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Discuss The 2013 Deathlist

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Thought I'd be the twat this year who starts the thread to capture initial impressions about the all-singing, all-dancing brand new DeathList when it is posted in a few hours' time.

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A preview of things to come...




(Insert Person Here) should have made the list...


"This will get double figures!"


"No Deaths in two months. Has Death finally given up?"


"Hi, I'm a guest. Here's some random person no one has heard of who should have gone on your list, oops, he's dead already..."



And other such memorable hits, all yours to see and adore in 2013... :lol:

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"Who's this guy? Why is he on the list if no one's ever heard of him?"


"Too many old people. DeathList is getting lazy and unoriginal"


"This list is against the rules because of Clause 125.6b in the DeathList rulebook which states that..."


"When are you going to write the obituaries from the people that died last year?"


"Why isn't Peter Falk...oh never mind"

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Well I can see that Muhammad Ali is not on the list. I can't actually see the list as that's not up yet, but it's in the description at the top. They also mention near misses and there were a few of those in 2012. The last death on the 2012 list was on my birthday - 6th December - but I thought there would be at least one more. If we have a very cold January then there might be a good start for 2013


I presume people do know how to see the 2013 page before it gets moved to the main page?

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Why was Ariel Sharon left off?

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Because we don't think he will die in 2013

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OK, I'm thick or pissed, has the new list been published then?

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Not published, but I have seen it.

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OK, I'm thick or pissed, has the new list been published then?


I agree. I was able to find this, but the names aren't posted yet.

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Not sure I like Parsons and Day being on the 2023 2013 list, but Presley I agree with.

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I saw it at about 8 o'clock.


Was hoping we would make it to midnight before it was posted.

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Ah I see it now.


I really like this years list. Only one name I've never heard of (Parsons), and a lot of good picks (Kalashnikov, Chavez, Winner, Cecil, James, Stan Lee, Nolan, Presley, Bush). Pretty much everyone on here has a decent chance of not living to 2014.

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For crying out loud.



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Surprised so many of those haven't been on the list before, particularly Gough Whitlam. Never heard of Elaine Stritch before but I think that's out of ignorance rather than her not being famous - she seems a good shout. And I've also gone for Garner in my theme team so I'm glad he's come up

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Not at all bad. Has the potential to be a recording breaking list, this one. I'd like to have seen Ran Fiennes on there as he seems to have a wish to die with his boots on. His latest expedition could be the one to finish him off. But that's not a quibble, just a personal thought. It's a grand list. Well done!

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Those who haven't heard of Nicholas Parsons are missing out on a lot of great stuff, incidentally.


Only person I hadn't heard of was Stritch, who I have only seen in one episode of Tales of the Unexpected apparently.


I'll conservatively guess about 11 hits (among the low hangers), though I remain convinced Chavez is doing a Castro, and Reg Presley might just hang on now.

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Elaine Stritch was a renowned stage actress once upon a time, starred alongside Donald Sinden in a popular 70s sitcom on ITV called Two's Company

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I only know Elaine Stritch as Alec Baldwins mom on 30 Rock.

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Solid list IMO, lots of good choices. Good seeing Havelange, Reagan, Dole, et al back as well as some quality choices for newcomers. Love the description for Prince Philip. Probably the one issue I have is that Mugabe was dropped (I'd have dropped Harper Lee instead personally) but otherwise there's no complaints on my end.

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Inspired selection this year, good bunch of terminal cases, usually pays off :)

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Overall good list...better reasoning then previous years. Many of the 90+ people have actual health issues this year as opposed to just being old.

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I am so disappointed.


But on the other hand, I'm also pretty squiffy.


Maybe the list will look better tomorrow, later, in a few hours, whatever...


Goodnight, I'm going out to plant some tulips, I may be gone some time.

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Still no Penny Marshall...

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