Do these Yanks have any idea how ludicrous they sound when they defend their gun culture?! A toddler could walk into a nursery and gun down all his little friends and they still wouldn't get it
They'll blame the taking of "God" and prayer out of the schools.
Kinda proves my point
Mike Huckabee already started that line of blame after the Sandy Hook massacre, although I don't think he could explain all the shootings that happened prior to prayer being removed. Plus all the blame about video games being the reason, although that didn't stop Charles Whitman in 1966. Video games...No. Prayer in schools..Yes
Killed 16 and injured 32.
Prayer was never removed from schools - that's the kicker. SPONSORED prayer, yes. ORGANIZED prayer, yes. Prayer in and of itself - no. Anyone can pray their little bohiney off in any school, courthouse, jail, federal building, etc... in the US. What Huckabee and his ilk want is for the schools to have organized prayer again.
Wiki has a good rundown of Engle v Vitale and Abington SD v Schempp.
A friend of mine used to have a bumper sticker that said something like 'Anyone who thinks there is no prayer in public schools should be here during final exams." Truth.