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Death Anniversary Thread

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50 years ago Sir Frank Worrall died aged 42 a few months after being diagnosed with leukemia,

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He was the first sportsman to be granted a memorial service at Westminster Abbey.

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The last film for Fred Zinnemann on this day 20 years ago, aged 89.




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Two falls and a submission for Antonino Rocca 40 years ago, aged 49.


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H. P. Lovecraft stopped writing on this day 80 years ago, aged 46.



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10 years since the death of MLB commissioner Bowie Kuhn, aged 80.


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Austen Chamberlain died on this day 80 years ago, aged 73.



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Died 2 months before a Chamberlain family member finally became PM. Rotten timing.

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30 years since Santo Trafficante went swimming with the fishes, aged 72.


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John Backus, the man behind the development of FORTRAN, and developer of Backus-Naur Form, died 10 years ago today, aged 82.

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Jermaine Stewart stopped singing on this day 20 years ago, aged 39.



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William Crapo Durant made his last business on this day 70 years ago, aged 85.



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Willem de Kooning stopped painting on this day 20 years ago, aged 92.



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Sociologist C. Wright Mills died on this day 55 years ago, aged 45.



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The last act for Robert Preston on this day 30 years ago, aged 68.



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20 years since Reverend W. Awdry pulled out of the station for the last time.



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Biggest death in 1997 imo. Don't think anything else of note happened that year, bar Burgess of course.

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