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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/13 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    I missed it too. I read the whole article and couldn't find any swearing at all.
  2. 3 points
    At least this one didn't have any deaths. Also, the shooter was talked down by a teacher after hitting only one student. Proof we don't need fucking armed guards in schools.
  3. 2 points
    And Day, Domino, Gabor, de Haviland, Kissinger, Lamotta, Lynn, Mubarak, O'Toole, Philip, Reagan, Schmidt and Wallach, too! 14 hits in one day, this must be heaven! regards, Hein
  4. 1 point
    Because they're willing to slaughter everyone in their path
  5. 1 point
    Wasn't he also in 'Frenzy', Hitchcock's last British film? Indeed he was Bloody hell, about this time last year I was watching Frenzy with a friend and commented to him that it was a shame Jon Finch had died so young as I was convinced he was already dead, and was happy to be corrected. I've actually been excessively googling him recently for some reason (mostly because he was quite fit) so feel a bit weird now. That often happens to me.
  6. 1 point
    Do these Yanks have any idea how ludicrous they sound when they defend their gun culture?! A toddler could walk into a nursery and gun down all his little friends and they still wouldn't get it
  7. 1 point
    I have yet to see a realistic proposal for how a British Republic would function and how the head of states position would relate to that of the Prime Minister. Why the need for a proposal when the answer is "just do what Germany does"? http://www.republic.org.uk/What%20we%20want/In%20depth/The%20Case%20for%20a%20Republic/Policy/index.php
  8. 1 point
    A Trigger's broom band these days though. So are a lot of bands when they've clocked up 30+ years. The Dubliners finally split up recentky and they had none of the original members left! None of the originals alive even. Though I suppose you must have a hit if your band keeps going six months after the last of the founding members dies... In classical orchestras this is perfectly normal, so why not in pop bands? regards, Hein Classical orchestras are just cover bands, mostly.
  9. 1 point
    Idly googling the other day, I found a Wiki page for a fella I used to work with. The thing is, that his name is similar to someone who has done something noteworty in/with their life and not someone who has not. Definitely not (long story). I'd bet the mortgage that the arrogant prick put it there himself. Cunt.
  10. 1 point
    Man, I'd have picked that Amanat Indian rape victim broad as my 2013 team captain if she hadn't had the poor grace to die before 2013 started. Deadpooling is a sport where we embrace moral relativism and then 12 months later The Living End wins again.
  11. 1 point
    In a Dead Pool, the only line to be drawn is the line through the name of the deceased.
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