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You would think, judging by some of the comments, that this is some sort of deep thinkers private club created to look at the serious and solemn art of dead pooling or summat.

Its just a bit of fun FFS, ok some posts dont always go into the right threads and guests can get on peoples tits with their inane comments BUT its not the real World is it!

Nobody will go hungry or get made redundant and no harm will come of a guest post or, God forbid, a post going into the wrong thread/ somebody posting a death thats already been posted 20 times already.

Those that whinge the most wouldnt touch forum moderating with a barge pole let alone create their own private club to keep the riff raff out.

Chill out people, chill out!

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I'd happily get rid of guests, it doesn't take long at all to sign up anyway


The only drawback would be that I'd be unable to post from home until I sort out the mess that's screwing up my browsers.

For some reason I can log on via FireFox, but can't post and can't log on via I.E. but can post as a guest. I forget what's screwed up with Mozilla.

And to make matters worse, DL is the only site that seems to be affected by this issue.


Chrome ? all the IP Board forums that I frequent seem fine.

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I am fine with guest posts. There aren't so many annoying ones as to reach my intolerance level, and the occasional "Mitch Winehouse" is a highlight.


Personally I would welcome more chances to post as a guest, but most sites insist on registration which I can rarely be arsed with. Many is the time I pass through some site as a one-off visitor, and am tempted to make some incisive comment which I am confident would add value to said site. ;)


"Mitch" is a compelling enough case for their retention

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Congrats to Gough on his half birthday .He is 96 and a half years old today. I'm just noting this date because I don't expect him to reach his 97th b irthday (wishful thinking)


Thank you for another utterly pointless and irrelevant post

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Broadcaster Robert Key has died at 93.He helped launch TVAM in 1983 http://www.bbc.co.uk...t-arts-20988079


See the post above you that provided the same link, but was posted 32 minutes prior to yours

Edited by Magere Hein
Post moved from topic "Authors Last a Long Time, But...."

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I originally posted that in a different thread and it was moved!

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To be honest, if it's not to stop "hilarious" le epic troles in certain threads, can we at least make it registered users only just to stop people selling fake NFL jerseys and bootleg [popular blue pill for male erectile dysfunction]?

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The simplest answer, If it really is that simple, is to make everybody who wants to post register and have their first, say, 5 posts apporoved by a Mod before they get onto the board.

It will stop all the spamming and it will stop, as i reckon its time to do, "Guests" coming on and posting crap.

Its not like its difficult to register, if they cant be arsed to spend a few minutes registering to come on then why the fuck should we allow them to post?

There are fewer and fewer forums now where guests can just come on and post then sod off.

Maybe its about time this forum joined 2013.

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Guest Guest guest Droosy

I wonder why the word "guest" has such a bad reputation in here! In normal talk, the word suggests hospitality, friendship, warm heart, felicity, kindness, etc.......I know the Deathlisters are usually unsociable recluses with a number of mental ailments, but those assaults on guests make me really sad! :sicktherm:

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For what little it's worth, I'd also vote for a guest posting termination.


When I first decided to post on this forum, I registered. It's quick. It's easy. It's surely what anyone who actually wanted to post anything even slightly useful would do anyway. It would very likely end the spam.

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Yeah, this spamming won't go away on it's own now. Time for a change

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Always get confused by which threads the spambots choose to target. There's obviously a formula behind it, hence why the Gazza one keeps getting hit up, but I'm kinda amused by the idea that elite programmers in Russia have come up with an algorithm that means "Shaw Taylor" is a keyword for them trying to sell blue dick pills.

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[...]I'm kinda amused by the idea that elite programmers in Russia have come up with an algorithm that means "Shaw Taylor" is a keyword for them trying to sell blue dick pills.


In this case China, actually.


Anyway, the little shit is IP-banned.




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Always get confused by which threads the spambots choose to target. There's obviously a formula behind it, hence why the Gazza one keeps getting hit up, but I'm kinda amused by the idea that elite programmers in Russia have come up with an algorithm that means "Shaw Taylor" is a keyword for them trying to sell blue dick pills.


That's a condition I've never heard of, blue dick. Is it some sort of frostbite?

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Can we try turning guests off for a week, please? Just as an experiment? I've thought about that before when we used to have a problem with ..... $PAM.


Now I'm suggesting it because a recent spate of annoying guest posts. I used to defend guests because some of them post good stuff. And some still do. But now there are certain guest posters that are really irritating me beyond the mere level of fuck, and into some brand new level of annoyance that can only be labelled "in-cunt-descent with rage".


If any non-member has something they desperately want to say during that week surely they can sign up and some of the more annoying ones might fuck off.

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Can we try turning guests off for a week, please? Just as an experiment? I've thought about that before when we used to have a problem with ..... $PAM.


Now I'm suggesting it because a recent spate of annoying guest posts. I used to defend guests because some of them post good stuff. And some still do. But now there are certain guest posters that are really irritating me beyond the mere level of fuck, and into some brand new level of annoyance that can only be labelled "in-cunt-descent with rage".


If any non-member has something they desperately want to say during that week surely they can sign up and some of the more annoying ones might fuck off.


Having just deleted some more of your posts, I'd suggest you work on your own quality control before turning your attention to our guests.


I understand there are deep breathing techniques which can help you combat the rage you feel. Otherwise, perhaps a short holiday might be in order.


Please do not reply to this post with another 'witty' jpeg.



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Why should I take any of your "criticisms" on board - I could say a million things about you but you could just delete it couldn't you? So you can't even talk on even terms.


I'm gonna try and say something anyway... how about you take a permanent holiday to Wikipedia and become a moderator there, where your "I never post anything but I love to show up every two weeks just to censor other people" style would be much more at home?


Countdown to this post being deleted, 5..... 4..... 3....

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Why should I take any of your "criticisms" on board - I could say a million things about you but you could just delete it couldn't you? So you can't even talk on even terms.


I'm gonna try and say something anyway... how about you take a permanent holiday to Wikipedia and become a moderator there, where your "I never post anything but I love to show up every two weeks just to censor other people" style would be much more at home?


Countdown to this post being deleted, 5..... 4..... 3....

At one time getting a post deleted or a warning was considered a badge of honour, bit like having done yer bit in 'nam or summat.

Might have been nice to see those deleted posts tho, however, moderating any forum is a pain in the arse so fair play to DDT for doing it.

Like all of us, we have lives away from here and, Im sure, DDT would be on here more often if he wasnt so busy on his Farm, milking cows etc.

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Well if he hasn't got time to do it maybe he shouldn't, eh? What the fuck is wrong with me being hostile to charon? What the fuck is wrong with me posting "silly images"? He's acting as if that's all I do. When I've only done it a couple of times, and where does it say anything about that in the rules anyway?


Charon always comes off as incoherent and hostile but I've never seen DDT censor (or censure) him. Charon talks like someone who is typing with his feet because he's got one hand on the neck of a whisky bottle and the other shoving a Frankie Boyle dildo up his arse. I'm just being as unpleasant and dismissive to him as he is to everyone else, the taliban-loving weirdo.

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Why should I take any of your "criticisms" on board - I could say a million things about you but you could just delete it couldn't you? So you can't even talk on even terms.


I'm gonna try and say something anyway... how about you take a permanent holiday to Wikipedia and become a moderator there, where your "I never post anything but I love to show up every two weeks just to censor other people" style would be much more at home?


Countdown to this post being deleted, 5..... 4..... 3....


What the fuck are you on about?

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I'm.......... talking about my posts being deleted for no reason?

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Well if he hasn't got time to do it maybe he shouldn't, eh? What the fuck is wrong with me being hostile to charon? What the fuck is wrong with me posting "silly images"? He's acting as if that's all I do. When I've only done it a couple of times, and where does it say anything about that in the rules anyway?


Charon always comes off as incoherent and hostile but I've never seen DDT censor (or censure) him. Charon talks like someone who is typing with his feet because he's got one hand on the neck of a whisky bottle and the other shoving a Frankie Boyle dildo up his arse. I'm just being as unpleasant and dismissive to him as he is to everyone else, the taliban-loving weirdo.

Ahhhhhhhhhh. :lol:

You are not the only one who has exchanged views with him, which is a pointless task to be fair.

Charon is the North Korea of the forum.

Just do what most of us do and dont engage him, simple really.

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Why should I take any of your "criticisms" on board - I could say a million things about you but you could just delete it couldn't you? So you can't even talk on even terms.


I'm gonna try and say something anyway... how about you take a permanent holiday to Wikipedia and become a moderator there, where your "I never post anything but I love to show up every two weeks just to censor other people" style would be much more at home?


Countdown to this post being deleted, 5..... 4..... 3....


What the fuck are you on about?

Did it fall butter side down this morning Toastie? :lol:

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Why should I take any of your "criticisms" on board - I could say a million things about you but you could just delete it couldn't you? So you can't even talk on even terms.


I'm gonna try and say something anyway... how about you take a permanent holiday to Wikipedia and become a moderator there, where your "I never post anything but I love to show up every two weeks just to censor other people" style would be much more at home?


Countdown to this post being deleted, 5..... 4..... 3....


If the "style" as you put it merely consists of tawdry bickering with other members, the baffling insertion of pictures of random men's faces and generally spoiling for a fight then, yes, I'm afraid that they will be liable to removed from public view. Not so much because they are offensive, but more because they upset the general ambience of the place and go against the unwritten rule that we should all try to get along. In my view - and I am happy to be challenged on this - the posters who enjoy the slanging matches masquerading as debate here are a vocal minority and my decision to remove your and Charon's latest interaction with each other was to perhaps discourage you from wasting the effort of doing it again.


I like most of your posts Dr Z, really I do. You are more than welcome to express your opinion here and I wouldn't dream of deleting the posts above, not least so everyone can bear witness to the massive chip you have on your shoulder.


Strictly between you and me, I've been a mod on Wikipedia for several years now. I don't believe I've encountered you on any of the Pacific Island pages? :)

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