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Johannes Heesters

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Guest WEP

http://www.heute.de/ZDFheute/inhalt/14/0,3...7486894,00.html (in German)


Johannes Heesters gave an interview in a Dutch television show which turned out to become a "catastrophe": Asked if Hitler was a "nice guy", the 104-year old Heesters answered "Hes was a nice guy for his soldiers!" The interviewer tried to make a joke on the ancient singer and actor, but Heesters, very frail and nearly blind did not get it. His wife was extremely shocked about that what happened, even if she did not understand the Dutch words. She fears that this "joke" would turn a scandal, but nobody really wanted to comment on it. Heesters is now "too confused" to attend on stage and his wife fears, that his career will end soon. The party for his 105th birthday tomorrow seems to get cancelled...

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Johannes Heesters gave an interview in a Dutch television show which turned out to become a "catastrophe": Asked if Hitler was a "nice guy", the 104-year old Heesters answered "Hes was a nice guy for his soldiers!"

What's wrong with these people? The man is 105! Hitler is dead. So what if Heesters supported the Nazi's 70 year ago.

It was a different time. Anyway, I would enjoy his presence on next years list. His description would be "Hitler's actor (Or maybe not) and it's not as if his death is imminent. I hope he stays around for a while.

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List has too many 85+ people. You can bearly tell at that age.

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Guest Möråk

He was the hitwonder of the 1940s in Germany. His death would make Hitler hitless.

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"You sang for the Nazis."

"No I bloody didn't. You take that back."

"I won't. Make me."


"Right, I'll see you in court."


"Looking forward to it, you old Nazi-loving git."



(court proceedings)




"Ah well, you win some, you lose some. (Not world wars, obviously). Please buy my Christmas single, it's a dubstep version of Die Wacht am Rhein."

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Guest WEP

Lates News from Heesters:


He attended in a tv-show on December 13th, singin' an ancient song, wearing an Austro-Hungarian uniform. He asked for an appology for this "Hitler was a nice guy"-crap, which he called "Something horrible, stupid I did!". He looked very frail and did not react when he was asked to come back in five years! (He visits this show every five years!) Heesters is unable to walk, nearly deaf and blind and his reaction on other people ist - let's say it positive - kind of slow...


A week later, ha resigned from his role as Empereor Franz Joseph at the theater "Winterhuder Fährhaus" in Hamburg, because he "needs silence". Promised to be back on stage in January. Let's see what happens next...


It is very tragic to see how a man, who was big in showbuisness for more than 90 years (he started acting at the age of 7) gets frailer and older every week. Last time, I met him, he was at 103 fitter than most Octogenarians I know. But now I face the Goodbye. At least, he celebrated his 105th birthday! That's something to be proud of...

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Of course he found Hitler charming. Hitler probably was very charming much of the time. He was a very popular leader and you don't get to be one of those by being a surly git all the time. That he was also a psychopathic nutter wasn't apparent to most people until later on.


I don't think Heesters need apologise for his remarks. Although I'll freely admit I don't actually know what he said.



In other news, I went to see the Film 1 1/2 Knights the other day, which features Johannes Heesters in the role of an extremely old man.

An excellent piece of typecasting by all accounts.

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According to the Dutchies, he's dead. Heesters Is Gott




I'd expect he get plenty of UK obits before long.


Doesn't he first have to have a Dutch or German obit?


I believe the included article only says he plays "god" in an upcoming theatre-production.

I can't be sure because my German isn't great.


A list of dead-related words in dutch and german:


Dood = Death (in Dutch)

Tod = Death (in German)

Overleden = Deceased (In Dutch)

Gestorven = Deceased (In Dutch)


p.s. I do believe this will be the year for Heesters



Vaagheid is right. That is not a death notice. Just talking about his plans to play God in a theatre production.

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It says he's going to play God in an upcoming theatre production in Stuttgart.


That other page the link to which got deleted seems to say he's not happy with the outcome of a court case against a publicist who claimed he performed in the Dachau Concentration Camp (presumably for the warders) in 1941.

I'm not sure though because my Dutch isn't too good.

I can say "what a nice day" and "I speak only a little Flemish". Both of which go down very well in Holland.

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Well, if themaninblack can post a 4 day old news article & then post it as breaking news :skill2:, and BC Alum can post a rant against himself :o:o, then I can unwittingly post a fake death ;)


This will teach me not to learn German at school. And teach me not to even learn the smatterings of Dutch. Bah humbug!


To be honest, when I saw the article for his "death" was posted in January, I did go hmmmm but I thought Gott was German/Dutch for gone....


Ah well, at least I don't have to update the DDP for anybody else just yet....

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Guest WEP

Pit Fischer, famous German set designer, has died at the age of 73! Fischer designed the sets for the famous tv-show "Wetten dass..?" for more than 25 years. His best work was the set for Michael Jackson's only appearence at the show in the 1990s.


Why posting that in this topic? Mr. Fischer was married to Nicole Heesters, which made Jopie his father-in-law!


So it seems that the next generation of Heesters-artists starts to set off before the clan founder expires. Lets see, how Johannes Heesters himself will react after recognizing that his daughter is a widow now.

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Pit Fischer, famous German set designer, has died at the age of 73! Fischer designed the sets for the famous tv-show "Wetten dass..?" for more than 25 years. His best work was the set for Michael Jackson's only appearence at the show in the 1990s.


Why posting that in this topic? Mr. Fischer was married to Nicole Heesters, which made Jopie his father-in-law!


So it seems that the next generation of Heesters-artists starts to set off before the clan founder expires. Lets see, how Johannes Heesters himself will react after recognizing that his daughter is a widow now.

As a first approximation I'd guess: he'll sing with joy.




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Guest WEP
Pit Fischer, famous German set designer, has died at the age of 73! Fischer designed the sets for the famous tv-show "Wetten dass..?" for more than 25 years. His best work was the set for Michael Jackson's only appearence at the show in the 1990s.


Why posting that in this topic? Mr. Fischer was married to Nicole Heesters, which made Jopie his father-in-law!


So it seems that the next generation of Heesters-artists starts to set off before the clan founder expires. Lets see, how Johannes Heesters himself will react after recognizing that his daughter is a widow now.

As a first approximation I'd guess: he'll sing with joy.





Or he could say: Well, I joined the widowers club thirty years ago. Wait until you are 90 and you will be a wife again!


By the way, who is Joy?

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As a first approximation I'd guess: he'll sing with joy.
By the way, who is Joy?

May well be the same person to whom Beethoven wrote an ode, considering Heesters' age.




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As a first approximation I'd guess: he'll sing with joy.
By the way, who is Joy?

May well be the same person to whom Beethoven wrote an ode, considering Heesters' age.





Wasn't she Hitler's wife? Joy Braun?

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Johannes Heesters has been a trending topic on Twitter this afternoon. I thought that meant the 106 year old had finally carked it. Not so, but he has given up smoking.

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Johannes Heesters has been a trending topic on Twitter this afternoon. I thought that meant the 106 year old had finally carked it. Not so, but he has given up smoking.

The dead often do.




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Johannes Heesters has been a trending topic on Twitter this afternoon. I thought that meant the 106 year old had finally carked it. Not so, but he has given up smoking.

The dead often do.




Do you know something we don't, Hein?

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Johannes Heesters has been a trending topic on Twitter this afternoon. I thought that meant the 106 year old had finally carked it. Not so, but he has given up smoking.
The dead often do.
Do you know something we don't, Hein?

No, just an observation.




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Guest WEP

Heesters in life-threatening situation:


In March, he received an invitation from Germany's president to a dinner with Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Glad to meet her, Heesters was positively surprised. (No member of the Dutch government invited him after WWII because of his closeness to the NS-regime.)


On Monday, his management received the cancellation. Heester's wife was unable to tell her husband. "It would be fatal for him." Heesters is now 107 years old, blind and deaf, she fears that the shock would kill him...


The dinner is on April 12th!

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