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Joey Russ

Who Do You Think Will Be Elected President Of The United States In 2016?

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Just watched the victory speech. Sounds like he's starting another New Deal. No mention of walls, Halibuts or arresting Hillary. That was all part of the show to get The Donald in a place where his companies win construction contracts. The Yanks have been suckered by a huckster.

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I am drunk and knackered!

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It is during moments like this that I realize how much I love my own country. A politician with Donald Trump's personality would not be popular AT ALL with the majority of the Swedish people. It is a shame to witness what appears to be an intellectual and humanitarian regression in United States.


Just think about it, the most important man in the country is someone who has spewed bigoted, misogynist, borderline-pedophilic and incestuous comments for the past 1.5 years. It is everything that every modern, progressive human being SHOULD oppose in 2016.


Effing hell, America...

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Thank God I don't live in the United States. There's so much wrong with that country. It's sad to think that there really are people who believed all the crap Trump has been spouting. Jobs for every single "decent" American? Get real .


I pity all the American sheeple.


That being said we should go back to the really important topics, like this one



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This will probably go down as the biggest F UCK YOU in political history.

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The official theme song for Trump's presidency, now more relevant than ever:


"Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire



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Thank God I don't live in the United States. There's so much wrong with that country. It's sad to think that there really are people who believed all the crap Trump has been spouting. Jobs for every single "decent" American? Get real .


I pity all the American sheeple.


That being said we should go back to the really important topics, like this one



Trump is a cunt, we all know that, even the people who voted for him know that.

In saying that, however much is wrong with that country there is just as much that is right.

I don't think you or anybody else is entitled to be judgemental, unless you live in a true social and political utopia.....and that doesn't exist anywhere on Planet Earth.

If you throw stones you will only smash your own windows.

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But in other countries Trump couldn't happen so easily since it's the popular vote that counts.

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But in other countries Trump couldn't happen so easily since it's the popular vote that counts.

Trump got in because the alternatives were even worse.

Seriously, do you think that people would have voted him in if the democrats had put up a candidate that was a 'career; politician who looked down her nose at the American working classes?

Trump probably will happen elsewhere, and it will be all the fault of those currently in power who sneer at the millions who have real concerns and real issues but are derided as being uneducated, naïve, racist, xenophobic, insular, you name it. They are the same millions who, when asked about their voting intentions either lied or stated that they hadn't decided when they had.

You have to be overtly liberal nowdays.

That's why the polls were so fucked up twice over, even the pollsters thought they knew it all.

I wish I had put money on Brexit and a Trump victory, Id be able to retire now instead of having to work my arse off in all weathers.

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Does it? Not in the UK.



Predictor....you said Trump wouldn't have had a look in re Sweden.

But would Hilary have?


After collecting a few £££ from the bookies I might feel a wee bit happy, but... I really want america to crash and fucking burn. I think that Hilary would've ensured that. The Union would've broke .


Now we have to look to Michelle O'Bama going after the black, Irish and wummin vote in 4 years time, and colonel Saunders riding to the rescue on an Indy ticket (stealing the black vote with a 'finger licking good' slogan).



The EU is fucked.


The USA is fucked.


NATO is fucked .



Marvelous times :)

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The imperialists play meh-i-co at sock-her this week.


I wonder if Sanchez will beat the wall with the first attempt .

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I think the best thing we can do now is wait and see where he'll go. I'm sure all that nonsense he was spouting all that hateful nonsense during his campaign to get a max amount of votes. If you listen to his speech after the election he was rather calm and didn't mention any of his most controversial ideas.


Trump only wanted to become president to show Obama that he could do it. He has no real plan and will probably let his staff handle all the presidential stuff.

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The imperialists play meh-i-co at sock-her this week.


I wonder if Sanchez will beat the wall with the first attempt .

What if the Mexicans get a free kick and the Americans put a wall in front of the goal? Will they decide to tunnel their way into the penalty area?

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I think the best thing we can do now is wait and see where he'll go. I'm sure all that nonsense he was spouting all that hateful nonsense during his campaign to get a max amount of votes. If you listen to his speech after the election he was rather calm and didn't mention any of his most controversial ideas.


Trump only wanted to become president to show Obama that he could do it. He has no real plan and will probably let his staff handle all the presidential stuff.

You poor deluded libcuck, if Trump doesn't deliver there will be blood.

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I think the best thing we can do now is wait and see where he'll go. I'm sure all that nonsense he was spouting all that hateful nonsense during his campaign to get a max amount of votes. If you listen to his speech after the election he was rather calm and didn't mention any of his most controversial ideas.


Trump only wanted to become president to show Obama that he could do it. He has no real plan and will probably let his staff handle all the presidential stuff.

You poor deluded libcuck, if Trump doesn't deliver there will be blood.


Only from your ears. Listen to his speech, he's a one nation Tory. It was all a ploy to get construction contracts for his business. You've been had.

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I think the best thing we can do now is wait and see where he'll go. I'm sure all that nonsense he was spouting all that hateful nonsense during his campaign to get a max amount of votes. If you listen to his speech after the election he was rather calm and didn't mention any of his most controversial ideas.


Trump only wanted to become president to show Obama that he could do it. He has no real plan and will probably let his staff handle all the presidential stuff.

You poor deluded libcuck, if Trump doesn't deliver there will be blood.


Only from your ears. Listen to his speech, he's a one nation Tory. It was all a ploy to get construction contracts for his business. You've been had.


Makes no odds to me I'm not a Sherman.


I'm just enjoying the show.

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I think the best thing we can do now is wait and see where he'll go. I'm sure all that nonsense he was spouting all that hateful nonsense during his campaign to get a max amount of votes. If you listen to his speech after the election he was rather calm and didn't mention any of his most controversial ideas.


Trump only wanted to become president to show Obama that he could do it. He has no real plan and will probably let his staff handle all the presidential stuff.

You poor deluded libcuck, if Trump doesn't deliver there will be blood.


Only from your ears. Listen to his speech, he's a one nation Tory. It was all a ploy to get construction contracts for his business. You've been had.


Hold on.

His campaign committee spent about $238.9 million through mid-October, that's eye watering in UK Political terms.

Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that he would spunk away that kind of money to become President to ensure that he got construction contracts for his business?????

He could have spent half of that amount bribing the shit out of State Governors to get the same result and not have the additional shit of a Presidency.................

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The imperialists play meh-i-co at sock-her this week.

I wonder if Sanchez will beat the wall with the first attempt .


What if the Mexicans get a free kick and the Americans put a wall in front of the goal? Will they decide to tunnel their way into the penalty area?

Bum bum....bum BUM ba bum bum...bum bum. Bum bumba bum ba bum bum....

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Called it a page or 2 back....



Anyhow, it a cross thread lol, mate did a shop of how the main Hun forum would look after the Election.

Take note of the 1st thread after the stickies...




2 hours later, Life imitates Art..




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I think the best thing we can do now is wait and see where he'll go. I'm sure all that nonsense he was spouting all that hateful nonsense during his campaign to get a max amount of votes. If you listen to his speech after the election he was rather calm and didn't mention any of his most controversial ideas.


Trump only wanted to become president to show Obama that he could do it. He has no real plan and will probably let his staff handle all the presidential stuff.

You poor deluded libcuck, if Trump doesn't deliver there will be blood.


Only from your ears. Listen to his speech, he's a one nation Tory. It was all a ploy to get construction contracts for his business. You've been had.


Hold on.

His campaign committee spent about $238.9 million through mid-October, that's eye watering in UK Political terms.

Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that he would spunk away that kind of money to become President to ensure that he got construction contracts for his business?????

He could have spent half of that amount bribing the shit out of State Governors to get the same result and not have the additional shit of a Presidency.................


Trump highway 1, Trump national highway, Trump hospital, Trump state school, Donald Trump Institute for the Deranged..

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If you mean secede, it a) won't happen, B) isn't legal (see Texas v White), and, if someone does attempt it, c) will get stopped by the thousands of soldiers and sailors posted to California's network of military bases.


Hell, northern California has been trying to break the state apart for years with zero luck (see State of Jefferson).


California has just legalized marijuana, tacked a $2/pack tax on cigarettes, made it illegal to own high capacity magazines, enacted a requirement for a background check for ammunition sales, and outlawed plastic grocery sacks. They have a bit of adjustment to do before they will have the time to consider anything else.

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