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Singer-songwriter Harry Nillson died today in 1994 aged 52. His hits included "Everybody's Talkin'", "Without You", and Coconut".



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30 years ago, swimmer and actor Johnny Weissmuller died from pulmonary edema at age 79. As a swimmer he has won 5 Olympic gold medals and as an actor he is best known for playing Tarzan.



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Again 30 years ago, American soul singer Jackie Wilson died at age 49. During a show in September 1975 he collapsed on stage from a heart attack and fell into a coma until his death nine years later!

Two years after his death an animated video of “Reet Petite” was released which became very popular. The song reached No.1 in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands and top10 all over Europe.



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Again 30 years ago, American soul singer Jackie Wilson died at age 49. During a show in September 1975 he collapsed on stage from a heart attack and fell into a coma until his death nine years later!

Two years after his death an animated video of “Reet Petite” was released which became very popular. The song reached No.1 in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands and top10 all over Europe.


Can you imagine how much whining there would have been about his long coma from DDP players if it (and this forum) had been around then? Haha!

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Again 30 years ago, American soul singer Jackie Wilson died at age 49. During a show in September 1975 he collapsed on stage from a heart attack and fell into a coma until his death nine years later!

Two years after his death an animated video of “Reet Petite” was released which became very popular. The song reached No.1 in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands and top10 all over Europe.


Can you imagine how much whining there would have been about his long coma from DDP players if it (and this forum) had been around then? Haha!


Yep. Maybe Schumacher will do the Sharon who did the Wilson.

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Dead for 20 years now: Actor and singer Telly Savalas, the one and only Kojak, who died one day after his 72nd birthday of cancer.



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Dead for 20 years now: Actor and singer Telly Savalas, the one and only Kojak, who died one day after his 72nd birthday of cancer.


Wowsers. Yeah, a lot of really huge names are having their 20th death anniversary this year, 1994 somehow seems like some kind of huge milestone even though I'm not quite old enough to remember most of it (or the people I just alluded to) too well. But looking at all these guys going 20 years now, it's scary the passage of time.


Speaking of scary, Savalas played a religious nut in the movie "The Dirty Dozen". That was pretty scary, although I've only seen it once and it was a 3 hour movie so I can't remember how long exactly he was on screen for - it didn't seem very long.

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These two artists died on January 23:

In 1986 German performance artist Joseph Beuys died of heart failure in Düsseldorf at the age of 64. I really can`t stand his so-called art.

In 1989 Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dalí (also) died of heart failure in Figueres at the age of 84. As a child some of his paintings (especially the elephants with the thin long legs) scared me a lot.



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On this day in 1989, the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy was put to death in Florida.......




.......about 10 years after he was found guilty of murdering numerous women who he had charmed and seduced. He blamed pornography for turning him into a psychopath.


He went via the electric chair.

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Also today, Winston Churchill died on Jan 24th 1965 - 49 years ago, a couple of months after suffering a massive stroke. He was 90 and had only retired from the House of Commons the previous year.




Strangely he died on the exact same day of the year as his father Lord Randolph Churchill (who died back in 1895).




Also, back in 41 AD the insane Roman Emperor Caligula is said to have been assassinated by his own guards on this day (but other sources have it as January 22nd). Apparently they had got a bit tired of his mad antics and thought it was getting to be a bit of a cliché to have a mad Roman Emperor and they wanted to put someone a little bit more mild-mannered in there.......



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Two years after his death an animated video of “Reet Petite” was released which became very popular. The song reached No.1 in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands and top10 all over Europe.



I remember that video for Reet Petite looking incredible at the time. Now there are cave paintings that look more sophisticated...

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On January 30 1649, King Charles I of England was beheaded for "treason". The monarchy was abolished and some tight-arsed bloke called Oliver Cromwell took over for a few years (the monarchy was restored 11 years later).






Also, on this day in 2008, British prankster/TV host Jeremy Beadle died aged 59.




A barrage of tasteless and cruel jokes about his deformed left hand (and also, messages just generally calling him a twat) soon appeared all over the internet, presumably because so many people around my age(ish) were embarrassed that they felt they "wasted" their childhoods watching his show "Beadle's About" which consisted of elaborate pranks on unwitting members of the public who had been "volunteered" for the pranks by their friends and family, or the show "You've Been Framed" which he presented, in which people sent in home videos of their relatives falling over garden furniture or falling off skateboards or accidentally knocking over a wedding cake or similar "bloopers" like that...


Although there's probably plenty of people who hated the guy's guts at the height of his fame too, but I'll have to defer to some of the older British DLers on that.

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On January 30 1649, King Charles I of England was beheaded for "treason". The monarchy was abolished and some tight-arsed bloke called Oliver Cromwell took over for a few years (the monarchy was restored 11 years later).






Also, on this day in 2008, British prankster/TV host Jeremy Beadle died aged 59.




A barrage of tasteless and cruel jokes about his deformed left hand (and also, messages just generally calling him a twat) soon appeared all over the internet, presumably because so many people around my age(ish) were embarrassed that they felt they "wasted" their childhoods watching his show "Beadle's About" which consisted of elaborate pranks on unwitting members of the public who had been "volunteered" for the pranks by their friends and family, or the show "You've Been Framed" which he presented, in which people sent in home videos of their relatives falling over garden furniture or falling off skateboards or accidentally knocking over a wedding cake or similar "bloopers" like that...


Although there's probably plenty of people who hated the guy's guts at the height of his fame too, but I'll have to defer to some of the older British DLers on that.


Jeremy Beadle was one of the people that inspired me to start deathlisting. His death came as such a surprise we started talking about 'who would of predicted that' and our workplace competition came into being it was several years later that I discovered this site.


JB was very annoying on TV and introduced that sort of game show/public interaction telly that has now come more popular but he had serious opinions and made things happen.

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First of February 2002: The one and only Hildegard Knef, German singer, actress and bestseller-writer, died of emphysema at age76.

Please listen to one of her best songs (about her life): From here on it got rough!


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Trevor Lucas, Sndy Denny's widower died on this date in 1989



Also, 31 years ago on this date, you know who died.



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Martine Carol who was the leading sex symbol and box office draw in France in the late 40s and early 50s died on this day in 1967 at the age of 46 from a heart attack .

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Oh, totally forgot about this one I wanted to post:


13 days before his 41st birthday, Austrian singer and musician Falco died in a traffic collision on February 6, 1998 in the Dominican Republic.

He topped the ww charts with “Rock me Amadeus” in 1985/86.



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On February 9th 2007, the brilliant Scottish actor Ian Richardson died at the age of 72. He was most famous for playing the ruthless, scheming politician Francis "FU" Urquhart in the BBC drama House of Cards (1990). He also played the character in two subsequent series later in the 90s. He had a long and varied career in TV and film, often playing fairly "intense" characters.

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Whitney, 2012.



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Bill Hicks died 20 years ago today aged just 32...



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On this day in 1998, J.T. Walsh, one of the finest (and usually most menacing and frightening) "that guy" character actors from film in the 80s and 90s, died age 53 from a heart attack.









He was so good at playing scumbags, they even chose him to play the prosecuting lawyer in "Miracle on 34th Street" - the guy trying to put Santa Claus in the loony bin.......

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Or as I called him, Huge Chav.

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