life in outer space. NASA seem keener than in the past to help him find out for sure. 




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One stop shop if I post a link to the Wiki page


K2-18b is an exoplanet causing a bit of excitement since the James Webb Space Telescope detected what may be evidence of a biosignature (crudely, it's looking possible that gases in the planet's atmosphere are a giveaway it sustains some kind of life). The planet is well over twice the size of Earth and covered entirely in water, or summat like it, so we're likely talking simple life partial to floating around and imbibing nutrients, anything more would be a real bonus. As an aside here, most experts on astro-biology (yeah, I know - how can you be an expert when we've yet to prove there's anything alive other than on Earth) consider life in "water" a much more likely discovery than other kinds of life. Basic science behind the thinking being that water exists in a narrow range of temperatures and regulates the temperature on a planet  whereas planets lacking water vary greatly in temperature, atmosphere etc and can experience huge variabilities during a circuit of their sun, or a rotation on their axis. So, for example, however much Elon Musk gets revved up about moving to Mars he's looking at a planet prone to temperatures of minus 100 degrees with an atmospheric pressure about one percent of what he enjoys on this planet. Crudely, way less attractive for a human than the South Pole or summit of Everest. So if Seth Shostak's bet (see post above) is going to cash in soon it could be watching this Wiki page that explains why: 



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21 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:

One stop shop if I post a link to the Wiki page


K2-18b is an exoplanet causing a bit of excitement since the James Webb Space Telescope detected what may be evidence of a biosignature (crudely, it's looking possible that gases in the planet's atmosphere are a giveaway it sustains some kind of life). The planet is well over twice the size of Earth and covered entirely in water, or summat like it, so we're likely talking simple life partial to floating around and imbibing nutrients, anything more would be a real bonus. As an aside here, most experts on astro-biology (yeah, I know - how can you be an expert when we've yet to prove there's anything alive other than on Earth) consider life in "water" a much more likely discovery than other kinds of life. Basic science behind the thinking being that water exists in a narrow range of temperatures and regulates the temperature on a planet  whereas planets lacking water vary greatly in temperature, atmosphere etc and can experience huge variabilities during a circuit of their sun, or a rotation on their axis. So, for example, however much Elon Musk gets revved up about moving to Mars he's looking at a planet prone to temperatures of minus 100 degrees with an atmospheric pressure about one percent of what he enjoys on this planet. Crudely, way less attractive for a human than the South Pole or summit of Everest. So if Seth Shostak's bet (see post above) is going to cash in soon it could be watching this Wiki page that explains why: 



So basically you are stating that there is the possibility of life in Port Talbot?

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5 minutes ago, Bentrovato said:

So basically you are stating that there is the possibility of life in Port Talbot?


Aye, and likely on the same level as you'd find "life" in Maryport

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So I watched the new "Encounters" series on Netflix. Four episodes of global UFO sightings. Reviews are okay, but the final episode is slightly too much "hippie world peace" stuff, which is why it got the worst reviews, I guess. But the episode explains it with the Japanese culture and their ability to absorb alien influences much better than the stricter christian/western world view.

Anyway, I find it harder to believe that there is no "there" there. It reminds me of the conspiracy theory that the middle ages invented 300 years and that the years 600-900 didn't really exist. But then if you look at the whole world, it's impossible that the christian West invented these years because it throws the global timeline out of whack and there are just too many bits and pieces taken all together that give evidence to these years actually existing as we think they did.

And that's why I am also extremely pro-Alien. Take all the bits and pieces together and there must be something there. 

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8 hours ago, gcreptile said:

So I watched the new "Encounters" series on Netflix. Four episodes of global UFO sightings. Reviews are okay, but the final episode is slightly too much "hippie world peace" stuff, which is why it got the worst reviews, I guess. But the episode explains it with the Japanese culture and their ability to absorb alien influences much better than the stricter christian/western world view.

Anyway, I find it harder to believe that there is no "there" there. It reminds me of the conspiracy theory that the middle ages invented 300 years and that the years 600-900 didn't really exist. But then if you look at the whole world, it's impossible that the christian West invented these years because it throws the global timeline out of whack and there are just too many bits and pieces taken all together that give evidence to these years actually existing as we think they did.

And that's why I am also extremely pro-Alien. Take all the bits and pieces together and there must be something there. 



Encounters is one of the better docs out there and some of the experts they go to - UK's David Clarke for example - are the kind to be swayed only by evidence, which helps a lot. 


Re the go-to field of experts in this area, an interesting development to say the least, is that some skeptics in the US have got fed up with the kind of claims going on and the way a few million US tax dollars have been spent on government invesigations and they've started calling out the claimants to know stuff, including Nick Pope (ex UK M-o-D who is frequently billed as having run the UK's UFO desk when elsewhere on line, like the nickpopewatch website you'll find declassified documents suggesting there was never a UFO desk and in any case Pope had a junior clerical position in which he managed nobody). All predictably toxic, but this current shitstorm may well change the face of documentaries, and claims going forward. 


A podcast, if you - or anyone else - is that bothered: https://www.spreaker.com/user/14526799/yt5s-com-nick-pope-is-this-consumer-frau_1

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Oh aye, and...this is a superb balance to some of the more credulous shite out there, has a fair bit to say about Britain's best known UFO case, the Rendlesham Forest encounter. Should find its way to some of the main streaming platforms presently.



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We seem to be going through a phase of UFO, Bigfoot, See Monsters, et, al sightings & recordings.

While most of it is utter bollocks, with a large dollop of CGI thrown in, there are some that do make you think.

I mean, we live in an age where most people have mobile phones which can take video recordings and photo's.

At some point, certainly, somebody will record the real thing, should the real thing exist, of course. The thing is who is going to believe them?


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11 hours ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

We seem to be going through a phase of UFO, Bigfoot, See Monsters, et, al sightings & recordings.

While most of it is utter bollocks, with a large dollop of CGI thrown in, there are some that do make you think.

I mean, we live in an age where most people have mobile phones which can take video recordings and photo's.

At some point, certainly, somebody will record the real thing, should the real thing exist, of course. The thing is who is going to believe them?




If they manage to record something provable (i.e. something CGI couldn't fake) then everyone. It's odd that as camera coverage gets wider the evidence looks worse, mind. There's a Global Meteor Network (i.e. people all over the planet spotting and recording meteors and sharing the evidence), that network continues to grow with the sky all over the place being recorded. They've yet to come up with an alien spacecraft! 

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2 hours ago, Bentrovato said:

Well they would say that, wouldn't they.  US says UFO sightings likely secret military tests - BBC News 



They may have a point, mind. Something the hard-core believers in the alien crash at Roswell frequently ignore is that The Fund for UFO Research, exactly what you'd think it was, collecting money to investigate UFO cases with a view to gathering such good evidence the scientists and other sceptics (that spelling because we're talking Americans here) would be convinced, never spent more time, or money on one case than it did on Roswell. They despatched someone clearly prepared to believe the alien story and the case turned to shit in front of him, majorly. Alleged witnesses who'd made it all up, basic "facts" that were nothing of the sort and so many inconsistencies all over the place that the resulting book would likely make a decent stage musical. The Project Mogul mishap is blatantly the best candidate for what crashed on the Foster Ranch and if it wasn't that Project Mogul launch then - considering the tonnage of ufologists and television crews who've scoured the ground, brought in ground penetrating radar and the like - it's a wonder nobody's seen that fucking balloon train. So, almost certainly, it was that debris recovered in July 1947. Book cover below, oh aye and...there's a really good ASSAP webinar on the subject called Roswell, Ufology's Greatest Hit? (totally unbiased opinion there!!)





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What if, the most popular beliefs (like that discussed in the post above) are largely bollocks but the phenomena are still very real. 


Here's a few possibilities discussed with enough book covers/names mentioned for anyone keen on following up: 


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There was about 3 other places I could put this, but anyway. Did anyone go out and watch the aurora where they lived last night? The sun was having a moment and it caused half of Europe and North America to see the northern lights.


I went to a local park at 11pm last night with my dad and it was amazing to see. Apparently it's going to be 30% brighter this evening. Just look north and if possible, go to a place with not a lot of light pollution.

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