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Brooke Astor

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There doesn't appear to be any articles in the NY Times about Astor today

oh hum, guess I'll have to cope with trawling other news papers to get my news fix for today

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An In-Law’s Charity Has One Donor, Astor, and Few Details


There's a photo of Astor's son at the top of the article. He looks quite a cold-hearted person, his wife looks quite timid and probably down-trodden

That story stinks. If they aren't up to no good then I'm a Dutchman.


It's symptomatic of the moral decline of society as a whole I suppose.

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It's symptomatic of the moral decline of society as a whole I suppose.


So is this site but I'm not planning to stop posting.

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It'll make a great TV movie when she finally goes.


But nothing famous. Probably just one of those Tuesday night movies of Lifetime.

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Aye, that was kind of the point Banshees, it'll be perfect as one of those highly emotional stories where actors of - ahem - limited abilities do the overwrought emotions. There'll be people watching the old girl playing Brooke asking themselves; 'What was she in years ago?'

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Aye, that was kind of the point Banshees, it'll be perfect as one of those highly emotional stories where actors of - ahem - limited abilities do the overwrought emotions. There'll be people watching the old girl playing Brooke asking themselves; 'What was she in years ago?'


It could be very overated as well. A few years after she's dead. It will be based on her horrible marriages and will probably zoom to her later life. Sleeping on a couch and not being treated properly.. I could imagine not all of her 104 years were something to remember.

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Aye, that was kind of the point Banshees, it'll be perfect as one of those highly emotional stories where actors of - ahem - limited abilities do the overwrought emotions. There'll be people watching the old girl playing Brooke asking themselves; 'What was she in years ago?'


It could be very overated as well. A few years after she's dead. It will be based on her horrible marriages and will probably zoom to her later life. Sleeping on a couch and not being treated properly.. I could imagine not all of her 104 years were something to remember.


I wonder how many of her 104 years so far she actually can remember

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Probably all of them, no kidding. The problem will come when she swears blind she had lunch with her dad yesterday because all the memories collide as the circuits in her brain short out and die.

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Probably all of them, no kidding. The problem will come when she swears blind she had lunch with her dad yesterday because all the memories collide as the circuits in her brain short out and die.



Indeed, there is nothing more funny that having a bunch of 80 and 90 year olds saying, 'I can't go too far because my mother will be shouting me for supper'.

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This letter was sent into the New York Times last week.


To the Editor:


Re “The Brooke Astor Effect’’ (editorial, Aug. 7):


The insinuation in your editorial that only now is Anthony Marshall’s mother, Brooke Astor, being properly cared for is unfair.


Mr. Marshall, who has had his mother’s health care proxy, made certain that a staff of eight, including registered nurses and nurse’s aides, were at her service, and spent millions of dollars for her care and comfort.


For more than 25 years, by powers of attorney, Mr. Marshall has also handled his mother’s financial matters, increasing her assets many times over. In 2004, his mother publicly described his efforts as “magnificent.”


Mr. Marshall has been lovingly devoted to his mother and her care. He does not deserve the one-sided, unremitting media attack that he and his wife have been subjected to.

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They're looking for writers, I think we should all apply!

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They're looking for writers, I think we should all apply!


Writers for comedy TV. How facinating that would be, writing about neglect of a 104 year old woman.

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Check the link BS, forget the story about Ms Astor the whole damn site is a wind up, here's an example. They're open to new writers and - frankly - some of the gags I've seen in posts on this site beat some of the stuff they're running today.

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Check the link BS, forget the story about Ms Astor the whole damn site is a wind up, here's an example. They're open to new writers and - frankly - some of the gags I've seen in posts on this site beat some of the stuff they're running today.




I think the bottom line let alone the content of the article gives it away somewhat :D


The story as represented above is written as a satire or parody. It is fictitious

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Aye indeed Phantom but it wasn't totally clear from the posts above that this had got through.

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It's been a while since I checked the NY Times, but it looks like there's finally some more movement with the case


Manhattan: Judge Partly Opens Astor Files


I don't understand the headline though. What does it mean by "partly opens Astor files"? did he just lift the corner and have a quick glance?

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Partly open; just a guess but.....



The grandson wanting the files open probably doesn't stand to benefit if the medical information proves she's already lost the plot, so he'd prefer those files to stay closed. If his legal team can prove the current care arrangements are inherantly unfair they can get them changed. If his dad - her son - is currently in legal control and can prove she's no longer of sound mind then he - ie the son and father of the grandson - has the power to make all decisions, or summat.


Re the press and public interest; they would say that wouldn't they, they just want the chance to air all the dirt and sell papers.

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Partly open; just a guess but.....



The grandson wanting the files open probably doesn't stand to benefit if the medical information proves she's already lost the plot, so he'd prefer those files to stay closed. If his legal team can prove the current care arrangements are inherantly unfair they can get them changed. If his dad - her son - is currently in legal control and can prove she's no longer of sound mind then he - ie the son and father of the grandson - has the power to make all decisions, or summat.


Re the press and public interest; they would say that wouldn't they, they just want the chance to air all the dirt and sell papers.


It's still very early in the morning for me :P

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Aye but yer posting like a demon, go for it Phantom!

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I found a more detailed report on the Brooke Astor case on CNN

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The judge noted that there was no evidence that extensive publicity about the guardianship battle has caused Astor distress.


Fair enough, but she hasn't seen this thread......yet!

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The judge noted that there was no evidence that extensive publicity about the guardianship battle has caused Astor distress.


Fair enough, but she hasn't seen this thread......yet!


Well I'm not sure if Astor is totally aware of what's happening. I guess all she knows is that she's staying in a nicer house compared to where she was before. Since she doesn't have to attend any of the hearings, there's no chance of any stress getting to her, apart from if she has to move to another house again.

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Some vicious bastard could, like, move the furniture and put her clothing on inside out.

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